I don't often comment about comments, and usually, if I do, it is in the Comments area. Thought I would make an exception regarding the last post and comments.
It is true, under the new trash contract, a citizen can opt out of trash/recycling/ yard waste completely...dispose of your stuff in another manner (a small number of residents have been doing this for years)...must have a very deep hole in their backyards. You can opt not to have yard waste pickup and just have trash/recycling. You don't have to recycle, if you don't want to...but if you elect to have the city provider, Allied Waste, pick up your trash, you will pay for recycling, whether you recycle or not. I suppose you can tell them you don't want a recycle roller bin if you don't intend on recycling...but you will pay for it. Hope that clarifies the issue...I think Ace got it right...if all else fails call/write Jerry/Mary, I think you will get the same answer.
A small number of people in Weatherby still get their drinking water from other sources. If you contract with the city for drinking water, you will pay for flouride addition to the water, though after watching this video, you could decide not to use it.
Just go ahead and drink the Kool-Aid. Our Govt. knows whats best for us!
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