Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Yellow Brick Road

The Official Unofficial Minutes
WL Board of Alderman
2 June

No, not that Road (Barry), the roads within WL. Hopefully you have noticed the completion of the repaving projects for this year. George reported the total expenditures came to $499,000 which largely spends the money made available by the Bond money from three years ago.

Because of the opportunity of lower asphalt costs, Jerry decided to "throw away the old (5 year) plan" and start a new 5 year plan. According to the new plan, by the end of 2014, Jerry believes all of our streets will be in "excellent condition". These conditions will persist until 2020 when six roads will need repaving. Jerry says money is there to fund the new 5 year plan. Vic helped draft the new plan. One of the interesting assumptions was the life of newly paved roads is 20 years. Seems like a long time to me. I haven't seen the details of the plan, but I would like to see the funding sources and the information used to come up with the 20 year figure.

Speaking of bricks, the Monument Committee has received a figure of $1,800 per site for survey of each site. $3,000 has already been paid to the design firm.


Anonymous said...

What is the Monument Committee?

Anonymous said...

Who are the members of the Monument