The little town (4,000) of Sugar Creek has invested in a camera to be used to catch speeders in the burg. Citations (non-moving) will be issued to the vehicle based on the license plate id. Could be a trend in the metro. Productivity of our own police force has not been scrutinized, at least publicly at BOA meetings, in the past couple of years. Gone are the days when Clark and Rittenhouse raised questions about who was and who wasn't handing out "green stamps". Rumor has it the recently departed full time officer might have been too aggressive in enforcing the law. The department keeps the stats, so month to month and year over year numbers are available. Our notorious speeder Merlin keeps his motor running on Potomac Speedway, maybe we should do a pilot and test a camera out. I say this with great trepidation as we have a household with one teen driver, soon to be joined by a 2nd. WLIC has RoboCall, maybe we should have RoboCam?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
In today's KC Star
Image by Whirling Phoenix via Flickr
The little town (4,000) of Sugar Creek has invested in a camera to be used to catch speeders in the burg. Citations (non-moving) will be issued to the vehicle based on the license plate id. Could be a trend in the metro. Productivity of our own police force has not been scrutinized, at least publicly at BOA meetings, in the past couple of years. Gone are the days when Clark and Rittenhouse raised questions about who was and who wasn't handing out "green stamps". Rumor has it the recently departed full time officer might have been too aggressive in enforcing the law. The department keeps the stats, so month to month and year over year numbers are available. Our notorious speeder Merlin keeps his motor running on Potomac Speedway, maybe we should do a pilot and test a camera out. I say this with great trepidation as we have a household with one teen driver, soon to be joined by a 2nd. WLIC has RoboCall, maybe we should have RoboCam?
The little town (4,000) of Sugar Creek has invested in a camera to be used to catch speeders in the burg. Citations (non-moving) will be issued to the vehicle based on the license plate id. Could be a trend in the metro. Productivity of our own police force has not been scrutinized, at least publicly at BOA meetings, in the past couple of years. Gone are the days when Clark and Rittenhouse raised questions about who was and who wasn't handing out "green stamps". Rumor has it the recently departed full time officer might have been too aggressive in enforcing the law. The department keeps the stats, so month to month and year over year numbers are available. Our notorious speeder Merlin keeps his motor running on Potomac Speedway, maybe we should do a pilot and test a camera out. I say this with great trepidation as we have a household with one teen driver, soon to be joined by a 2nd. WLIC has RoboCall, maybe we should have RoboCam?
Monday, August 30, 2010
When Carp Fly
Asian Carp are back in the news with a kayaker in the Great River Race being smacked in the head during the proceedings...poor guy had to retire from the race...headache (I bet he lays off Long Johns Silvers as well). Add another thing to add to the worry list for the Lake. What if...
It might not be so bad. Back in the old days, my sales itinerary used to take me to a number of river towns on the Illinois River. During the summer, almost always, there would be an organization, Elks, Lions, etc, making carp sandwiches in the town square. A chunk of freshly caught and fried carp, between two pieces of Wonder Bread and garnished with a slab (at least a quarter inch) of onion and a liberal application of yellow mustard (my apologies if you are reading this during breakfast). YUMMM! Okay, so all you could taste was the onion and mustard, but to deny the great taste would be heresy to my customers who proudly trotted me down there.
Image via Wikipedia
They say the Asian Carp is a delicacy and it looks like there is no shortage on the Big Muddy. Fishing Club? Potential?
It might not be so bad. Back in the old days, my sales itinerary used to take me to a number of river towns on the Illinois River. During the summer, almost always, there would be an organization, Elks, Lions, etc, making carp sandwiches in the town square. A chunk of freshly caught and fried carp, between two pieces of Wonder Bread and garnished with a slab (at least a quarter inch) of onion and a liberal application of yellow mustard (my apologies if you are reading this during breakfast). YUMMM! Okay, so all you could taste was the onion and mustard, but to deny the great taste would be heresy to my customers who proudly trotted me down there.
They say the Asian Carp is a delicacy and it looks like there is no shortage on the Big Muddy. Fishing Club? Potential?
Related articles by Zemanta
- Lake Invaders (
- Kayaker hit in the head by 30lb carp (
Sunday, August 29, 2010
WestRidge Population Growing
Almost always seen when I bike through WR, mom and the kids frolicking. Another set of "twins" was seen on the way as well. The presumed "dad" was standing discreetly back and declined to pose for a pic.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
When There is a Will...
Today's KC Star
Page A4
43 days after closing the ramp @ I-470, traffic begins to flow once again. The fix for the collapsed ramp was a 225 foot bridge which was completed 19 days early, "for about $5.2 million-including a $760,000 bonus for beating the deadline".
Meanwhile the trek (for some of us) continues through the Wildwood gulag, wondering what might have been if the urgency all the elected officials told the media (and citizens) would have taken place.
In related news, the other shoe is about to drop...
NW Barry Road Phase III Improvements – Revised Bid Opening Date shall be August 30, 2010 at 9:30 a.m.
