Friday, August 31, 2012

Let It Be?

One of my favorite Beatle also reflects my thoughts regarding the possible addition of golf carts and similar rigs on Weatherby Lake streets.  Leave the current ordinance in place and do not amend it to add golf carts.  That it is even being seriously considered shows you where the Mayor and BOA are at.  Recently the sign ordinance was changed because of three families that wanted a change...result, ordinance changed.  Two people, John Bugg and Pat White have appeared before the BOA during the last two meetings, asking for the addition of street legal golf carts.  One person (me) questioned the wisdom of the idea.  Questions from the Mayor or BOA...none.  Likelihood it will pass?  High, unless they hear from you.

Golf carts
Golf carts (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I run the streets two or three times (once a week with Bubba) a week.  I ride my bike on the "off days".  I walk Bear on occasion.  Many of you do the same.  Most WL drivers are mindful of us non-vehicular objects, usually going out of their way to give us room...because, as you know, we have no sidewalks...and in many cases no shoulder either.  So now a couple of folks want to ride around in golf carts.  Consider a cart puttering down East Side, on a blind corner or hill...and a non-WL person driving like a person possessed (Tuesday, red late model Ford Escape, middle aged female, no WL sticker) overtakes the unfortunates in the cart.  Oops.

And there are questions, lots of them.  What about safety equipment?  Who inspects them? Will they have to have insurance, and how much?  How much administrative burden will it be on the slim City staff?  Same for the Police Department.  Will there be any increased liability on the City's part?  Is this something the majority of folks want?

Ok, but Mike, Parkville has them.  Right.  How many permits/licenses have they issued?  21 so far as of 8:45 AM yesterday.  Where do virtually all of the owners live?  The National.  A golf course.  No kidding.  I get that, my father-in law lives in a golf community and he has a cart in his garage.  WL is not a golf community.

So your Mayor and BOA are likely to okay the idea, taking the usual apathy of citizens as a sign that you don't care.  If you do care, you need to let them know before next Tuesday.  Remember a majority of those who appeared in front of the BOA have requested approval, that would be Pat and John (2) versus me (1).

You don't have to appear at the next BOA, a simple phone call and/or email will do.  You don't have to give a long explanation (unless you want), "I am not in favor of golf carts on city streets" will be sufficient, that's it.

I am going to do both and of course be at the BOA.  (Please do not call City Hall, Gwen and Nan are taking care of important business and should not be distracted by your call on this issue)

Your move.

Jerry Bos  741-0055
Mary Hoy  584-1365
Vic DeJong  587-4865
Tanya Finn  587-9957
Dave Folkedahl  748-5511

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wink at the Blue Moon

Before I dive into this post look to the right on your screen...see where it says "Follow By Email"?.  One reader complained to me she forgets to check in on the blog, so if you need a reminder, put in your email and hit the "Submit" button.

Neil Armstrong photographed by Buzz Aldrin aft...
Neil Armstrong photographed by Buzz Aldrin after the completion of the Lunar EVA on the Apollo 11 flight (brighter and smaller version) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Tomorrow is the so called "Blue Moon" and if Isaac doesn't interfere you will be able to enjoy it.  Ironic and fitting because the private funeral services for Neil Armstrong will be held in Cincinnati tomorrow.  Many of us were around to witness, on live TV, "one small step" that Armstrong took on the moon.  It is/was one of those moments to recall "where were you'?  I was a teen at the time, it was a hot summer evening in Wisconsin.  To this day it still seems unbelievable (do you really think it was shot on a Hollywood back lot by Walt Disney?).

The Armstrong family has made an interesting suggestion for a tribute to Neil, calling it "Wink at the Moon"  The statement Armstrong's family realeased upon his death requested that the public honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, adding "and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink".

Neil here's to ya!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Followup to the post regarding the new compass rose additions to the Park monuments.  The Park Board felt the addition of the rose to the Park tombstones would carry the theme from the City monuments, thus the installation.  The additions were paid out of Park Board funds, for those inquiring minds that might want to know.  What was the cost? $200.  The company that did the City etchings was not interested in the Park project, "too small", but some of the workers who did the City monuments did the Park stuff on their own time, this past weekend.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting The Religion

Apparently Mayor Bos has new found fervor for Google Fiber.  You might recall, as I reported from last BOA, Bos summarily dismissed citizen Don Coleman Sr request to look into bringing Google Fiber to the City.  It took all of 90 seconds for Jerry to poo-poo the idea, alluding to all the problems NKC had with their fiber optic network and that we would wait til Google came to the area.  Not a peep from any of the aldermen at the time.

