Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Matinee

Zebra Mussels
Zebra Mussels (Photo credit: Todd Moon)
Email from WLIC yesterday regarding a You Tube piece on Zebra Mussels:

Here is the link:

Zebra mussels sign, Antrim - -...
Zebra mussels sign, Antrim - - 1625378 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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1 comment:

Bissell Threadwort said...

It is a good video.

Everyone makes the huge assumption they are transferred by boats. (yes I know they get on boats but there is nothing that says they survive the trailering process.) - Did anyone pay any particular attention to around 23m:30s in the vid?

Notice that it is a Nevada Fish Hatchery. Hmmm.recent outbreak there.