I can hardly wait.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Opportunity Missed
Anybody feel like me? Received the mailing from WLIC, a copy of the URGENT email, a color pic of the Point and gazebo and Call for Directors. I was sure there would be a more detailed blurb on the C Point renovation, cost of the project and where the money for the project was coming. Nope. Maybe it is in the mail.
Last May I talked with President Joe (at City Hall) regarding siltation and sewage concerns for the Lake. I thought a communication to the membership was overdue. He told me he was getting it together, it would be out soon. Maybe it is in the mail.
I know for some of you just the criticism of the WLIC Board will raise your hackles. Usually the first response is "after all, they're just volunteers" #1, I appreciate all that they do. #2, that being said, by any measure, this is the least communicative Board we have had, in my memory. Would a quarterly update be too much? #3 I know they have monthly meetings, I believe I have gone to one this year. All the info one needs to know. What if you can't go...or don't want to go...too bad? The Mayor has his chatty spot in the WLL, Mary has her monthly BOA summary, the City publishes its minutes on the website. WLIC? Not so much.
Want to find out what is going on? Look at the Waukomis newsletter...ok, a bit folksy but lots of info about what is happening at Lake Waukomis. Nice.
Last May I talked with President Joe (at City Hall) regarding siltation and sewage concerns for the Lake. I thought a communication to the membership was overdue. He told me he was getting it together, it would be out soon. Maybe it is in the mail.
I know for some of you just the criticism of the WLIC Board will raise your hackles. Usually the first response is "after all, they're just volunteers" #1, I appreciate all that they do. #2, that being said, by any measure, this is the least communicative Board we have had, in my memory. Would a quarterly update be too much? #3 I know they have monthly meetings, I believe I have gone to one this year. All the info one needs to know. What if you can't go...or don't want to go...too bad? The Mayor has his chatty spot in the WLL, Mary has her monthly BOA summary, the City publishes its minutes on the website. WLIC? Not so much.
Want to find out what is going on? Look at the Waukomis newsletter...ok, a bit folksy but lots of info about what is happening at Lake Waukomis. Nice.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Not So Public Meeting
You can take this afternoon off or just hope for the best...our elected officials once again conducting meetings during regular business hours and topping it off with the final meeting beginning at 5PM. Working stiffs? The message to you (from the City) is if you thought this was important you enough should take off work. Arrogant? You be the judge.
The Board of Aldermen for the City of Weatherby Lake will hold two work sessions on August 24, 2010 to interview Piper Jaffary at 2:00 pm and UMB Bank at 3:15 pm for the purposes of refinancing the City of Weatherby Lake’s General Obligation Bonds. The Work Sessions will be held at The City of Weatherby Lake , Town Hall, 7200 NW Eastside Drive , Weatherby Lake , Missouri .
Public Hearing
There will be a public hearing before the Board of Aldermen of the City of Weatherby Lake at Town Hall, 7200 NW Eastside Drive, Platte County, Weatherby Lake, Missouri at 4:30 pm on August 24, 2010 at which time the citizens may be heard on the property tax rate proposed to be set by the City of Weatherby Lake for the 2010 tax year.
Special Board of Alderman Meeting
A Special Board of Alderman meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 5:00 pm at the City of Weatherby Lake at Town Hall, 7200 NW Eastside Drive, Platte County, Missouri.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Ordinance to approve 2010 tax levy
Ordinance to approve settlement with T-Mobile
Motion to approve refinancing General Obligation Bonds and who the City will use for that purpose
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, SUBJECT TO A MOTION DULY MADE AND ADOPTED, the BOARD OF ALDERMEN may also hold a closed meeting for the purpose of dealing with matters relating to one or more of the following:
· Legal actions, Cause of Action, Litigation or privileged communications between the City’s Representatives and it’s attorneys: 610.021(1)
· Lease, Purchase or Sale of Real Estate: 610.021(2)
· Hiring, Firing, Disciplining or Promoting Employees: 610.021(3)
· Preparation for Negotiations with Employee Groups: 610.021(9)
· Bidding Specifications: 610.021(11)
· Proprietary Technology Materials: 610.021(15)
Posted August 17, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Crime Spree?
KC Star, Aug 18
Safety NetPlatte County Sheriff
- Northwest Weatherby Drive, 8200 block, Aug 7, 12:30PM, vandalism
- Northwest 75th Street, 9900 block, Aug 11, 4:30 PM auto theft.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Ante Up
Dear EAG Group Leaders and Advisors,
The email below is an update on the status of the Entrance Project and has been sent to Entrance Project Donors;
Dear Entrance Project Supporters,
Our Weatherby Lake Entrance Advisory Group (EAG) is very appreciative of your pledge of financial support for this project. We have not asked for your contributions yet because we did not want to collect cash before we were ready to spend it.
The process has taken longer than expected. Our first round of bidding earlier this year was unsuccessful regarding both the number of bidders and submitted costs. So, we went back to the drawing board and made informal contacts with several construction companies to get a better understanding of the cost drivers of our project and potential modifications. This process was successful and has lead us to conclude that our project, about as envisioned, can be built consistent with our budget.
