But from the Park Hill School Board perspective he won't be taking more of your money next year. So the decision goes by the Board not to increase the tax levy. Even though a projected shortfall of $600,000 from the revenue line is in the offing PH held the line. You recall earlier this year the District successfully got a "no tax increase" bond issue passed and not long after that the hint of a potential levy increase roiled some board members and tax payers. Things will be tight around the district as they hope for any increase on the revenue line and watch the spends. Sign of the times.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Grid
Speaking of other people's problems, two of my work colleagues were without power last night because of Irene, one in Boston the other near Princeton, NJ. Neither reported tremendous winds but apparently just enough to crash the power grid in their areas. Not pretty.
Monday, August 29, 2011
And We Think We Have Problems
We have our bouts of poo leakage into the lake with subsequent shut down for swimming activities. Nasty E.Coli. Misery loves company, take our friends in JoCo (please). According to the KCStar, "Environmental regulators have strongly recommended" that all pools be closed because of the cryptosporidium parasite...eeeuuuu! Leawood's aquatic center was closed down last week and 11 pools have been "implicated in the transmission of cryptosporidium". Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water. All you folks who turn up your noses at us pond floaters beware, crypto is stalking you.
Related articles
- Escherichia coli (E.coli) Diarrhea, Spread, Types and Symptoms (healthhype.com)
- Can you get cysts or any other parasite from tap water (wiki.answers.com)
- Beaver Fever Fanaticism: EPA Eco-Radicals Are Hurting Families at the Tap (pajamasmedia.com)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Surfin @ C Point
Related articles
- A Few More Tutorials for Painting on Silk (woodhavenstudio.wordpress.com)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hazard Your Waste
Regional Household Hazardous
Waste Collection Participating Members
Nadja Karpilow, HHW Program Coordinator
August 19, 2011
Expanded hours and service at KC HHW
Effective July 2011
the Kansas City
facility no longer requires appointments to drop off material.
The new hours are
Thursday and Friday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am – 4 p.m.
The address is 4707
Deramus, just south of the Chouteau bridge. 513-8400 (Same as before)
The change is a
result of
Related articles
- Casa Link: Vintage Hazardous Waste (casasugar.com)
- Are hazardous materials hazardous substances and hazardous wastes are all the same thing (wiki.answers.com)
Friday, August 26, 2011
You may have received another email from A. Jennerich concerning the City Yard...it is open again for yard waste from the storm. Curiously, there has been no official communication from the City announcing the times and dates when the Yard will be available. Even Ms Hoy, who usually keeps those on her email list informed, has not sent a zgram out to her followers. Odd. Nothing on the City website as of this morning. This administration seems to believe that no communication is the best path to deal with the citizens (the recent fiasco regarding Allied Waste is a perfect example).
My advice if you need to know the status of the yard this weekend is to call Mayor Bos and/or Aldermen Hoy, DeJong, Finn, Folkedahl. Don't pester the staff at City Hall, they have real work to do. Your elected officials are standing by, waiting for your calls.
Mayor Bos 741-0055
My advice if you need to know the status of the yard this weekend is to call Mayor Bos and/or Aldermen Hoy, DeJong, Finn, Folkedahl. Don't pester the staff at City Hall, they have real work to do. Your elected officials are standing by, waiting for your calls.
Mayor Bos 741-0055
Eastside Aldermen | |
Tanya Finn | 816.587.9957 |
Dave Folkedahl | 816.746.5511 |
Westside Aldermen | |
Mary Hoy | 816.584.1365 |
Vic DeJong | 816.587.4865 |
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hearing & BOA Meeting Tonight
There will be a public hearing before the
Board of Aldermen of the City of Weatherby Lake at Town Hall, 7200 NW Eastside
Drive, Platte County, Weatherby Lake, Missouri at 6:30 pm on Thursday, August 25,
2011 at which time the citizens may be heard on the property tax rate proposed
to be set by the City of Weatherby Lake for the 2011 tax year.
