Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Quiet Time

Quiet around the City, the County elections have passed, the hot weather has moved on and the transition to fall is underway.  I didn't make the Budget workshop last night for the City but I can make an educated guess we don't have lots of money to throw around next year.  One issue hanging over the City and not in our immediate control is the soon to expire County Road Tax.  Really important and the County Commissioners will have to make the call.  Word was Presiding Commissioner Brown was in favor of a reduced or eliminated tax and then Commissioner Dusenbery was along for the ride.  Hey Bev, what do you think?
Potholes Glendish Road
Potholes Glendish Road (Photo credit: Alan Stanton)
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Anonymous said...

Any taxes I might have to pay are bad

Why cant we borrow for what we want?

I am a CINO ( conservative in name only)

"deficits dont matter as a percentage of GDP "

Google it

Anonymous said...

Thats exacty right! Obama couldnt make change for a $1 bill. He's put the country in the worst debt we have ever experienced. Over $16,000,000,000.000.00 in debt. Gas sky high. Printing money out of thin air weakening our dollar causing prices of everything to go up. EPA out of control preventing us from using our own natural resources. Handing out money to solor panel mfgs. who take the money and go bankrupt. No foreign policy. Wars all over the Middle East. A terrorist attack on our US Embassy on 9-11. Our Ambassador and other Americans murdered by al-Queda. Obama skipping daily intelligence briefings and covering up the terrorist attack by trying to blame it on a movie. Hope and Change. Its here, enjoy it! OK Obama Zomies - your turn - all together now! ITS BUSH'S FAULT!

Anonymous said...

All the numbers point to Obama will win the next election. Going to have to live with it 3:00.

Anonymous said...

September 27, 2012 3:00 PM

Dont let your partisan emotion get in the way of the facts

70 % of Americans do believe its BUSH"S FAULT thats why he has a 20 % apporval rating .Only Dick Cheney and your Congress is lower

George W. Bush on Monday, November 8th, 2010 in an interview on NBC's "Today Show"

LAUER: In your book, you wrote, quote, "When I finished, when I entered politics I made a decision. I would confront problems, not pass them on to future generations," end quote. Let's talk about the deficit.

BUSH: Right.

LAUER: In the case of deficit, didn't you do the opposite, didn't you pass it along to a future generation?

BUSH: Actually if you look at the statistics, my deficit to GDP during my presidency was lower than Ronald Reagan's by half. Lower than my dad's. And only Bill Clinton among modern presidents, let me finish-

LAUER: Go ahead.

BUSH: My debt to GDP was the lowest or one of the lowest of modern presidents. My taxes to GDP was the lowest and my spending to GDP. Now I argued my fiscal record was strong, especially given the fact that we had to deal with recession and funding two wars necessary to protect the American people.

LAUER: But you were the only president since the Civil War who didn't raise taxes to pay for those wars. And you left office with a $10.7 trillion deficit, debt.

BUSH: No I think the way to look at it is the debt relative to the size of the economy. It's the only fair way to judge previous administrations to this, to my administration. And our debt to GDP was one of the lowest in modern history

So lets see ...Obamas mistake was continuing two prolonged wars rather than stick with a single military strike We were attacked by Al Qaeda and we spent ten years and trillions fighting Sadamn and the Taliban . That strategy of prolonged war has more to do with the interests of Haliburton KBR and Blackwater , but you worry about wasted money "solor panels "
You see campaign finance support has to be repaid
So were did the rest of the 16 trillion in debt come from ?Federal spending has grown 62 percent faster than inflation since 2000.
Defense spending has grown 91 percent over its pre-9/11 trough, yet still remains well below the historical average as a percentage of the economy.
The expensive Medicare drug benefit played a large role in Medicare’s sharp cost increase.
Anti-poverty spending rose rapidly under President George W. Bush, and has risen again during the recession.
Unemployment spending is also up due to the recession

Over 40 % cost of Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid,
and net interest is projected
to rise to 15.6
percent of GDP—making
you responsible for
nearly the entire rising
budget deficit.
You are in the 47 % of people who live off the government dont you ?

Anonymous said...

Facts are stubborn

You wont get this info from Fox or IBD

Expand your thinking . It will save us all