Friday, August 17, 2012

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
August 7th

Sometimes it is what is not said that is more important that what is.  There was no report from the EAGC (Entrance Advisory Group Committee) and the needle on fund raising seems to be stuck.  The Mayor is the only contributor from the elected officials (no aldermen) and just 31 families/individuals/entities have forked over the payola.

At the July BOA meeting there was mention of completion in a "couple of weeks".  Hillside is still missing the "compass rose" and Amity and Barry is missing the signage..  The signage was placed at City Hall early this week, what do you think?  I've had four folks comment how the sign is barely readable during the day.  I went over to snap a pic and sure enough the design blocks light from the back, making the metal sign hard to read.

No problem at night, the lighting jumps out, some say too much.  At least travelers at night will know where they are at.

Update: Late this morning work was being done @ Hillside, looks to be emblazoning of "Weatherby Lake" into the obelisk
Update/Update:  Actually it was Forest not Hillside, but they might have moved up to Hillside, haven't been out this afternoon.
Update/Update/Update:  Hillside sculpting complete as well.


Anonymous said...

31 contributors? That sounds about right. I think everyone knew only about 4% of our population was in support of the effort. But alas, the 4% are the only ones most of the BOA listens to. Now on to golf carts.

Anonymous said...

not what I envisioned looking at the drawings, the City Hall affair is awful.

Anonymous said...

No one seems to have an answer to where the balance of monies came from to complete Barry/Eastside sign.

Anonymous said...

Did all this need to be constructed on the back side of Weatherby Lake? That, I would think is the least traveled entrance. Looks like something that extravagant would have been built at the NW Potomac entrance on Barry Road where all the traffic passes and near the community center where we all gather for various functions and voting. Have there been any studies as to which entrance has the most traffic and/or traffic passing by. Seems to me that this is more of an advertisement geared to folks who do not live here. We who live here already know where we live, right?

Anonymous said...

Right. But Laura Welch spearheaded this. She thought the city hall entrance is the main one. Her foundation gave $40,000 She is the main leader of the committee, although she wasn't approved by the BOA until two months ago. Interesting that she made a statement if you gave less than $999.00 your name didn't need to go on a plaque for the city hall