Board of Alderman Meeting
A Special Board of Alderman meeting will be
held on Thursday, August 25, 2011 immediately following the Public Hearing at
the City of Weatherby Lake at Town Hall, 7200 NW Eastside Drive, Platte County,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Flash Mob Hits WL
Although the details aren't clear, one thing is certain. Sunday, a flash mob bearing tree trunks, limbs, and branches descended on City Hall, fueled by an email telling the mob the City Yard was open and available for the dumping of yard waste. The citizens, ravaged by consecutive days of storms, were only too ready to deposit Mother Nature's fury...so they did. The gates open and unattended were no match for the hordes. One female witness called it "chaos" as piles of debris stacked up, inundating the yard. So much so the Yard was closed on Monday, much to the chagrin of the after mob. One thing is clear, flash means now, you snooze, you lose.
Related articles
- Female Flash Mob Storms D.C. Convenience Store [Watch] (jezebel.com)
- Elegant flash mob hits South Lake Union (bizjournals.com)
- My 1st Flash Mob! (askmssonya.wordpress.com)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
And The Questions Begin
Many folks had some yard work to do after the series of storms that pounded WL over the weekend. If you were lucky, you had some small branches and a few black walnuts to pick up. Unlucky? Chain saw time and major branches/limbs to deal with. Currently many big limbs and trees awaiting to be addressed by the professionals Quite a few people were able to deal with the mess on their own...and when AJ's email hit the net on Sunday regarding the "Yard behind city hall open", a steady stream of trailers and trucks took advantage to dump their debris.
Except, as quickly as it opened it apparently closed on Monday. And a number of citizens expecting to dump got dumped on. Ouch. My neighbor would like to know:
Except, as quickly as it opened it apparently closed on Monday. And a number of citizens expecting to dump got dumped on. Ouch. My neighbor would like to know:
- Who decided to open the City Yard to debris?
- Who was told it was open, and how?
- Who decided to close the Yard?
- How was it communicated?
Monday, August 22, 2011
Debris Or Not Debris?
August 22, 2011 11:05:19 AM CDT
City no longer accepting tree debris
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Almost forgot...small matter of the lake being closed...culprit this time was West side lift station in O cove. How many hours/gallons of poo went into the lake?
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Email from A. Jennerich
"Yard behind city hall open for disposal of tree debris"
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Daylight gave quite a few surprises to WL didn't it? Some homes and trees suffered while others went virtually unscathed....go figure. Our power came back on a little after 3PM and luckily the cool overcast sky kept things reasonable. We went to Parkville to watch the Marching Trojan Band perform at the Parkville parade, that was fun. Back at the ranch the tree that decided to lean on our house seemed to cut us some slack, we think we have minor damage and that is about it. Monday the chain saw will remove the fallen.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
See Below
Another day, another storm, another lights out. For the third time in a week, no power, lost it @ 2 AM. Looked outside and saw a big tree, now horizontal, partially leaning on the house, not good. Don't think we have major damage to the house, hard to tell in the dark.
KCPL website indicates 50% of 64152 is out...we'll see what dawn brings.
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KCPL website indicates 50% of 64152 is out...we'll see what dawn brings.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
The Big Blow...Again
Don't know about the East Side, but we lost power about 11PM last evening...getting a bit old? The grid on the West Side seems especially fragile. I did go out this morning @ 5AM, power was on in the East Side, including most of West Side Drive. The rest of the West Side, not so much. Power on @ Barry all the way East.
Lights back on around 5:30 AM, so the school routine not interrupted. I know other parts of the metro were affected, but for those of us on the West Side, it makes us wonder.
Lights back on around 5:30 AM, so the school routine not interrupted. I know other parts of the metro were affected, but for those of us on the West Side, it makes us wonder.
May 22nd
If you want or need inspiration, read the front page column in yesterday's KC Star regarding the first day of school in Joplin. Miraculous. Courageous. Gutsy. There is a long road ahead, but yesterday was a needed celebration in the face of the massive destruction of May 22nd.
Related articles
- Back to school for students in Joplin (cbsnews.com)
- St. John's Mercy Reveals Site of New Joplin Hospital (prweb.com)
- A $500,000 gift from the embassy of the United Arab Emirates to spend on laptops for Joplin High School in Missouri (hazima.wordpress.com)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tiger Tale
We began our contribution to the Columbia economy yesterday as Mboy began his collegiate career at Mizzou. The rain couldn't dampen his spirits as we moved his stuff in...could it be the prospects of BioChem that made him smile or the cute co-eds next door..I just couldn't tell. I never lived in a dorm so the hubbub of day was new to me. Quite a few Park Hill grads in the vicinity, including his roommate, so it isn't like there's not a friendly face around. Jayhawk fans don't despair, his Jayhawk mom will keep the rivalry intact, nothing like a little border war...right?