The City of Weatherby Lake published a Notice in the August 11 issue of The Landmark newspaper requesting bids for construction of the entrance at Eastside by City Hall, with a deadline for sealed bids on Sept. 2. If we receive bids that meet our expectations, the EAG will ask the Board of Alderman for approval to build, which means we will be spending $'s. In this case you can expect a request for your contribution later in September or early October.
The very good news is that after lots of hard work by many volunteers, we are getting close to construction! If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.
Jim Miller
EAG Leader
cc: Kristine Lawrence, EAG Communications Leader
The email below is an update on the status of the Entrance Project and has been sent to Entrance Project Donors;
Dear Entrance Project Supporters,
Our Weatherby Lake Entrance Advisory Group (EAG) is very appreciative of your pledge of financial support for this project. We have not asked for your contributions yet because we did not want to collect cash before we were ready to spend it.
The process has taken longer than expected. Our first round of bidding earlier this year was unsuccessful regarding both the number of bidders and submitted costs. So, we went back to the drawing board and made informal contacts with several construction companies to get a better understanding of the cost drivers of our project and potential modifications. This process was successful and has lead us to conclude that our project, about as envisioned, can be built consistent with our budget.
The City of Weatherby Lake published a Notice in the August 11 issue of The Landmark newspaper requesting bids for construction of the entrance at Eastside by City Hall, with a deadline for sealed bids on Sept. 2. If we receive bids that meet our expectations, the EAG will ask the Board of Alderman for approval to build, which means we will be spending $'s. In this case you can expect a request for your contribution later in September or early October.
The very good news is that after lots of hard work by many volunteers, we are getting close to construction! If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.
Jim Miller
EAG Leader
cc: Kristine Lawrence, EAG Communications Leader
Friday, August 20, 2010
RoboCall Strikes Again
I was at work yesterday when the call came at our home...and yours (if you live at WL) as well. C Cove is closed to swimming due to high bacteria count, but the Beach at C Point is open to swimming. I guess that is possible but I wouldn't be tempted to take a swim there until the all clear is given. Question is, what is the source? It can happen after a rain event, but that was almost a week ago so that doesn't seem like the reason. A mystery, but one that probably should be solved. It does reemphasize what is important. We can remake the monuments, we can pretty up C Point, but if the water stinks, literally, we have a problem. Water quality is everything when it comes to quality of life and the value of property. Darn that E Coli. In the meantime the WL Chamber of Commerce has a headache to deal with.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
In case you are not on the WLIC email list...message received 10:12AM, the 18th.
In connection with our C-Point renovation project, it is necessary for the lake level to be lowered approximately four (4) feet below full pool. We will begin draining water from the lake on September 6, 2010 at an anticipated rate of approximately six-ten inches per week. Our first phase of the renovation to be completed this fall/winter, will include the replacement of the west end aged sea wall, and the construction of our new gazebo.
If you plan on removing your boat for the winter we are recommending that it be done by September 18th at which time we expect the lake to be drained to a level between 18 and 24 inches below full pool. This recommendation is based on our experience last year with the lowering to this level, at which time some members experienced difficulty with trailers and their boat removal. The last day to utilize C-Point ramps will be Sunday September 26th, construction and closing of the ramps and gazebo will occur on Monday September 27th.
The Venita boat ramp will remain open during all C-Point construction. In 2002-3 when the lake was at a level approximately seven (7) feet below full pool, C-Point and Venita Ramps were extended to accommodate that level. However, there are drop offs of at least 6 inches between the ramp and the extensions which make some trailers unusable. The water level at Venita at this time is approximately eleven (11) feet at the end of the dock or approximately 10 yards from shore.
As to docks, we will be monitoring our improved seawalls for potential anchoring problems during the lake lowering. Please notify us if you observe a dock situation that needs attention. The WLIC will assist the approximately 15 members who have docks at the west end of C-Point coordinate with a vendor for the moving of their docks to M Cove. All members are encouraged to make arrangements with each other to tie docks together if a problem is anticipated at their location. It is recommended that dock to shore anchoring cables be loosened appropriately.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding. The C-Point project will be a great asset for our community. By lowering the water level we will save over $100,000 rather than attempting to replace the sea-wall at normal water levels.
September 6th, lake lowering commences
September 18th, recommended boat removal
September 26th last day C-Point ramps are open
Please contact the WLIC website for updates and additional C-Point information:, or as always, feel free to call at (816) 741-5556.
Thank you again,
Weatherby Lake Improvement Company
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Email from Jim Miller to EAG Committee
We are pleased to report that the activity mentioned below, the gathering of ballpark costs from construction companies, was successful. The data we reviewed has lead us to conclude that our project about as envisioned can be built consistent with our budget.
The August 11, 2010 issue of The Landmark newspaper contains the public notice of the City of WL accepting sealed bids before 10AM, Sept 2 for the construction of the Eastside entrance. We are aware of several construction companies that know about our project and have an interest in bidding.
The process after Sept 2 is for our Infrastructure Committee to review the bids and hopefully be able to develop a recommendation for presentation to the EAG. The EAG recommendation would then go to the Board of Alderman.