Fast forward to yesterday.  Jerry had letter sent to groups that have email lists, asking the letter, extolling Google Fiber be forwarded to the lists.  He cites a "discussion with Google people" and is now encouraging people to register with Google fiber, "please encourage all neighbors and friends to register".  He mentions that Google has a store in Westport with materials to "get your neighborhood excited and activated".  Even better, "If enough people want to put out a sign, let me know and I'll go to Westport to get some material.  I'm probably to (sic) old to stop at Kelly's to have lunch, but you never know"

Not to be outdone, Alderman Hoy, sent out a note to her list as well, first to inform residents of a death of a citizen (Kim Loveless) and then to paraphrase the Mayors Google note.  She says, "there may be some wonderful benefits if we could get Google to come to Weatherby Lake"...yep there might be.  She advised her readers/citizens to call Jerry for a sign.

My guess is the next BOA there will be another sign discussion.  Why?  According to the current sign ordinance the Google Fiber signs would be illegal, but then both Bos and Hoy know that...or do they?

Call Jerry for a sign, 741-0055.

btw, today is the post #1,500
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Monday, August 27, 2012

Greek To Me

 Eratosthenes deducted two winds from Aristotle's system, to produce the classical 8-wind rose.

A couple of sharp eyed blogites noted this past week a curious edition to the tombstone sign at the Community Center*, namely the compass rose.  You may have noticed the prominent position of the rose on the city monuments, part of the upgrade by the EAGC.  There was early discussion about what elements to display on the monuments, the traditional lake outline was rejected in favor of the compass rose.  Apparently the Park Board has adopted the rose as well.  There wasn't any mention of the move during the last BOA (Park Board report) so it is unknown who/how the new design element was added to at least one of the Park Board signs.

*(the rose has been added to the park signs @ Thompson, King and Birmingham parks as well)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Important Life Saving Information

Ace, my cub reporter passed this along.  It is excellent, I highly recommend you take a moment to view.  Many of you will recognize Anne Peterson, formerly of KCTV5 who is the interviewer.  I suggest you forward to friends and family.

Thanks, Ace.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hung Over

Not from drinking...from enduring an awful professional football  Good news we went on free tickets for the Seattle/Chiefs game, so I don't want my money if that would happen.  But still parking was $27, a beer and two bags of peanuts totaled $17.50, yipes..and then there was the dreadful performance on the field...I know, I know it is just preseason.

Both at the Chief's website and at the game they are pushing season tickets, don't know if they are down but they are very available...quite different than the scenario not all that long ago.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Brush Fire

Most of you have followed the blog for some time, a hard core few since the beginning 4+ years ago (this is post #1495 if you are curious).  From time to time discussions get started in the Comments section that take on a life of their own, like a brush fire.  The most recent example is my post, Money Talks, regarding the recent Platte County Commissioner race.  Some comments veered to the subject about WLIC and now it is off to the races.

Interesting timing because it has leaked into the public domain that current WLIC President Joe Ennett will not be running for the Board this fall, thus, a new President will have to be selected. As usual, fault finders surface quickly, as you can see comments about Ennett and Noble.  My opinion, although neither was perfect, they got the job done.  The WLIC is a multi-million dollar private corporation, run by volunteers with a board elected by the membership.  (There is one paid staff member, Bob, the part-time support staff position is open).  Compare to the City, a multi-million dollar public entity, paid staff, paid elected officials (Mayor Bos gets $600 a month).  How many phone calls do you think Joe gets a week?  How many hours do you think he puts in as a "volunteer" President?.  I've never asked, maybe he would post that...might give some folks a moment to pause.  I'm pretty sure some of the gripers are just private.  Although I haven't attended many WLIC meetings this past couple of years, if you get the monthly minutes (I do) you will see the Board always outnumbers the member attendance.  And it's not like there is this huge slate of candidates to choose from at the annual meeting...finding bodies to fill all the spots is a chore.

So who will step up to the plate (some might say firing squad) for the leadership of WLIC?  For all the detractors of Ennett and Noble...maybe it is you.  You seem to be able to identify the flaws of each, maybe you should take the reins.  While I do enjoy the Comments, both for the brilliance and stupidity of some, I find it interesting how some use the cloak of anonymity to slam others.  It is a little more challenging when your name is attached to it, and that is...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rewriting History

Yesterday's KC Star
 "It was well past time for something to be done for it to be the road that people deserve and need,” Demory said.

That would be Sean Demory, spokesman for KCMO Public Works in referring to the Barry Road Project.  Must have been a slow news day as reporter Glenn Rice summarizes in a tidy manner a very messy project, as all the readers of the blog are readily aware.  Rice mentions "city officials" announced a new bridge in 2004...and a "routine" bridge inspection caused the closing of the bridge in 2008.  That might have been a good point for Mr Rice to pause and say, what happened during those 4 years?  Answer nothing.  Except the fact KCMO continued to ignore maintenance on the bridge until it became a royal pain in the *ss for KCMO, which conveniently decided to close the bridge for safety concerns.

 “The bridge not had any substance work done on it for decades. Frankly, we had been patching it and it was time to bring it up to modern standards,” Demory said.

Hey Glenn, a good question would have been, on the issue of "decades" why?  BTW the bridge report was equivocal.  The day the actual destruction of the BRB took place I went down to watch.  During a break in the action I asked the foreman his opinion of the bridge.  Pointing to the mangled iron that was once the supporting structure he said it was "very solid" and didn't seem to be an issue.  The cement pylons were rock solid.  The bridge was not giving up without a fight.

So in the end, it was KCMO's neglect, lack of interest and lack of money to make repairs and pressure from a "group of citizens" which caused KCMO to do a Duran and say, "No Mas".  The bridge was closed, and four years later all was good on Barry Road.

Read more here:

Read more here:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Didn't realize the net (if you have TimeWarner) disappeared overnight...word has it a major cable was vandalized...makes a person wonder.  Anyway it did disrupt my early morning attempt at a post...booo.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Money Talks

It also helps win elections.  Take the recent vote for District 1 County Commissioner.  How much do you think was spent?  The final tally isn't in, but looking at both candidates financial disclosures the aggregate amount spent for Roper/Dusenbery was almost $100,000 ($94,199).  The final tally is due the first week of September, if I think of it I will give you an update.  If you have an inquiring mind, you might wonder how much was raised per vote received.  4,462 votes were cast.  Do the math and the result is about $21.11 per vote.  And this wasn't even a county wide election.  Wow.

If you really want to get into the details you can go to the Missouri Ethics web site where the financial disclosures are posted.  Included in the reports are the details of who contributed.  Nothing stunning there, but interesting nonetheless.  (click on the link, go to "Quick Search" then "Candidate or Committee Name Search)
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Serious Money
Serious Money (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sunday, August 19, 2012


The Offical Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
7 August

The WL Park Board has presented their Long Range Plan to the Mayor and BOA.  There was general agreement that is was a marvelous document.  There were no copies available at the meeting for the public but I am sure, if you are interested, your alderman would share their copy with you.  The parks continue to be one of WL best kept secrets.  All of the parks are extremely well maintained, nice islands of green space (even in the drought) throughout our community.  Try and find another community our size, let alone a larger city, that can compare.  You won't find it.  Parks are supported by your tax dollars, dedicated to parks only, not out of the City's general funds.  Park Board members are volunteers, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the BOA.  

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Romney Ryan Bumper Sticker
Romney Ryan Bumper Sticker (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
If you have followed the blog at all, you know I rarely if ever venture into national politics, too much at the local scene to even bother further.  But just to get it out there and agitate my Democratic friends (who are agitated enough as it is) I thought I would display once, before the election, my choice.  Promise, no more after today and of course you can post anything, anytime, any day.

I think most people agree the contrasts between the two tickets on many subjects will make it easy to pick your choice.  Leave it at that.

1837 cartoon shows Democratic Party as donkey
1837 cartoon shows Democratic Party as donkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 7th

Sometimes it is what is not said that is more important that what is.  There was no report from the EAGC (Entrance Advisory Group Committee) and the needle on fund raising seems to be stuck.  The Mayor is the only contributor from the elected officials (no aldermen) and just 31 families/individuals/entities have forked over the payola.

At the July BOA meeting there was mention of completion in a "couple of weeks".  Hillside is still missing the "compass rose" and Amity and Barry is missing the signage..  The signage was placed at City Hall early this week, what do you think?  I've had four folks comment how the sign is barely readable during the day.  I went over to snap a pic and sure enough the design blocks light from the back, making the metal sign hard to read.