Related articles
- Mizzou flip-flopper not cleared to practice for Tigers - yet (collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Booby Prize
Sunday was the 18th Annual Komen Race for the Cure (Breast Cancer) downtown in KCMO. Three of our family participated, the fourth enrolled in the "Sleep In For The Cure" event. As always an inspiring happening, my 11th, was a bit more meaningful this year. Lisa's friend Terri had her double radical mastectomy two weeks ago and showed up for the 1 mile walk...amazing. Many inspirational stories of courage and survival as well as participants who were there in memory of those who died from the cancer.
Bubba, me and Mboy did the 5K, a nice assortment of bands playing on the course and a relatively cool day made for a pleasant run. They say there were 30,000 who walked or ran, regardless, there was lots of pink. If you've never participated I highly recommend you consider it next year.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
But She's Such a Nice Looking Young Lady...
Had to go to Strassers yesterday (the mega hardware store on Southwest Blvd) to pick up a hard to find item. Chatting with the clerk, he asked me where I was from..."WL" to which he responded, "You put people in jail" and "BSSANLYL" (see title).
What to do? I could correct myself and say " Did I say WL, I meant Weatherby (our neighboring city to the north."...or maybe "yeah, Joe and Gary are out of control "...or "we don't catch many speeders anymore so we have moved on to the more lucrative industry of catching trespassers". Cornered, (I was in the weed killer section) I blurted out my only defense..."What about old ugly people?"
Huh? I could sense I had him on the ropes. "yeah, you know, people like me, old, poorly dressed, ugly people" (I was wearing old shorts, a PHHS Volleyball T and my Hospital Hill cap). Clearly non-descripts like me are arrested everyday, so in the name of fairness a few of the beautiful people have to bite the bullet.". He looked at me intently...what was going on in his mind? (Hopefully he was thinking I wasn't that old...or ugly).
Caught between a rock and a hard place, he responded, "Oh".
I smiled, did an about face and hurried to the checkout. Old and ugly...it's a beautiful thing...
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What to do? I could correct myself and say " Did I say WL, I meant Weatherby (our neighboring city to the north."...or maybe "yeah, Joe and Gary are out of control "...or "we don't catch many speeders anymore so we have moved on to the more lucrative industry of catching trespassers". Cornered, (I was in the weed killer section) I blurted out my only defense..."What about old ugly people?"
Huh? I could sense I had him on the ropes. "yeah, you know, people like me, old, poorly dressed, ugly people" (I was wearing old shorts, a PHHS Volleyball T and my Hospital Hill cap). Clearly non-descripts like me are arrested everyday, so in the name of fairness a few of the beautiful people have to bite the bullet.". He looked at me intently...what was going on in his mind? (Hopefully he was thinking I wasn't that old...or ugly).
Caught between a rock and a hard place, he responded, "Oh".
I smiled, did an about face and hurried to the checkout. Old and ugly...it's a beautiful thing...
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Saturday, August 13, 2011
They're Going to Fight The Charges
So says the talking head from KMBC in regards to the case of the Maligned Trespasser. Court on Thursday evening was packed (I am told) as Jennifer Payne made her appearance in WL Court. Her attorney, Gina Simone, requested a continuance which was granted. So, the case of the Maligned Trespasser goes on.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Slow News Day
Page 5
Reporter Glenn Rice observes "Widening of North Amity is under way". No kidding. According to Sean Demory of KCMO CIMO, the full completion of the Barry Road improvement project will be completed in "mid-2012". We can hardly wait, right? He observed, "The design on the projects began in 2004 and construction began in 2009".
Related articles
- What do snails eat? (freddiethesnail.wordpress.com)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Tempest
Survive Sunday's blast? We barely made it home last Sunday (literally seconds) before the wind, rain(1+inch), and hail hit the lake. We fared well with just small branches to pick up, others not so much...the sounds of chain saws and chippers still echoing across the lake last evening. We got our power back about 9PM...losing power is kind of a reality check isn't it?