If you have any questions please let me know.
(Red added by MM)
We are pleased to report that the activity mentioned below, the gathering of ballpark costs from construction companies, was successful. The data we reviewed has lead us to conclude that our project about as envisioned can be built consistent with our budget.
The August 11, 2010 issue of The Landmark newspaper contains the public notice of the City of WL accepting sealed bids before 10AM, Sept 2 for the construction of the Eastside entrance. We are aware of several construction companies that know about our project and have an interest in bidding.
The process after Sept 2 is for our Infrastructure Committee to review the bids and hopefully be able to develop a recommendation for presentation to the EAG. The EAG recommendation would then go to the Board of Alderman.
If you have any questions please let me know.
(Red added by MM)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Going Down
Exerpts from email communication from Commodore Patty Parker, WLYC
Scott Lehr and myself attended the WLIC board meeting last night. It isn't good news for boaters but in order for the work to be completed at C-Point, we do not have a choice.
Below are the dates that were set last night at the WLIC board meeting. WLIC will also send out information and place these dates on their website soon to keep us all updated.
Sept. 6th: The lake will start to be lowered. The lake lowers approximately 6" a week if there is no rain. If we get a good rain, it fills up fast so they felt the need to start earlier than the Oct 3rd date we were trying to shoot for. If they wait until Oct. 3rd, there's no way they'll be able to work on footings and seawall before winter. The lake won't be low enough fast enough.
Sept. 18th: The WLIC recommends to start pulling your boats out for the winter. The lake will probably be down 18" - 24" at that point and that's about as low as most can go and to get their boats on the trailers.
Sept. 26th: The last day the C Point ramp will be useable because of the road construction and they begin cutting it down which includes cutting the top of the boat ramps down so they won't be assessable. Therefore, access to the mast pole will be gone after 9.26 so for sure Sonars would need to come out by then. The Venita ramp will still be available for those boats that can use that ramp.
Obviously this interupts the King Series. Please note, that the WLIC tried to work with everyones schedule to try to accomodate the Oct 2nd race!! But, after working backwards as to when the work needed to be done, and the timing on lowering the lake with the possiblilities of rain, there were very few options.
We also talked about extending the ramps. If the water goes below the current end of the ramp, then they plan to extend it.
Scott Lehr and myself attended the WLIC board meeting last night. It isn't good news for boaters but in order for the work to be completed at C-Point, we do not have a choice.
Below are the dates that were set last night at the WLIC board meeting. WLIC will also send out information and place these dates on their website soon to keep us all updated.
Sept. 6th: The lake will start to be lowered. The lake lowers approximately 6" a week if there is no rain. If we get a good rain, it fills up fast so they felt the need to start earlier than the Oct 3rd date we were trying to shoot for. If they wait until Oct. 3rd, there's no way they'll be able to work on footings and seawall before winter. The lake won't be low enough fast enough.
Sept. 18th: The WLIC recommends to start pulling your boats out for the winter. The lake will probably be down 18" - 24" at that point and that's about as low as most can go and to get their boats on the trailers.
Sept. 26th: The last day the C Point ramp will be useable because of the road construction and they begin cutting it down which includes cutting the top of the boat ramps down so they won't be assessable. Therefore, access to the mast pole will be gone after 9.26 so for sure Sonars would need to come out by then. The Venita ramp will still be available for those boats that can use that ramp.
Obviously this interupts the King Series. Please note, that the WLIC tried to work with everyones schedule to try to accomodate the Oct 2nd race!! But, after working backwards as to when the work needed to be done, and the timing on lowering the lake with the possiblilities of rain, there were very few options.
We also talked about extending the ramps. If the water goes below the current end of the ramp, then they plan to extend it.
Connect The Dots
From the Minutes of the Platte County Commission
August 2nd
Commissioner Knight moved to appoint Dr. Donald Hoy as a Platte County representative to the Board
of Equalization, to fill an unexpired term effective immediately and expiring January 8, 2012.
Commissioner Plunkett seconded. The motion passed by a vote of 3 to 0: Commissioner Dusenbery
(Yes), Commissioner Knight (Yes), Commissioner Plunkett (Yes).
Wife (Alderman) Mary Hoy was campaign Treasurer for... Commission Candidate Dusenberry (now Commissioner )who supported the County's position on the Ambulance District by...Presiding Commissioner Knight (who is lameduck until November elections) that?
What in the world does the Board of Equalization do? No, it has nothing to do with Civil Rights.
August 2nd
Commissioner Knight moved to appoint Dr. Donald Hoy as a Platte County representative to the Board
of Equalization, to fill an unexpired term effective immediately and expiring January 8, 2012.
Commissioner Plunkett seconded. The motion passed by a vote of 3 to 0: Commissioner Dusenbery
(Yes), Commissioner Knight (Yes), Commissioner Plunkett (Yes).
Wife (Alderman) Mary Hoy was campaign Treasurer for... Commission Candidate Dusenberry (now Commissioner )who supported the County's position on the Ambulance District by...Presiding Commissioner Knight (who is lameduck until November elections) that?
