Sunday, January 20, 2013

Nako No More

English: Rapiscan TSA How it works
English: Rapiscan TSA How it works (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Kind of...The KC Star via the Associated Press reports the Rapiscan scanners at various TSA stops at airports are being removed...seems the company has not been able to resolve privacy issues in regards to the naked images projected by the machines.  MCI has two of the machines, one @ Delta and one @ Southwest.  Both should be in the scrap heap by June.  Supposedly the machines are being replaced by devices that have a more generic outline of passenger's privates (huh?).  I think the whole business is a joke, but then we don't want to irritate our friends at TSA, do we.  In any event, there is a bright side to this news.  Bubba uses Delta quite often (he is a Ubber Double Diamond Presidents Club Billion Miler) and always caused a stir as he passed through the Rapiscan, the agents crowded around the screen to view his...well, you get the idea.  With the new generic view scanners, the pace of the flow through the check point should increase as the Bubbster's stuff is generisized.
English: Backscatter Imaging "Backscatter...
English: Backscatter Imaging "Backscatter technology projects low level X-ray beams over the body to create a reflection of the body displayed on the monitor. Backscatter technology produces an image that resembles a chalk etching." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Anonymous said...

Lethal weapon!
Hubba Bubba.

Anonymous said...

parts is just parts

Anonymous said...

Government intrusion in to my freedoms and this nonsense is part of the largest expansion of government in my lifetime

Maybe we should stop starting wars and creating enemies and spending trillions spreading freedom

This cost alot and it will surely have to come out of somebdy elses entitlements

Of course no one thinks their entitlements are part of the issue