August 3rd
Entrance Committee Advisory Group Committee
Infrastructure SubCommittee
Jerry commented the SubCommittee has been meeting "off and on" regarding the quandary of the pricing of the East Side and Kearns monuments. (No they haven't posted the meetings and continue to operate like it is a club rather than a public entity...but then who cares right?). The driving force behind the continuing push to build the monuments clearly resides with this SubCommittee...Bos, Miller, Slaggie, Cantrell and Dabner. They are shopping straw proposals to various construction firms to get a fix on paring costs and possible rebids for the project. In the meantime, as Barry Road construction crawls along...if monuments are planned at Forest and Hillside...where will they be located?
The current monuments at East Side and Kearns continue to be neglected (at least as of this past Sunday) with weeds way beyond City Code. Anybody heard of weed kill? The Potomac entrance is presentable...only because a kind volunteer soul does the maintenance. If and when the new monuments are built, look for Public Works to beg off the arduous work of maintenance and contract out the work...and the BOA complains about the cost of street lights?
--------Maybe the club,,,, er I mean the committee could have a spaghetti dinner as a fund raiser for maintenance of the mausoleums,,,,,,, er I mean monuments.
If an entrance falls on Forest, did it make a sound?
Why are they starting with the entrance at city hall first when it is the Barry Road ones that have been demolished?
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