Thursday, August 2, 2012

A New Chair

Chair album
Chair album (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The WL Planning Commission had a session earlier this week to resolve an issue regarding a replat done some years ago.  Seems the issue revolved an erroneous survey done that was off by 6 feet.  Wow, how can that happen you say?  Good question, and it happens more than you would think, I've had a number of discussions with folks who have had surveys go bad.  Anyway, the mishap was fixed at the meeting and all is now right in the world.

Footnote:  The Commission was lacking a Chairman because of the resignation of Mark Horstman since the last meeting.  What to do?  Why elect Tom Henke, who was not present, to the Chair.  Seems Mr Henke was absent and on vacation...that will teach him.  In the absence of the newly elected chair, Jeff Goodwin, filled in to chair the meeting.

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