I was in the great Garden State last week, oblivious from what apparently was "big news" here at WL. Came up in discussion with friends this weekend. Apparently there was wall to wall coverage on TV and it showed up in a couple of blogs as well. Who was the maligned party...WL or the meek business woman? The facts will win out...if/when they come out.
The other day I was at Price Chopper and completely missed seeing the huge sign at checkout - 12 items or less. The cashier was quite irritated (even though she had no one in line). People make mistakes. Surely WLIC got their point across and can give this lady a break.
For heaven's sake. With all the worry about 'OUR IMAGE' in dealing with KC and they arrest a woman for sitting at a picnic table. Let me count the ways that our police department DOESN'T invoke the law.
Once more I find that Majoring in Minors has become the way of doing things here.
With Gary as Chief, the law is not blind. It (Gary) chooses what to see and ticket.
If the lady was swimming or boating maybe there would be cause. Sitting at a picnic table? Booked, fingerprinted, set to go to Platte County jail? What is wrong with our police force’s judgment? Beverlee Roper ran her campaign on harsher punishments for violators but can’t imagine she meant this.
7:25am I see your point.......but let's be real. Navigating to C-point is not an exercise in just wanting to "stop at a park I happened to see" to get some work done. She knew EXACTLY where she was going and where she was doing it. She just got caught. Bummer for her.
I think WLIC is the one who decides to press charges, not the police. Bag on WLIC.
who at WLIC pressed charges?
4:39...does it matter?
sounds like to me she was tresspassing, and just thought she could talk her way out of a ticket. I am glad the WLIC is doing the job we as members request of them thru the rules.
what if she happened to be speeding at 35 mph,we are posted at 25,it is a ticket,she probably would have gone to the news media about getting a ticket for 10 miles over, saying.."no one else was on the road, etc. etc."
I hope Bev throws the book at her. In the news she said that, "she hopes the case will be dismissed." Give her what she has given all the other trespassers, Trespassing in the 2nd Degree.
Next time she should try going past the "Members Only" sign at Mission Hills Country Club and writing thank you cards there. Guarantee the result would be the same. Maybe the whiners and mis-informed on this blog would like her to park in their backyard and sunbathe?
She no doubt saw the signs, ignored them and got caught. Feel sorry for her? No Way.
Excellent tee doff
Maybe you're right Tee Doff.
Maybe she came in, saw the signs, said s***w you Weatherby Lake, and defiantly sat down at that picnic table.
Or maybe she sat down at that picnic table, against her better judgment, drawn to the scenery and serenity of our lake. Maybe she was tired, or maybe she was having a tough day or maybe work or home wasn’t going well - so she sat down at a picnic table in a place most likely she could never afford to live herself.
But who cares what the reason is, we should all line up behind Tee Doff and condemn the woman. Our lake will be a better and safer place getting rid of people like her.
"On my way to my next appointment, I wanted to go sit in a park and get some work done. I knew the lake was across the street," Payne said.
Jackdaw that's the reason. And that's the reason she was trespassing. I'll say it again....
Navigating to C-point is not an exercise in just wanting to "stop at a park I happened to see" to get some work done. She knew EXACTLY where she was going and where she was doing it. She just got caught. Bummer for her.
"On my way to my next appointment, I wanted to go sit in a park and get some work done. I knew the lake was across the street," Payne said.
5:22 that is what she did, not why she did it.
"But who cares what the reason is . . . " Let's arrest, fingerprint her and throw her into jail. Her action of sitting at a picnic table certainly warranted an arrest. Letting her go with a warning would make WL look like pansies.
Nationwide Headlines:
Weatherby Lake will just look stupid.
WL will look stupid? I think letting KC dump poop into our lake over and over and over and over has already taken care of that.
Absolutely everyone we know (friends, family, etc.), outside of Weatherby Lake, are in complete disbelief over this incident.
Picnic Table Trespassing Lady should move her venue to Platte County courts. She'll get a more fair, practical, common sense trial.
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