Friday, June 8, 2012


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 5

Committee/Board appointments were considered by the BOA.  FYI, the process is the Mayor appoints, the BOA confirms (or denies) the appointments.  The BOA chose to review the appointments by Commitee/Board, starting with the BZA (Board of Zoning Adjustment).  Current member Mike Mcdermott was up for reappointment as announced by the Mayor.  Jerry asked if there was any discussion...none.  Vote: Finn, Aye, Folkedahl, Aye, Hoy, NAY, DeJong Aye.  Mike reappointed...whoa, what is with the NAY?  What could possibly be the reason why Ms Hoy voted No?  You would have to ask her, because she offered none.  This wasn't the first time she has voted NAY on an appointment.  Last year she voted NAY on the reappointment of Mike Moratz (that would be me) with no explanation either.

Payback?  You bet.  Goes back to a particular BZA hearing that did not go the way of one of her pals (and former campaign treasurer).  Unlike Mary, the members of the BZA did explain their position and why, on the record.  Oh well.

Mary's email "meeting notes" declares, " We approved appointments to all of WL's city boards and commissions". She just omits her vote or reason for the vote on much for accountability.. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what is new, politicians who do not stand with courage for their convictions. If she has an ax to grind, say it, instead of hiding behind a nay without explanation. Shame on her. I guess you can do that with nobody watching, except it gets captured on the blog.