July 6th
Jerry is borrowing a page from the Henderson playbook in regards to Police vehicles. Apparently unanticpated repairs on vehicles, including multiple transmissions have taken their toll to the point where a new patrol car is need. Problem? No money budgeted for this year, the mayor tried to stretch the budget hoping to make it to next year. Solution? Go to Riverside and beg for a castoff cop car. As of the BOA meeting there were no guarantees that a car could be gotten. And of course a used car has potential problems of its own. No comments or questions by the BOA.
There was discussion of the purchase of a new car for next year. Jerry called out the fact that the prototype cruiser was "cheap" (Crown Vic) and was big enough to carry all the stuff necessary for a patrol car. He mused about the hybrid SUVs Gladstone has purchased and other alternatives like the smaller Taurus. No comment by Chief of Police Gary.
Think out of the box? What about a Harley? The motorcycle idea was kicked around in times past. Raybans and leather jacket not included.
How about Jerry going to Harley for a motorcycle? Less fuel burn and better to catch those speeders on Eastside, