Thursday, June 21, 2012

The End

The Destruction and Construction of Barry Road comes to a virtual end with the striping late yesterday of the KCMO piece of the project east of East Side and Amity.  Basically four years in the making, does the result make the four year pain in the *** worth it?  For overly patient West Siders I don't know many who think the final product was worth the wait and bother, sure it is pretty and yes there is an extra lane west of Amity.  Speed will be an issue all along the new piece of roadway...just watch KCMO go crazy running radar...drivers beware.

What do you think of the approach going west on Barry at East Side/Amity?  Kind of a weird merge, huh?  If you are in the right lane be on the lookout, that car on your left might be making the merge (to the right) without looking, already happened to me yesterday.  Should be a Body Shop Delight.

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