The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 3rdJerry introduced the topic of the City 5 year Sewer Plan to the BOA with the comment that the document presented to the Aldermen was "self explanatory". (It's hard to say how "self explanatory" the document is, the public in the audience didn't get a copy) The Plan was developed by Vic who said he started working on it a year ago. Vic mentioned the Plan was "90% George". There was a short discussion regarding some of the financial information, apparently the numbers didn't add up. Vic was going to review and resubmit. Jerry said the Plan was "getting the sewer system back to where it should be...should've been some time ago". He didn't explain his comments nor did any of the aldermen as to exactly what he meant. In any event, the BOA adopted the Plan, eventually it will be posted on the City web site for all to see.
While there are those out there that keep complaining that the city is justified in all of the fee's, etc. Do ANY of those same people pay attention to the 11% that is added onto your KCPL bills or your cell phone bills, or other utilities that have the Weatherby Lake franchise fee's on them. WE ARE paying our dues. We pay taxes on our homes, taxes on our cars, and fee's ontop of our utilites which are high enough without the XTRA'S that are added onto our bills
No, the public doesn't understand how much is put into the general fund.
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