Coming home from the airport last night the driver needed navigational assistance (by the way, if you need a ride to/from the airport I recommend Platinum Transportation, 880-9400, Rick the owner lives in Wildwood.). The driver remembered something about Mayor Funk reflecting on the speed of the Minneapolis bridge rebuild...yes, but that is MN and this is KCMO. Anyway, a loyal reader submitted this pic for consideration...I like it.
You might have missed the Special Board meeting last Thursday evening at 7PM. Most people missed it, as I understand, there were three citizens in the audience as the Aldermen and Mayor discussed water and sewer rates. To Mary's credit, she sent a note out to her email list about the meeting on Monday afternoon, unfortunately I don't access RR while on the road. If you have read this blog at all you know KCMO is raising rates, so that is no surprise. What complicates matters is the recently completed sewer study which indicated necessary upgrades here in WL. There will be continued discussion this coming Tuesday night at the regularly scheduled BOA meeting. I have never been a fan of Special Board meetings, there is just too much going on outside of City business, I guess the miserable attendance speaks to that. We'll just have to get caught up Tuesday night.
I like Mike's blog website because it helps to know what's going on. He also has a sense of humor. 10% of the blogs give good viewpoints, give more information or ask questions. 90% seem to have nothing good to say except to slam someone. Kudos to those 10%.
Mayor York also had "special Board Meetings". Lots of them. Yet, nothing is ever said about those? In fact, I believe it was a "special board meeting" that voted on closing the Community Center AND it was held during working hours! What about that? Why not give a balanced review Mike? Or is this web site only purposed for promoting Alan York?
I believe we closed the Community Center because the budget requied to keep the city operating was voted down.
We really do need more factual information and more discourse in an open forum
Often times the facts are difficult things…
Had I been successful in the past knocking on doors spreading innuendo ,half truths and getting proxies then I would be concerned about this site too.
I am proud to say I am a supporter of Allen York and I watched in disgust as the campaign based on “appearances” worked and I think we lost a good Mayor .
You know who needs to be “slammed“?
The person who hung and effigy of our good Mayor in his yard on the night of an election
But lets be nice …
Pay no attention to that elephant in the room
If you read the blog with any regularity you will know I generally do not comment about Comments. I blog something, you respond, that's ok. I don't want to get into a back and forth. I will make an exception regarding Jan 31, 10:34. Just a bit of background. During the past five years I have attended most of the BOA meetings, both as an Alderman and citizen. I have been consistently opposed to Special Board meetings, no matter the administration. Ask Mr York. Actually the winner for most Special Board meetings is Mike Henderson, Jerry might well exceed Henderson. That is my point. The CC situation was discussed at numerous BOA meetings, community forums and in mailings (paid for by the mayor and aldermen personally)to all citizens. No secrets, no snap decisions. You might recall balancing the budget then also required reducing 24/7 police coverage.
The current administration, mayor and BOA promised more/better communication as part of the last campaign. Remember Jerry talking about community meetings in the park? I guess I must have been out of town. Ok, he has a page in WLL, just like York, Henderson, Kendrick before him. Anything else? I'm from Missouri, Show Me.
Alan York is capable of promoting himself. He certainly doesn't need me. Did I vote for him last election, yep. Did I explain my vote, yes, you can check that out on the postings on the blog. It is interesting when shortcomings of the current crew are exposed some want to immediately bash York? Huh?
It's one thing to slam someone and then another to point out substantiated problems or issues about a situation or person. That falls under "more information" or a "good viewpoint". It's very helpful when someone makes an incorrect claim if someone else could come in (like Mike does) and put things straight .
Unfortunately some my neighbors
Knock on doors and campaign by spreading lies and and half truths
Continue to work against our interests in newspapers ,in court and with outside interests
Divide and undermine our community from within
Why is it that what troubles you are the symptoms rather than the behavior?
all you have to do is go to improvement co meetings to know that Gross continues his games and read court docs to see what he did to work against us with zona r. that's behavior we should be fed u[p with too
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