The sewage spill was attributed to an aging line laid on top of rock which caused the line to bend...and with the restoration of power, the surge of poo in the line caused the line to break. A late night of repairs followed, just one of those things.
Tonight the Judge swings into action in City Court, should be interesting?
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The sewage spill was attributed to an aging line laid on top of rock which caused the line to bend...and with the restoration of power, the surge of poo in the line caused the line to break. A late night of repairs followed, just one of those things.
Tonight the Judge swings into action in City Court, should be interesting?
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Satan Sandwich
"Cleaver and his friends use the language of fairness and justice to suggest the only policy in keeping with "the great religions of the world" is to grab a bigger share of other people's money, ignoring the growth of debt and the threat it will impede the wealth-creation process on which these politicians feed. Their basic programs of more and more and more, runs the risk of creating more people dependent on government."
Related articles
- Rep. Cleaver Reveals Ingredients Of 'Satan Sandwich' And Why His GOP Colleagues Are Not 'Satan' (mediaite.com)
- Would You Like Some Freedom Fries With That Satan Sandwich? (themoderatevoice.com)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The oh-so-costly problem child of KC government
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
KC Star Editorial, page C7, Sunday August 7th
"In fact, residential sewer rates now are projected to go up 15 percent each year for the foreseeable future".
What will be the impact on water and sewer rates in WL? Not really discussed at the BOA other than Jerry mused about the YTD water usage and the potential to hit the 60 million gallon mark in the budget.
KC Star Editorial, page C7, Sunday August 7th
"In fact, residential sewer rates now are projected to go up 15 percent each year for the foreseeable future".
What will be the impact on water and sewer rates in WL? Not really discussed at the BOA other than Jerry mused about the YTD water usage and the potential to hit the 60 million gallon mark in the budget.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Good Continued
Draft Minutes, Infrastructure Committee Meeting
Need for Accurate Construction Specs:
Need for Accurate Construction Specs:
- "we may simply have to re-stake, rather than re-survey"
Design Issues:
- "There was a question as to why the "compass rose" logo incorporated only a "W" and not "WL" for Weatherby Lake. The design team felt that a "WL" was too "busy" and that the background compass sufficiently suggested the "lake" in the theme. However, Scott agreed to ask his designer to create an option that includes W and L."
- "The recommendation is to construct Eastside/City Hall and Hillside first and to construct Kerns and Childress last."
- "Kristopher ...estimated maintenance costs for Eastside/City Hall landscape plan would be $6,000-$8,000 a year for the first few years."
- "Kristopher recommended adding $50,000 to budget for maintenance on all entrances"
- "George will do site prep, footing, electrical and irrigation."
- "See Estimates. The cost from the estimates for for Eastside/City Hall and Hillside entrances can be projected to determine estimated costs for all entrances. There was no discussion due to time constraints."
Sunday, August 7, 2011
It's Good
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 2nd
Jerry gave an update on the Entrance Advisory Group Committee. Drawings are being finished. Once they are complete the full Committee and "big donors" will meet and give the "it's good" go ahead to send recommendation to the BOA.
The Rest of the Story
An email with the draft minutes of the "Infrastructure Committee Meeting" held 13 July is making its way around the net. Interesting reading, attendees included, Jim Miller, Ray Stockwell, Vic DeJong, Ron Surma, George Lowman, Jerry Bos, Lyle Phillips, Marge Stockwell, Kristopher Dabner, Kristy Lawrence.
Total Cash Collected:
$58, 545.34 ($50,000 from KCMO)
Total Expenses:
Total Signed Pledges:
Some excerpts from the email:
August 2nd
Jerry gave an update on the Entrance Advisory Group Committee. Drawings are being finished. Once they are complete the full Committee and "big donors" will meet and give the "it's good" go ahead to send recommendation to the BOA.
The Rest of the Story
An email with the draft minutes of the "Infrastructure Committee Meeting" held 13 July is making its way around the net. Interesting reading, attendees included, Jim Miller, Ray Stockwell, Vic DeJong, Ron Surma, George Lowman, Jerry Bos, Lyle Phillips, Marge Stockwell, Kristopher Dabner, Kristy Lawrence.
