The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 2nd
or so Jerry referred to Maria Kristeck, our Allied Waste representative. She had a little spunk, nothing wrong with that. Additional information:
- Around 600 homes are signed up for Trash service
- About 200 homes are signed up for Recycling
- She did not have an estimate for Yard Waste
Questions from the Peanut Gallery
- Are there trash bags that fit the 65 gallon bins? No, have you gone on line? Police Chief volunteered that the "blue bags" from the Boy Scouts fit.
- Following the exact directions for bin placement on garbage day will be difficult for some folks, any flexibility? Drivers will work with residents to accommodate situations.
- Will the drivers pick up old bins and dispose? Clearly mark them or they will not be picked up.
- If a resident is physically unable to get the bin to the street what will happen? Call Allied to work it out, they currently have 22 residents in Liberty who have special arrangements.
- What is considered "waxed cardboard" (a non-recyclable)? Milk cartons are not wax cardboard and can be recycled...according to Maria, "when in doubt, recycle".
- Is a person prohibited by ordinance to use another service? Answer from Jerry, "no".
There was a question regarding the manner in which the competing bids were evaluated. Jerry said one element was resident feedback indicating, "Many residents said Allied is the one (meaning favorable)" He did not say how the information was collected or how many residents gave the feedback. He said there were no negative comments. When pressed on the issue of the cost of yard waste in the competing bids (a resident asserted "Deffenbaugh was "100% less", Vic disclosed there was a preference assigned to the various services with Trash getting the most weighting, followed by Recycling and then Yard Waste Neither the citizen preference or weighting were disclosed in the recent letter sent by the Mayor.
Currently, How many homes are in the City of Weatherby Lake?
If 600 have trash service, how many have no service?
well over 100, where has all the garbage gone?
Why do you worry about where the garbage has gone from the 100 residents who have chosen to handle their garbage in their own way. What business is it of yours. None!! So far we have not come under communist rule. All you long noses want to impose your will on everyone else. Keep that long nose to yourself!
I know of at least two situations where neighbors are sharing, so I assume there are more like that.
I know I am one of the 100 who is NOT signed up with Allied. I did have them until the irritated me a few years ago and so we switched. Yes perhaps now with the NEW contract Allied may be even cheaper, but that is fine. I don't agree with a EVERYONE must use one company approach. We used to live in Gladstone and even there you paid for your trash pick up so it was your choice of whom to use. There were different rates if you used the big name companies they wanted you to. However what happen to helping the small business man out??
9:34....I am with you. I also cancelled Allied. Who did you go with, why and how much?
Called Allied Waste, they said we were under contract and no other haulers are allowed in this city, per the city. Allied is telling untruths, because we contracted under a different hauler.
Anyone know who the other hauler is that comes here?
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