Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Check Is In The Mail

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there was no EAGC report, and I anticipate an inquiring mind will ask the question regarding finances, so here is the info.  There was a balance sheet for "City Entrance Proj. Fund" as of August 30th, 2012.  It shows:

  • Total Revenue: $163,242
  • Total Expenses $160,413
  • Fund Balance: $32,123
There have been 44 total donations totaling $163,290 as of yesterday, with mostly modest donations trickling in.  The Fund received its first donation from an Alderman, Dave and Debra Folkedahl gave $25.  Platte Valley Bank donated $50.

The original signed pledges when the project began totaled $240,000, plus $10,000 in verbal pledges, plus the $50,000 received from KCMO, for total anticipated funding of $300,000.

A person in Comments yesterday pointed out landscaping was yet to be done on the new monuments in place.  Original plans were to spend a substantial amount on landscaping, those plans, at the last meeting I attended, have been pared back.  The City and EAGC have a long way to go to complete the project.
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Anonymous said...

I don't care how many plants, bushes, trees you put at the city hall monument, it will still be butt ugly. The setting is awful, the boat yard, the driveway, the back of city hall and a telephone pole right in the middle of the dang thing. Really?

Anonymous said...

No fuzzy math here, there isn't enough money to finish job.

Anonymous said...

Confused with the math. If revenue is 163K minus 160K expenses, how is there 30K left?

mike moratz said...

The revenue/expenses reflect the City balance sheet for this calendar year. As you know, there has been some revenue, and expenses, in the past two years. The "kitty" began with the $50,000 from KCMO as part of the demolition of the Barry Road monuments.