The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 6th
Sr Manager
Cash Sweiven, of the CPA firm
Cochran Head Vick presented the “
Agreed Upon Procedures Results” for the City for the 2009 calendar year. Although the agenda and
Jerry listed this as an Audit Report, Mr Sweiven was quick to point out this was not an audit but a report on the agreed upon proposal requested by the BOA. {Apparently his real name is Cash…makes you wonder how that happened…CPA parents?...Parents were country western fans? Conceived in a bank drive-through?...But I digress}
{More digresson…the last time City finances were reviewed by an outside firm (Miller) a financial review was performed at the cost of $4,000, this time around the bill will be no more than $12,000, nobody asked how much the final bill from CHV is.}
Bottom line, no major exceptions found in the review of cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll disbursements, bank reconciliations and manual journal entries. Positive reflection on the work of the City Clerk and City Treasurer.
Areas for improvement include: including “encumbrance accounting prior to committing to purchase of items off budget, all time sheets need to be approved, hourly rate increase not supported by documentation/approval, review of bank reconciliations needs to be done outside of the individual responsible, certain journal entries need review.
Interview with staff did not uncover any other areas of interest or scope
Jerry mentioned he wanted the
Audit Committee "to be involved" but the AC meeting scheduled just prior to the BOA could not be conducted for lack of quorum.
Speaking of
Cochran Head Vick, two notables from WL are listed as employees of the firm,
Mark Horstman, chair of the WL Planning Commission and
Dean Sparks, member of the WL Audit Committee. This might be known to the aldermen, just never mentioned during public meetings.