What in the world does the Board of Equalization do? No, it has nothing to do with Civil Rights.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Residents advised about wastewater overflow into creek that leads to the Line Creek
The City of Kansas City, Mo., Water Services Department report that a broken eight-inch sewer line near 707 NW 60th Street caused a wastewater overflow into an unnamed, non-recreational creek that flows to the Line Creek at 3 pm on Thursday, August 12th. The City's drinking water supply is not affected by this overflow.
The sewage was leaking at an estimated rate of two gallons per minute and was contained by an earthen dam constructed by the repair crew at 7:30 pm. The repair crew replaced 23 ft. of sewer pipe and the repair was completed at 10:30 pm on Aug. 12th. Approximately 500 gallons of sewage was discharged into the creek.
Image via Wikipedia
Residents advised about wastewater overflow into creek that leads to the Line Creek
The City of Kansas City, Mo., Water Services Department report that a broken eight-inch sewer line near 707 NW 60th Street caused a wastewater overflow into an unnamed, non-recreational creek that flows to the Line Creek at 3 pm on Thursday, August 12th. The City's drinking water supply is not affected by this overflow.
The sewage was leaking at an estimated rate of two gallons per minute and was contained by an earthen dam constructed by the repair crew at 7:30 pm. The repair crew replaced 23 ft. of sewer pipe and the repair was completed at 10:30 pm on Aug. 12th. Approximately 500 gallons of sewage was discharged into the creek.
Related articles by Zemanta
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Happy (2nd) Anniversary-Special Edition
“What is a realistic timeframe for the bridge replacement?” Funkhouser mentioned the I-35 bridge in MN…"if they could do it in a year we could do this too". Photo Op @ bridge, 2008
August 15th, 2008
August 15th, 2008
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Back on the Block
Notes from the Park Hill School District Board of Education
Just received our email newsletter from the school district, just in case you do not subscribe, a couple of interesting bits of news.
Former, former, former WL Mayor Pauli Kendrick was appointed by the Board to fill a vacancy due to resignation. The Board notes it was a "difficult decision" to chose among the eight candidates. Although not present, I presume there was considerable lobbying done in the person of fellow board member Fred Sanchez, Democratic bud of Ms Kendrick, both active in Platte County Democratic circles. Sanchez is also on the Board of the South Platte Ambulance District. Kendrick joins fellow WeatherbyLakean Denise Schnell on the School Board, giving WL a commanding presence on the Board. Kendrick's spot is up for re-election in April 11, no word if Kendrick will seek the full term.
It is the annual levy time of the year and the Board is set to increase their piece of your property taxes per notes from the Board. After a much ballyhooed rollback by the Board, the numbers don't add up...thus on August 26th the Board will meet to increase the levy...according to the email $3.50 per month for a $200,000 home. More detail, if you desire at:$file/Preliminary+2010-11+Tax+Rate+Information.pdf
Just received our email newsletter from the school district, just in case you do not subscribe, a couple of interesting bits of news.
Former, former, former WL Mayor Pauli Kendrick was appointed by the Board to fill a vacancy due to resignation. The Board notes it was a "difficult decision" to chose among the eight candidates. Although not present, I presume there was considerable lobbying done in the person of fellow board member Fred Sanchez, Democratic bud of Ms Kendrick, both active in Platte County Democratic circles. Sanchez is also on the Board of the South Platte Ambulance District. Kendrick joins fellow WeatherbyLakean Denise Schnell on the School Board, giving WL a commanding presence on the Board. Kendrick's spot is up for re-election in April 11, no word if Kendrick will seek the full term.
It is the annual levy time of the year and the Board is set to increase their piece of your property taxes per notes from the Board. After a much ballyhooed rollback by the Board, the numbers don't add up...thus on August 26th the Board will meet to increase the levy...according to the email $3.50 per month for a $200,000 home. More detail, if you desire at:$file/Preliminary+2010-11+Tax+Rate+Information.pdf
Friday, August 13, 2010
C,C, Senor!
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rdTom Henke provided an update from WLIC.
- The Dam passed the DNR inspection in July
- The lake will be lowered 4 to 5 feet, beginning in September to accommodate C Point construction.
Smithville Lake has zebra mussels which has renewed interest in protecting the Lake. Port of entry does not just include boats coming from other lakes, but also runoff from contaminated boats being washed up stream. A big challenge.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Manitoba braces for zebra mussel invasion (
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rdDiscussion led by Jerry regarding our General Obligation Bonds. With a call date of Mar 1, 2011, there is an opportunity to refinance the bonds at a more attractive rate to the City. It requires action at least 90 days prior to the call. UMB and Piper were selected by the mayor to make presentations to the BOA for consideration. The idea is to have a n.ew offering available for WL citizens in October, November for the general public. At one point Piper discussed the possiblity of rated bonds...not sure why, but apparently that has been abandoned.
A date of 24 August, 2PM, has been set for a Special Board meeting to receive the two presentations (City web site still does not have it posted). At the same time a public hearing for the levy will be conducted followed by deliberation and setting a levy rate for the City (your taxes folks) In consideration of the importance of these issues and the fact that most voting residents have full time jobs, the BOA and Mayor set the meeting/hearing date time...this of course has nothing to do with the fact that none of the aldermen or Mayor have a full time job.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rd
Police Chief introduced Eddy Gilpin as the new candidate for full time officer on the force. Officer Gilpin comes via Platsburg where he was Deputy Chief. Gary pointed out that Gilpin is "honest to a fault" (?) in his recommendation to the BOA. Because he has known Gilpin for four or five years the Chief removed himself from the final selection, leaving that to the command officers. Also put up for consideration as part-time was new police academy grad Chase Watts. Both officers were confirmed by the BOA. At the end of the proceedings Alderman Finn was heard to say "one warning"...with a smile. Me too?
Our benefactors at Riverside are letting loose of one of their old patrol cars to WL in October or so. We are getting the "sgt's car", I guess that means it should be in better condition than a patrol car. Our neighbors at Waukomis are getting one as well. Speaking of Waukomis, 3 more officers were granted reciprocals...They must have literally cleaned house on their police force.
Image via Wikipedia
The Police are facing the necessity of upgrading their police radios by 2012. At $4,000 a piece and the need for at least 10, probably 12, the City is looking at a chunk of change. Will take quite a bit of green beer to $50 Gs.
Yes, I know Kerns is spelled wrong in last post...I am working on a project in Kearny, NE...brain fart...never mind.
August 3rd
Police Chief introduced Eddy Gilpin as the new candidate for full time officer on the force. Officer Gilpin comes via Platsburg where he was Deputy Chief. Gary pointed out that Gilpin is "honest to a fault" (?) in his recommendation to the BOA. Because he has known Gilpin for four or five years the Chief removed himself from the final selection, leaving that to the command officers. Also put up for consideration as part-time was new police academy grad Chase Watts. Both officers were confirmed by the BOA. At the end of the proceedings Alderman Finn was heard to say "one warning"...with a smile. Me too?
Our benefactors at Riverside are letting loose of one of their old patrol cars to WL in October or so. We are getting the "sgt's car", I guess that means it should be in better condition than a patrol car. Our neighbors at Waukomis are getting one as well. Speaking of Waukomis, 3 more officers were granted reciprocals...They must have literally cleaned house on their police force.
The Police are facing the necessity of upgrading their police radios by 2012. At $4,000 a piece and the need for at least 10, probably 12, the City is looking at a chunk of change. Will take quite a bit of green beer to $50 Gs.
Yes, I know Kerns is spelled wrong in last post...I am working on a project in Kearny, NE...brain fart...never mind.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Off & On
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rd
Entrance Committee Advisory Group Committee
Infrastructure SubCommittee
Jerry commented the SubCommittee has been meeting "off and on" regarding the quandary of the pricing of the East Side and Kearns monuments. (No they haven't posted the meetings and continue to operate like it is a club rather than a public entity...but then who cares right?). The driving force behind the continuing push to build the monuments clearly resides with this SubCommittee...Bos, Miller, Slaggie, Cantrell and Dabner. They are shopping straw proposals to various construction firms to get a fix on paring costs and possible rebids for the project. In the meantime, as Barry Road construction crawls along...if monuments are planned at Forest and Hillside...where will they be located?
Image via Wikipedia
The current monuments at East Side and Kearns continue to be neglected (at least as of this past Sunday) with weeds way beyond City Code. Anybody heard of weed kill? The Potomac entrance is presentable...only because a kind volunteer soul does the maintenance. If and when the new monuments are built, look for Public Works to beg off the arduous work of maintenance and contract out the work...and the BOA complains about the cost of street lights?
August 3rd
Entrance Committee Advisory Group Committee
Infrastructure SubCommittee
Jerry commented the SubCommittee has been meeting "off and on" regarding the quandary of the pricing of the East Side and Kearns monuments. (No they haven't posted the meetings and continue to operate like it is a club rather than a public entity...but then who cares right?). The driving force behind the continuing push to build the monuments clearly resides with this SubCommittee...Bos, Miller, Slaggie, Cantrell and Dabner. They are shopping straw proposals to various construction firms to get a fix on paring costs and possible rebids for the project. In the meantime, as Barry Road construction crawls along...if monuments are planned at Forest and Hillside...where will they be located?
The current monuments at East Side and Kearns continue to be neglected (at least as of this past Sunday) with weeds way beyond City Code. Anybody heard of weed kill? The Potomac entrance is presentable...only because a kind volunteer soul does the maintenance. If and when the new monuments are built, look for Public Works to beg off the arduous work of maintenance and contract out the work...and the BOA complains about the cost of street lights?
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rd
Jerry says take your yard waste to City Hall in the morning on the 19th of September and then from 1 to 7 PM participate in the SWAT fund raising Picnic. There will be "bands, BBQ, and games" Details to follow.
