Sunday, June 3, 2012

Huge Sale

Eastlake Garage Sales
Eastlake Garage Sales (Photo credit: Eastlaketimes)
Thus read the sign @ Barry and Potomac, indicating the enormity of junk, I mean items, for sale at our house during the garage sale this past weekend.  The traffic was a little disappointing, some garage salers said the "Road Closed" signs on Barry were discouraging.  Nonetheless, lot of our stuff is now your stuff, the ultimate in recycling and capitalism combined...and our dirty little secret goes unnoticed by our friends at the IRS.  Around 4:30PM or so on Friday we were down to one customer and we faced the prospect of packing up and going after it again on Saturday.  Looking at what we had left, not much of value we pondered donating the rest to a charity...when the customer overheard our conversation.  She offered to take the rest off our hands, she was going to have a garage sale herself and sell the stuff...Sold!...I mean Given.  She took every last item, our problem solved.  Off to Garrozzo's for a celebratory carbo load.  
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