Tuesday, October 29, 2013

When It Rains...

Tonight's agenda was not posted on the website, but the following was posted from the public meeting for rates held earlier this month.

Effective the first billing cycle after November 30, 2013, bi-monthly water rates charged by the City of Weatherby Lake to change as follows:
IN-CITY RATES - Will change:

From $10.75 per 1,000 to $11.45 per 1,000 for the first 4,000 gallons
From $4.05 per 1,000 gallons thereafter to $5.00 per 1,000 gallons thereafter.


From $20.50 per 1,000 to $22.90 per 1,000 for the first 4,000 gallons
From $8.10 per 1,000 gallons thereafter to $10.00 per 1,000 gallons thereafter.

Effective the first billing cycle after November 30, 2013 bi-monthly sewer rate of $150.00 will remain unchanged. Grinder pump fee will increase from $24.00 bi-monthly charge to $30.00 bi-monthly charge.

Grinder rates continue to grind upward. And take a look at out of city...yipes. Discussion last BOA (ok, the Mayor discussed) the continuing decline of water usage, thus revenue, for the City. Based on the new rates I would think there will be more brown lawns this coming year.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Anonymous said...

Are you a week early? It's still October, after all.

Anonymous said...

If the cost to live in Weatherby Lake continues to increase, not only will water usage decrease, the population will decrease as well because many will begin to realize its not worth living there!

Jackdaw Observer said...

What would alleviate the cost of living here is a commercial/retail development to bring in sales tax revenue.

Anonymous said...

Good point on commercial development but let's just say a couple of businesses were allowed on the bean field. Would the city government use the revenue to buy new unneeded police toys, city hall upgrades, or other pet projects and continue to increase living expenses on the citizens?

Jackdaw Observer said...

The reality is, Anonymous 7:02, you may be right.

Anonymous said...

The Bean Field is in the city limits of Kansas City, MO. They would get the revenue, not Weatherby Lake. Do you really want a Quik Trip there...do you really think this would be good for the water quality of our Lake?

Anonymous said...

702 What do you mean by unneeded police toys, city hall upgrades, or other pet projects?

Anonymous said...

4:26 - I'm not 7:02 but one "pet project" that come to mind are the $1500 fancy street and stop signs.

Anonymous said...

The Park Board owns that 'pet project'. Your taxes they collect at work. Independent from City. Try again, 4:26.

Anonymous said...

11:14 - and that is your justification for $1500 signs? So it doesn't matter where the money comes from? Stupid expenditure regardless how the money was siphoned off the taxpayer. You belong with all the incompetent politicians who bankrupted Detroit frivolously spending taxpayers money for their "pet projects."

Anonymous said...

Apologize 11:14, directed to irresponsible 4:57.

Anonymous said...

Well 9:08 & 9:13, nuf said. When you rant, get it right the first time, OK? The City and the Park Board are two different entities. BTW, how many Park Board meetings have you EVER attended, tea bagger?