August 3rd
Jerry says take your yard waste to City Hall in the morning on the 19th of September and then from 1 to 7 PM participate in the SWAT fund raising Picnic. There will be "bands, BBQ, and games" Details to follow.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Five Year Plan
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rdJerry introduced the topic of the City 5 year Sewer Plan to the BOA with the comment that the document presented to the Aldermen was "self explanatory". (It's hard to say how "self explanatory" the document is, the public in the audience didn't get a copy) The Plan was developed by Vic who said he started working on it a year ago. Vic mentioned the Plan was "90% George". There was a short discussion regarding some of the financial information, apparently the numbers didn't add up. Vic was going to review and resubmit. Jerry said the Plan was "getting the sewer system back to where it should be...should've been some time ago". He didn't explain his comments nor did any of the aldermen as to exactly what he meant. In any event, the BOA adopted the Plan, eventually it will be posted on the City web site for all to see.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Breaking Wind
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rd
The most excitement of the evening was generated by Public Comments from Tom Henke. An otherwise moribund Mayor and Council perked up with Tom's presentation of facts and figures regarding the potential for wind generated power for City Hall. This was a followup to comments made by Alderman Bossert at a previous meeting. Tom's company (Milbank Manufacturing) is expanding business into the wind business as well as back up generators. Some facts presented by Tom:
Alderman Bossert pointed out a $36.2 Billion US Dept of Energy grant program for reduction of dependence on oil. $6.78 Billion has been allocated for wind turbine projects. Further research on grant specifics will be done (I guess by Bossert). No specific followup was determined but there was a definite giddy feeling in the air.
August 3rd
The most excitement of the evening was generated by Public Comments from Tom Henke. An otherwise moribund Mayor and Council perked up with Tom's presentation of facts and figures regarding the potential for wind generated power for City Hall. This was a followup to comments made by Alderman Bossert at a previous meeting. Tom's company (Milbank Manufacturing) is expanding business into the wind business as well as back up generators. Some facts presented by Tom:
- A 5KW wind turbine would have a 120 foot tower with 10 foot blades.
- Approx. $40,000 purchase price including installation.
- 16 yrs for payoff/breakeven.
- Maintenace cost of about $500 per year.
- The idea is to use the power generated to take care of City Hall and sell excess back to KCPL.
- They also sell natural gas back up generators in various sizes.
Image via Wikipedia
Alderman Bossert pointed out a $36.2 Billion US Dept of Energy grant program for reduction of dependence on oil. $6.78 Billion has been allocated for wind turbine projects. Further research on grant specifics will be done (I guess by Bossert). No specific followup was determined but there was a definite giddy feeling in the air.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Official Unoffiicial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rd Pardon The Interruption
Is this the BOA?
After seeing a Comment yesterday, I couldn't help myself...enjoy
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Joe and Jerry
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3
Joe (Ennett) and Jerry met with the KCMO Asst City Manager who is currently overseeing the Water and Sewer services of KCMO. According to Jerry, KCMO brought along a "lab guy". Discussions included water sampling messages and high fecal counts. Apparently an automatic generator is going to be placed at the East side lift station (date unknown). KCMO pledged eventual televising of lines, inspection of manholes and flyovers with infrared. A meeting is going to be held with the CFO of water to discuss the calculation of rates.
[Joe is yet to circulate an update to members he promised was forthcoming at a discussion I had with him in May @ City Hall...and at an appearance earlier this year the WLIC board noted the need to keep membership informed]
During Open Comments I advised the Mayor and BOA of three points in regard to water/sewer/KCMO issues:
August 3
Joe (Ennett) and Jerry met with the KCMO Asst City Manager who is currently overseeing the Water and Sewer services of KCMO. According to Jerry, KCMO brought along a "lab guy". Discussions included water sampling messages and high fecal counts. Apparently an automatic generator is going to be placed at the East side lift station (date unknown). KCMO pledged eventual televising of lines, inspection of manholes and flyovers with infrared. A meeting is going to be held with the CFO of water to discuss the calculation of rates.
[Joe is yet to circulate an update to members he promised was forthcoming at a discussion I had with him in May @ City Hall...and at an appearance earlier this year the WLIC board noted the need to keep membership informed]
During Open Comments I advised the Mayor and BOA of three points in regard to water/sewer/KCMO issues:
- KCMO posted earlier in the day results of the consent decree with the Feds, in particular the "Overflow Control Plan". The Little Blue part of the plan is well under way. Are we part of the Plan and what is the timing (the Feds have given 25 years for KCMO to comply) Jerry did not know if we are part, but did note KCMO has limited funds allocated for the "Northland".
- I advised the BOA of the lack of siltation control @ Forest and Barry. Jerry noted rip-rap he has seen at Hillside.
