It did not go to those on the Platte County listserve for the construction updates, rather odd. It did go to selected local politicians (Mary sent out the notice to her email list..I assume Jerry got one as well). Apparently there was a concern of too many people showing up for the gala, hard to believe. In any event it is four years, almost to the day, when the BRB was closed. You may now release your balloon. If you do attend wear your finest, it should be a great photo op with news crews in tow for all the politicians. Smile.
For those who have flagging memories or weren't present, the Barry Road Bridge was closed on Friday, August 15th, 2008.
The project and travails were documented on:
maybe Funkhauser will come back for the grand opening...wait, they already had one with the Funk. Why are they so giddy with excitement? Hope the cameras pick up on our new monuments at Amity and Forest.
This has to be a Mary Hoy thing.
I think KCMO will be gleeful as their cops harvest an abundance of tickets on Barry Speedway.
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