Saturday, September 1, 2012

Just Do It

I did.  Yesterday morning I sent an email to all of the Aldermen and Mayor, asking them to not add golf carts  and similar vehicles to our streets.  Before noon I had heard from Mayor Bos and Alderman DeJong thanking me for my input, Alderman Hoy responded they will be discussing the idea at the next BOA.  Nothing from Finn or Folkedahl yet (Folkedahl is clearly in the golf cart camp).

So what about you?  You are on your computer/Ipad/smart phone this very second.  At the end of this sentence simply click into email.

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Anonymous said...

I nearly got run off the road by a lawn service truck and trailer yesterday, in a rush, on East Side. A slow poke golf cart would have been no match.

Anonymous said...

I saw Boes racing down the street the other day, kid wih no seatbelt, another hazard on the road.

Anonymous said...

I think the city should provide charging stations for golf carts at city hall and the cummunity center.

Anonymous said...

I can see golf carts for retirement and golf communities. I don’t see the purpose for Weatherby Lake.
Would anyone feel safe with your child in a golf cart around here?
All it would take is one accident. How would the proponents for golf carts feel if there was one serious accident? Would it still be worth it?

Anonymous said...

Why can't someone just get into their car?

Anonymous said...

Ask John Bugg how it works to try to drive your car down to the water to reach your boat. Uh...not so good.

Anonymous said...

What's stopping him from walking down to his boat? Walking down to his boat is no different than the majority of lakefront people walking down their backyard to their boat.

Agenda 22 said...

Here are my silly jokes and comments and worthless opinions about the great golf cart debate.

@8:39 The ordinance doesn't go far enough! I think we could add a couple more things.

I can see bicycles for retirement and golf communities. I don't see the purpose for Weatherby Lake. Would anyone feel safe with your child riding a bicycle around here? All it would take is one accident. How would the proponents of bicycles feel if there was one serious accident? Would it still be worth it?

I can see scissors for retirement and golf communities. I don't see the purpose for Weatherby Lake. Would anyone feel safe with your child having scissors around here? How would the proponents of scissors feel if there was one serious accident? Would it still be worth it?

Swimming is probably just a risky as driving a golf cart. You could probably find just as many news stories about swimming as Mike found about Golf Cart's.

There is no 'crime' taking place when someone drives a golf cart down the street. If it is an ugly golf cart then maybe some kind of fashion police could be called but...hey..There is no victim - no corpus delicti
Who would swear out the complaint? Why would they do it? What would the 'cause' be?

You can't keep someone from getting hurt by passing laws. People get hurt in all kinds of ways all the time. It is just one of those sad facts of life. I was hurt pretty bad when I was a kid when I was on a water slide. Would I want a law against water slides? No way! those things are fun! Some activities like riding water slides and swimming are just risky.

Good laws protect people's rights and liberties - they don't take them away.
Bad laws always have bad unintended consequences and create opression, despair, and strife.

Here is an interesting web page on the right to travel.

I'm not a lawyer but it seems to read pretty plain.

I don't own a golf cart. I don't want a golf cart. I don't sell golf carts. I do however, support my neighbors who want to roll that way. However, I cannot in good conscience support any of those souped-up garden tractors the young whipper snappers are driving these days. That is just going way too far.

PS; we are all travelling along in this together..would be way better trip if we took care of one another.