Saturday, August 18, 2012


Romney Ryan Bumper Sticker
Romney Ryan Bumper Sticker (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
If you have followed the blog at all, you know I rarely if ever venture into national politics, too much at the local scene to even bother further.  But just to get it out there and agitate my Democratic friends (who are agitated enough as it is) I thought I would display once, before the election, my choice.  Promise, no more after today and of course you can post anything, anytime, any day.

I think most people agree the contrasts between the two tickets on many subjects will make it easy to pick your choice.  Leave it at that.

1837 cartoon shows Democratic Party as donkey
1837 cartoon shows Democratic Party as donkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Eddie Munster
I voted for the war in Iraq
I voted for Tarp
I voted for the auto bailout
I voted for Drug Plan D the largest Socialist expansion of government
I did not worry about paying for any of the above
I claim I am responsible and that I am a deficit hawk

I want to blame the accumulation of debt from party and my votes on someone else

I am disingenous and slippery politician

A lot of normally smart people are so blinded bt partisanship that they go along with people like me and Jonny Ethonal Eric and Mitch the Molester
I want to help Mis fit and his buddies not pay any taxes at all
and tax the middle class
I want to build missle shields for Poland and go to war with Iran

America for the people with big money anshould be run by tools of the people who write big checks

America for the people with big money by the people with big money

By A six figure taxpayer who paid a rate of 26%

Go ahead vote for the guy who admits he never paid more than 13%but wont prove if he ever paid less

Oh the indignation with the lack of Hope and Change