Saturday, August 4, 2012

Road Kill

From the August 1 Roper letter to Weatherby Lake Neighbors:

"Commissioner Dusenberry told our Mayor, Jerry Bos (and the other mayors in Platte County), that she would cut the "Road District" money we receive from the county by one-third."

If she (Dusenbery) said that, it was certainly Dumb.  If she meant it, it was even Dumber.  The Commission toils in almost total obscurity (no bloggers up there), so if they are even considering ideas like that it should be alarming.  Because she prides herself in her campaign flyers with "Cut...Cut" I guess it isn't out of the realm of possibilities they would consider not renewing the County Road Tax...(it really isn't a Road District, as all my informed blogites know, we have three road districts that carve up our little City).

Plausible?  Yep, sounds like Kathy.

Road Kill (video)
Road Kill (video) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Anonymous said...

atta girl, Kathy, you go girl!

Anonymous said...

I found Roper’s letter puzzling. She states the county is 83M in debt yet feels there are certain amenities that should not be cut such as the south annex. Seems to me the south annex was a convenience. When times are tough, monies have to come from somewhere. Can’t have it both ways. If that’s her logic, what other irrational amenity logic is she going to use.
That’s the problem with governments in debt. Government officials love to spend money they don’t have. They also like to promise the sun and the moon in order to get elected. If cities have to lose $30,000/year for roads, well then we drive on crummy roads. How easy would it be for a homeowner to get a new driveway (or anything) by using someone else's money or going into debt to get it – that’s government spending and logic.
Tighten one’s belt and suck it up. I would much rather be debt free and live in an area debt free.
I didn’t read solid cost savings alternatives in Roper’s letter. I read what she thought it would take to get elected.