Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Slow News Day

You know it's a slow news day when the headlines include:
  • Gas Prices Are Up: National Average $2.63, a year ago $4.05 (AAA)
  • Vasectomy By The Numbers: Men in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Parkville most likely to have a vasectomy, least likely in DC, New Jersey and Hawaii. No report on WL (USA Today)

Ok, I might have added local color to the second item, more observational in nature.


Anonymous said...

Is it true that the BOA is developing terrorism contingency and preparedness plans to include a WLPD SWAT team ?

How will it be paid for ?

Well it was suggested that Bed Linen could be found at the Bed Bath and Beyond on Barry Road.

Lets pay for prepardedness now or we may have to deal with the mushroom cloud later.

mike moratz said...

Don't know about SWAT team, but after attending many BOA meetings I can assure you they have formed a counter-intelligence task force. Proof is in the pudding, in a manner of speaking.

Last meeting, question from Alderman Vic "Do we have a deadline for pet licenses?" I guess it is good he knows we have pet licenses.