Total Cash Collected:
$58, 545.34 ($50,000 from KCMO)
Total Expenses:
Total Signed Pledges:
Some excerpts from the email:
- "we may be able to obtain as much as $185,700 to begin the project"
- "Jim felt that this may be enough to fund two entrances, Eastside/City Hall and Hillside Drive
- "Funds received from Kansas City, Missouri to replace our Barry Road monuments will be applied to the now completed Hillside entrance."
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Jennifer Payne
Is the name of the Maligned Trespasser, according to this week's Luminary. Read the article that includes an in depth interview with Chief McMullin.
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The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 2nd
Speaking of "No Comment" that was basically the response the Mayor and BOA had regarding a question/comment regarding City streets. During the Public Works report, George reported a single bid on a patch job came in at "$84,000 to $85,000", substantially higher than anticipated. (You might have noticed white spray paint brackets around some of the more nasty spots throughout the City) Looks like a plan B will have to be developed. I voiced concern during Public Comments about the condition of the roads, the current Road Plan (on the City web site) and the proposed funding for repairs and replacement. It is my belief the Plan woefully overstates the longevity of roads and understates funding necessary for repair. Question: "How much money is available in the Road Fund?" Answer (from Jerry) "Around $300,000". Question: "When was the last time the City requested funds or attended the Special Road Districts (we have three that divide the City?" Answer: No Answer...but I can tell you, for this crew, never. Jerry's response, "I don't think you have the current road plan" I checked with Vic via email, indeed the Plan posted on the web is the most recent plan. He also mentioned he, Jerry and George had re-inspected the roads recently.
My advice to the BOA and Mayor was to engage the special road districts. Conduct a traffic survey of East Side Drive to substantiate the fact it is a thorough fare and not just a City street, making the case for funds on what will be a very expensive project. (By The Way, when East Side is done the City faces an upgrade in the water line as well...can you say $?)
You be the judge. Drive around the City, go slow, really look at the roads. There simply is not enough money to take care of current needs. let alone the future. Ask Jerry and your aldermen, "what is the plan?" Maybe you will get an answer...I didn't.
August 2nd
Speaking of "No Comment" that was basically the response the Mayor and BOA had regarding a question/comment regarding City streets. During the Public Works report, George reported a single bid on a patch job came in at "$84,000 to $85,000", substantially higher than anticipated. (You might have noticed white spray paint brackets around some of the more nasty spots throughout the City) Looks like a plan B will have to be developed. I voiced concern during Public Comments about the condition of the roads, the current Road Plan (on the City web site) and the proposed funding for repairs and replacement. It is my belief the Plan woefully overstates the longevity of roads and understates funding necessary for repair. Question: "How much money is available in the Road Fund?" Answer (from Jerry) "Around $300,000". Question: "When was the last time the City requested funds or attended the Special Road Districts (we have three that divide the City?" Answer: No Answer...but I can tell you, for this crew, never. Jerry's response, "I don't think you have the current road plan" I checked with Vic via email, indeed the Plan posted on the web is the most recent plan. He also mentioned he, Jerry and George had re-inspected the roads recently.
My advice to the BOA and Mayor was to engage the special road districts. Conduct a traffic survey of East Side Drive to substantiate the fact it is a thorough fare and not just a City street, making the case for funds on what will be a very expensive project. (By The Way, when East Side is done the City faces an upgrade in the water line as well...can you say $?)
You be the judge. Drive around the City, go slow, really look at the roads. There simply is not enough money to take care of current needs. let alone the future. Ask Jerry and your aldermen, "what is the plan?" Maybe you will get an answer...I didn't.
Friday, August 5, 2011
How Did Your Blue Boy Do?
Mine got a bit tipsy, watched the RoboArm set him down...he rolled a bit (our driveway slants toward the house) and then he tipped over...ouch! Noticed quite a few on the street where the lids were open after dumping...doubles as a very large rain gauge. Also noticed some folks didn't read their mail,... boxes, and other items left outside of the Blue Boy and their Boy had already taken his dump...in a manner of speaking.
