May 3rd
(As reported by Ace and others)
The BOA approved the fireworks contract, $15,000 ($20,000 worth because we pay in advance). No music this year. In regards to last years display, Alderman Hoy said "last years decision was tragic" (to hold the fireworks during inclement weather). Alderman Finn said she made the call to do the display on the 4th because the forecast was the same for the 5th. Mayor Bos asked if the PD had a problem leaving the dam road closed if they went to a rain date...answer, no. So, the Big Bang is scheduled for the 4th, rain date the 5th. We shall see if the Rain Gods smite us again.
Details on donating to the fireworks fund (and new rain-out alert plan), the Parade Days theme/schedule, and info on the Women's Club dance is loaded on the clity website. Click on the calendar links or go to Women's Club page.
I enjoyed fighting the wind and rain last year... We one of the few pontoons on the lake during the fireworks
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