Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gimme A Break

Dry Earth
Dry Earth (Photo credit: LauraGilchrist4)
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
4 December

George gave the monthly tally for activity in Public Works...the drought of 2012 continues to plague the water and sewer system in WL, 2 water main breaks and "many" sewer issues.  Most of the sewer problems were attributed to grinder connections and the shifting ground caused by dry conditions.  As much as I would not like to see lots of snow this summer, precip is going to be needed to remedy these problems and refill the lake.

 (I was not present at the meeting ,working in Boston, but I was able to recover reliable, first hand information from an attendee at the meeting.)
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Anonymous said...

If someone worked as hard and as long as our editor has on the WL Newsletter, one would suppose they would be entitled to say whatever they wanted.

And it would follow circles of friends and favored volunteers will receive written tributes and praises.

“Or worse yet, have mean and toxic intentions been directed on others out of spite or jealousy.”
---------------, DEC12/JAN13

One never hears about the volunteer power plays and downright mistreatment of others. Once they reach Weatherby Lake sainthood, any criticism is labeled “mean, toxic, spite or jealousy”.

I would probably give the Sherman Award credence if the community voted in the recipient – not from the decision making of a couple of people with a $1,000 to throw around.

Anyone, repeat, anyone can look like they walked on water if they have thousands and thousands of other people’s money to spend. Anyone can look good if they return calls to the “right” people or maintain continuity and peace with the “right” people.

What is written about our volunteer saints is not exactly the whole truth.

Maybe, what some would say is mean, toxic, spite or jealousy is simply the rest of the whole truth.

Anonymous said...

A victim and an unrecognized saint I suppose

Gimme a break...

Jackdaw Observer said...

All volunteers since the dawn of Weatherby Lake, who have had any level of authority or control, have always been fair, unbiased, objective.

Anonymous said...

Great words of wisdom

Thank you