Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Satan Sandwich

The painting depicts God addressing a devil, w...Image via WikipediaI don't often agree with the KC Star editorial point of view and I don't usually comment on the national political scene...but in case you missed this Opinion by  E. Thomas McClanahan on page C8 of Sunday's paper, here is his quote, prompted by the "Satan Sandwich" decree by Emmanuel Cleaver.

"Cleaver and his friends use the language of fairness and justice to suggest the only policy in keeping with "the great religions of the world" is to grab a bigger share of other people's money, ignoring the growth of debt and the threat it will impede the wealth-creation process on which these politicians feed.  Their basic programs of more and more and more, runs the risk of creating more people dependent on government."
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Anonymous said...

We know Mike we dont like the few billions people like Cleaver what to spend here in America

"The goal is to grab a bigger share of other people's money"

We know its not the Governments money we tax on its your money

Maybe you can explain where the .40of every dollar we borrow and spend is to come from.Whos money are we spending our kids money?

"Deficits dont matter" Dick Cheney

You should really read up on the increase size of government under w ,the cost of "spreading freedom" (trillions),entitlement increases (trillions) and revenues and the deficit

A big part of the debt comes from the purposeful reduction in tax rates (trillions),growing entitlements including the Drug Prescription Plan (trillions)enacted without funding with money being borrow from China

Have not heard "conservatives"call that a socialist program

True democrats are tax and spend, but problem is the cut tax and spend spend spend GOP and they put us in this big hole Strated the fire and now are yelling Fire Fire Fire

Anonymous said...

W was a RINO. But none of this would matter had not Bill Clinton decided that every poor person in the nation should "own" (own = be given) their own home.

Anonymous said...

Clinton did sign the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act(note all three are Republicans ) 106th Congress: 1999-2000 Sponsor: Sen. Phil Gramm [R-TX] An Act to enhance competition in the financial services industry by providing a prudential framework for the affiliation of banks, securities firms, and other financial service providers, and for other purposes

Who voted nay and who yoted yea and find out who that is still in government that caused that mess

Read more write less and get your facts straight We should hold the people we voted for accounatble too rather than try to blame the other guy .We are in deep poo and we dont need off the seat of your pants political spin and rhetoric