- I asked for the rationale of not passing along the water/sewer rate increases by KCMO in 2009 and 2010. Jerry in a somewhat convoluted and rambling reply mentioned a balanced budget and not seeing a reason to pass along the increases. When I pointed out that KCMO was one of our customers (lift stations) and they, KCMO, benefited from not having to pay their own increases I got no response. I pointed out the need for future planning including improvements in the system for customers outside the City and maintenance of the water tower, I got no response. Mute, the aldermen allowed Jerry to obfuscate. The Mayor did say budget planning will start soon and a rate increase could be enacted on 1 January.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Barry Road Culvert Opens in August
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3
NOT. During the Mayor's comments, in regard to Barry Road, Jerry said he hadn't talked with the "Barry Road people" but he did talk with the contractor. Completion should be "late October, early November". Jerry also said he had "met with the County" yesterday to discuss the county portion of Barry Road west of Potomac. Bids should be opened in about two weeks. Platte County is balking at the idea of replacing the water main, insisting cuts will be sufficient, our posture is the main needs to be replaced and they need to ante up. We shall see.
Image via Wikipedia
The county piece will be in three phases, the first phase will start "in the middle", the second phase east to Potomac and the final phase west of the new middle that? I assume more details will come after bid openings.
Welcome to those of you who receive Mary's notes of the BOA, as you know she was absent last night. Speaking of AWOL, Alderman Vic had to be summoned to the meeting, arriving 10 minutes late. Quorum was needed, so we just waited. We being the usual suspects, Kathy, Tom, Boy Scout and dad, new police officers and me.
BTW-Although the siren sound of GAGA was pulling me to Sprint, I chose City Hall instead. Good choice regarding family budget, but I question the entertainment value...just have to wait for the review of Lady GG in the Star.
August 3
NOT. During the Mayor's comments, in regard to Barry Road, Jerry said he hadn't talked with the "Barry Road people" but he did talk with the contractor. Completion should be "late October, early November". Jerry also said he had "met with the County" yesterday to discuss the county portion of Barry Road west of Potomac. Bids should be opened in about two weeks. Platte County is balking at the idea of replacing the water main, insisting cuts will be sufficient, our posture is the main needs to be replaced and they need to ante up. We shall see.
The county piece will be in three phases, the first phase will start "in the middle", the second phase east to Potomac and the final phase west of the new middle that? I assume more details will come after bid openings.
Welcome to those of you who receive Mary's notes of the BOA, as you know she was absent last night. Speaking of AWOL, Alderman Vic had to be summoned to the meeting, arriving 10 minutes late. Quorum was needed, so we just waited. We being the usual suspects, Kathy, Tom, Boy Scout and dad, new police officers and me.
BTW-Although the siren sound of GAGA was pulling me to Sprint, I chose City Hall instead. Good choice regarding family budget, but I question the entertainment value...just have to wait for the review of Lady GG in the Star.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Erection Day Today
Community Center until 7PM
Prop C?
Follow up to previous post..........
Feminist issue with manhole name
In 1990, the city of Sacramento, California officially renamed all their manholes to "maintenance holes" out of concern for the equality of both genders.[2] The name "maintenance hole" was selected because the term shares the same initials as the word "manhole", thereby eliminating the need to change the MH labels on the city's utility maps
Finally, big decision I go see Lady Gaga's Monster Ball Tour ($175 @ Sprint) or attend BOA (free @ City Hall). What is the best entertainment value? Tune in tomorrow to see what my choice was. Really.
Image via Wikipedia
Prop C?
Follow up to previous post..........
Feminist issue with manhole name
In 1990, the city of Sacramento, California officially renamed all their manholes to "maintenance holes" out of concern for the equality of both genders.[2] The name "maintenance hole" was selected because the term shares the same initials as the word "manhole", thereby eliminating the need to change the MH labels on the city's utility maps
Finally, big decision I go see Lady Gaga's Monster Ball Tour ($175 @ Sprint) or attend BOA (free @ City Hall). What is the best entertainment value? Tune in tomorrow to see what my choice was. Really.
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- Granny falls down manhole! (
Monday, August 2, 2010
This Week
Tomorrow, the BOA holds the monthly meeting @ 7PM. On the agenda: Manhole and sewer plan update, hiring of a full time police officer, Barry Road update, and more. (Why do they call them manholes anyway...why not womanholes...nah, what about the non-offensive gender neutral personholes?...never mind).
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Entrance Update
Don't know if you noticed a couple of items in the Miller update email earlier this week regarding the EAGC. He mentions the private donations part of the effort amounting to 90% of the funding, with the City doing the other 10%. Either the project is being drastically cut back (the City has $50,000 from KCMO) or there is anticipation the City will increase the contribution. Maybe there will be further discussion @ the BOA this coming week.
The other note was the mention of the "major fundraising gala" on June 18th, 2011. I guess the EAG wants to block the calendar before any other major event is scheduled in the community. Speaking of fundraising, it will be interesting to see how the pledges for this year dribble in to the City kitty. It's going to be tough to begin construction this year if there is a major redesign in the works. Will that affect how donors view the project. We'll see.
Here is the entrance for the new subdivision in Riverside, Montebella.
The other note was the mention of the "major fundraising gala" on June 18th, 2011. I guess the EAG wants to block the calendar before any other major event is scheduled in the community. Speaking of fundraising, it will be interesting to see how the pledges for this year dribble in to the City kitty. It's going to be tough to begin construction this year if there is a major redesign in the works. Will that affect how donors view the project. We'll see.
Here is the entrance for the new subdivision in Riverside, Montebella.
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