We hope and should have good weather for our final workday for putting in the xmas trees (crappie beds).
Anyone that can help or just show up will be appreciated, we have most of the trees already in and I want to thank all that helped this last week.We will meet at Venetta boat ramp around 9:am Sunday March 28. around 12:30pm we will be serving Hamburgers and Hotdogs and refreshments to all that show -up, If you cannot make the early time, Please still come for the Picnic, this is a Club event for the Community to enjoy. so all are invited, bring your Family and Friends and enjoy the food and get together.
Hope to see you there.
P>S>.FISHING REPORT: The crappie are starting to bite pretty good, I caught 30 on Friday and most were over 11 inches up to 13 inches long,nice and fat.
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