Mum is the Word
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 2nd
No mention of the Case of the Maligned Trespasser during the BOA meeting. The Mayor, who can never pass up an opportunity to orate, the Chief of Police and the President of the WLIC Joe Ennett, all had the floor and opportunity to at least mention the incident...no go. Informal gag rule? When called on to give his report Joe admitted he had been remiss last meeting in posting the score of the annual City/WLIC softball game, won by the City. Softball indeed. Let's see if both the City and WLIC are up for hardball this coming week when the infamous case goes to City Court, Thursday the 11th, 7PM, City Hall. See you in court, as the saying goes.
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- Liza Minnelli Poses In Handcuffs, Feathers & Leather For LOVE (PHOTOS) (huffingtonpost.com)
- Jersey Shore Recap: "We're Not in Jersey Anymore" (omg.yahoo.com)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
George Allen Lowman Day
Resolution of the City of Weatherby Lake Recognizing
George Allen Lowman
Whereas, George Allen Lowman has provided twenty years of outstanding, thoughtful and caring service to the City and Citizens of Weatherby Lake Missouri during which time he has overseen, and managed significant and substantial improvements to the City's streets, water system, sewer system, public buildings and property;
Whereas, George Allen Lowman has always conducted himself in a professional and caring manner, even when responding to emergency calls in the middle of the night;and
Wherefore, the City of Weatherby Lake Missouri by and through its Board of Alderpersons has duly passed the following resolution:
Be it resolved that in recognition of twenty years of outstanding service, the City of Weatherby Lake Missouri declares and affirms August 4, 2011 be remembered as George Lowman Day
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Trash Lady Cometh
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 2nd
or so Jerry referred to Maria Kristeck, our Allied Waste representative. She had a little spunk, nothing wrong with that. Additional information:
- Around 600 homes are signed up for Trash service
- About 200 homes are signed up for Recycling
- She did not have an estimate for Yard Waste
Questions from the Peanut Gallery
- Are there trash bags that fit the 65 gallon bins? No, have you gone on line? Police Chief volunteered that the "blue bags" from the Boy Scouts fit.
- Following the exact directions for bin placement on garbage day will be difficult for some folks, any flexibility? Drivers will work with residents to accommodate situations.
- Will the drivers pick up old bins and dispose? Clearly mark them or they will not be picked up.
- If a resident is physically unable to get the bin to the street what will happen? Call Allied to work it out, they currently have 22 residents in Liberty who have special arrangements.
- What is considered "waxed cardboard" (a non-recyclable)? Milk cartons are not wax cardboard and can be recycled...according to Maria, "when in doubt, recycle".
- Is a person prohibited by ordinance to use another service? Answer from Jerry, "no".
There was a question regarding the manner in which the competing bids were evaluated. Jerry said one element was resident feedback indicating, "Many residents said Allied is the one (meaning favorable)" He did not say how the information was collected or how many residents gave the feedback. He said there were no negative comments. When pressed on the issue of the cost of yard waste in the competing bids (a resident asserted "Deffenbaugh was "100% less", Vic disclosed there was a preference assigned to the various services with Trash getting the most weighting, followed by Recycling and then Yard Waste Neither the citizen preference or weighting were disclosed in the recent letter sent by the Mayor.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Beatings Will Continue...
until morale improves.
From Mary Hoy's BOA agenda email:
"Maria Kristeck representing our trash service, Allied, will be present to answer questions. We’ve certainly received a number of confusing communications over the past month and this is a chance for everyone to come and get their questions answered."
As though four letters on the issue (three from Allied, one from Jerry) aren't enough Maria is going to answer all the remaining questions...is that possible?
Look for Jerry, Mary and the gang to blame the ex-Allied employee for all the problems...Maria just needs to absorb the beating and smile, after all, they got the business.
For that and more, tonight @ 7PM, City Hall, the monthly BOA meeting.
Monday, August 1, 2011
The Curious Case of The Maligned Trespasser
I was in the great Garden State last week, oblivious from what apparently was "big news" here at WL. Came up in discussion with friends this weekend. Apparently there was wall to wall coverage on TV and it showed up in a couple of blogs as well. Who was the maligned party...WL or the meek business woman? The facts will win out...if/when they come out.
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