Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Roper Roars Past Dusenbery

KC Star "Roper Squeaks Past Dusenbery"

With the count still unofficial and the Platte County Election Board posting one precinct to report on their web site, Beverlee Roper appears to have won the Commissioners race by a little over 1% of the vote.  The Star is reporting the vote count as Roper at 50.5%, Dusenbery 49.5%, while the Platte County Board of Elections has the count at Roper 50.52 and Dusenbery 49.48.  (I believe current state law requires an automatic recount when the difference is less than 1%, that's why the number may be important).  The opinion is the unreported precinct may be either write-in or absentee...or both, whether it will make a difference is yet to be seen.  Interesting side note, there were 4462 votes cast in the election, but if you add up the votes for both (so far) there were 162 voters who did not cast a vote in the race...odd, and a potential game changer.  Voter turn out was light (14.7% of registered voters) which certainly did not favor the incumbent, I can only assume Dusenbery did not fire up her base in Parkville while Roper had a landslide in WL.  I'll post more info on the stats as they become available.

Final financial reports aren't due for awhile, but speculation is the final combined spend by the candidates will be over $100,000  (Dusenbery had quite a few TV spots and both had dueling color brochures) .  If so, that would be about $22 per vote, yipes!

If the election results hold up, the dynamics at the County are bound to change.  Presiding Commissioner Brown will have to deal with Roper who has not been shy about her disdain for some of the actions of the current commission and Brown in particular.  I suspect it will not be business as usual when Bev takes office.  Let's hope so.

Confirmed with Platte County Election Board that the vote totals (noted above) are correct, the pending precinct noted at their web site does not pertain to the primary election.  Roper the winner and no automatic recount.

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Anonymous said...

just wait, the dusenbery cry babies will start with the excuses for her loss, aimed at the roper campaign. Fact is dusenberry didnt have much to run on and ran a poor campaign. she got flattened, maybe she didnt take roper seriously.

Anonymous said...

We will have to see if this makes a difference @ Platte County, I am a skeptic.

Anonymous said...

If Beverlee Roper can keep her attitude in check, believe she will be a far better commissioner than Dusenbery.