No problem at night, the lighting jumps out, some say too much.  At least travelers at night will know where they are at.

Update: Late this morning work was being done @ Hillside, looks to be emblazoning of "Weatherby Lake" into the obelisk
Update/Update:  Actually it was Forest not Hillside, but they might have moved up to Hillside, haven't been out this afternoon.
Update/Update/Update:  Hillside sculpting complete as well.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

WL Sign Relocation Program

Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Just after the Barry Road party on Tuesday, Mayor Bos could be seen replanting a sign that had been residing in front of the yet unfinished WL monument at East Side and Barry.  The new location was on the KCMO side of the street on the north east, steps away from the ribbon cutting.  Explaining he didn't care for the sign (encouraging sign ups for Cub Scouts at Hawthorn) he moved the sign to the new location.  Jerry said he"didn't care for" the other sign in front of the monument, the Concert in the Parks yellow and red sign, but let "Gene's" sign be.  (not sure if either was on City property, but no matter).  A panorama of a new entrance sign would have been nice, but Fox 4 chose to show the white socks of Alderman Folkedahl instead.  Nice.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

All That Glitters

is not gold, Mayor Bos was reminded as he admired the gold scissors being handed out to the ribbon cutting at Barry Road and Amity yesterday at 3:45.  The ceremony, just like the road itself, got underway just a bit late.  A crowd of about 20 was gathered to hear the lineup of local politicos say the right things.  Gia Vang from Fox 4 was there to interview the VIPs, including Bos (link below) if you didn't see the piece at 10:30 last night.  Speakers at the event included:

  • Damien Hodges, KCMO Project Manager who acknowledged the "inconvenience" of the area residents. 
  •  KCMO Councilman Russ Johnson who stated Barry road construction was finally finished after "twenty years".
  • KCMO Councilman Ed Ford who recognized the "Mad Moms" for their persistence in pushing the road project.
  • Lynn Hinkle, representing the coalition that Ford referred to as the "Mad Moms" pointing out the last two fatalities at the bridge were the "16th and 17th fatalities on this stretch of road".
  • Bob Heim, project manager for the Platte County portion, mentioned the funding mad possible by the 3/8 county road tax.
(Johnson and Ford had been invited four years ago to address the BOA at WL, at first agreed then backed out at the last minute.  I suspect the potential for hostilities over the sudden closing of the BRB was more than they cared to face.  Apparently time heals all wounds)

Although he was present, Jerry Bos did not address the crowd, don't know if he was asked to speak.  Also not present was KCMO Mayor James, but that might be because it is alleged the only thing he knows north of the river is the airport.

Both the news story and Hinkle refer to the 17 fatalities "on this stretch of road", but no one seems to be able to substantiate that fact which has oft been repeated.  I do know of 3 since I moved here in 1999. No matter, the cars and trucks were whizzing by during the ceremony and once an oncoming car on Barry honked at another car that was trying to cross on Amity, heads turned at the sound.  "Safer Barry Road" we shall have to see.

Hodges mentioned the project cost $30 million, funded by federal, county and city money.

No balloons were released.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Google Is Coming to Weatherby Lake!

Well, maybe, someday, possibly.  Let me explain.  Mayor Bos has decided not to inquire about Google Fiber, but you don't have to wait for the City to get things going. I went to the Google Fiber site and found their hot line # (866 777-7550).  A woman named Charity answered my call, here is what she said:

Q-When is Google Fiber coming to WL?
A-Google is concentrating on KCMO and KCKS first, with plans to expand North and South in the future.

Q-How can I let Google Fiber know I am interested?
A-Go to and click on PRE-REGISTER, after you enter your address and zip it will tell you it is not available in the area at this can sign up to "notify me" and "keep me informed" which Google Fiber uses as way to measure interest in future areas, thus a focus as they move forward.  If you don't ask, you don't receive.

So there, if you really want it, go for it.

Q-what is the population of Westwood, KS?
Google Chrome
Google Chrome (Photo credit:

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Late Breaking News

Stacey Warner from Platte County sent out this notice this morning at 9:29AM.
It did not go to those on the Platte County listserve for the construction updates, rather odd.  It did go to selected local politicians (Mary sent out the notice to her email list..I assume Jerry got one as well).  Apparently there was a concern of too many people showing up for the gala, hard to believe.  In any event it is four years, almost to the day, when the BRB was closed.  You may now release your balloon.  If you do attend wear your finest, it should be a great photo op with news crews in tow for all the politicians.  Smile.

For those who have flagging memories or weren't present, the Barry Road Bridge was closed on Friday, August 15th, 2008.

The project and travails were documented on:

But It's (Not) a Dry Heat

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 7th

Public Works
Short report, George did mention the unusually high number of water and sewer breaks, attributed mainly to the heat and dry conditions.  They had five grinder joints come undone due to the shifting soil, the joints being  the most vulnerable on grinder system.  Notice a whiff of poo in the air with a wet spot to boot?  George to the rescue.  
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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Google This

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
7 August

While the Mayor and Council focus on Signs and Golf Carts an opportunity that might really affect the community goes unexplored.  The Mayor, during his Comments, mentioned he had received communications from resident Don Coleman about the possibility of WL being proactive in pursuing Google as they arrive in Metro KCMO and KCKS.  Jerry's thoughts on the matter is we will "get them here when they get there" and mused about NKC "wished they would have saved their money".  Now I know you all know about Google putting up their high speed network in the area.  Unless you read the KC Star you might not know what the Bos was referring.  NKC spent part of their windfall from the Boat to finance a community owned fiber optics internet system...apparently a money loser.  What that has to do with Google exactly the Mayor did not explain, nor did anybody on the BOA ask.  There was no discussion, the Board satisfied the Mayor had done the due diligence and we will keep plodding along with our friends from Time Warner

All fiberhoods are different. They range in size and density as well as speed and ease of Fiber construction. For example, houses that are spread out (like in the suburbs) require more time, fiber and labor, and therefore are more difficult to connect than homes in a dense urban environment. So, in those fiberhoods that are more complicated to build, we want to make sure that enough residents will want Fiber service. We don’t want Fiber to be out of reach for anyone—it’s our hope that the pre-registration goals will be practical and attainable.

The Kansas City Star reports Google now has tentative agreements to offer the service in three small cities in northern Johnson County Westwood, Westwood Hills and Mission Woods.The city councils in each community will have to approve the agreements. The Star says residents would get a chance to register only after residents on the Missouri side have signed up.Google Fiber will offer a variety of options for Internet connections and paid TV services.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Goofy Golf (Carts)

Golf carts
Golf carts (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 7th

Continuing on the theme of catering to a few, the BOA continues to explore adding golf carts and other similar motorized vehicles to the milieu on City streets.  Alderman Folkedahl is the sponsor and supporter of the idea and there seems to be a sympathetic ear from some of the other aldermen.  Last meeting John Bugg came forward during Public Comments to ask for golf carts to be allowed on City streets.  This meeting Pat and Tony White presented themselves, during Public Comments, to support the idea as well.  Pat asked to approach the Aldermen and Mayor and provided a packet of information presumably to persuade them to allow golf carts.  Some excerpts from the packet;
Potential Benefits

  • "Lake Waukomis, Lake Quivira and the City of Parkville have adopted ordinances"
  • Potential benefits include, "Increase in City revenue" (because of a permit fee),  "Decrease in carbon footprint" (compared to motor vehicles), Decrease in wear and tear on City streets", "Decrease in noise", "Decrease in motor speed", "alleviate the congestion and need for space" (parking)
  • "2nd tier homes could use a golf cart to more easily access their boat docks since many of them require descending and climbing steep banks"
  • "We are truly a lake community and as such, many residents could use transportation to their boats from their homes and this law could enable them to make that trip each day in their cart"   
It was the intention of the Mayor and the BOA to have a special board meeting to consider the issue.  There was some difficulty in finding a date because of the sponsor's (Folkedahl) calendar.  When a date was agreed upon a question from the audience asked how the meeting would be announced to WL citizens.  The Mayor responded by saying it could be put in the EWeatherby Lake Living.  It was pointed out that was not an official publication.  Folkedahl floated the idea of having a flash mail to subscribers on the City web site, but when questioned didn't know how many subscribers there were (my guess, relatively few).  It was pointed out to the Mayor the only effective way to communicate to all citizens was a mass mailing.  Mayor Jerry responded that would cost "a thousand dollars" (really).  (He has never been a fan of mailings, recall the trash service fiasco?) (makes one wonder how a trained CPA and former CFO could be off on his math...but then he is disposed to hyperbole)  So in the end, it was decided to discuss the issue as part of the next regular BOA meeting.

I can hardly wait.

BTW, welcome to the "canoe couple", hope you enjoy the blog!
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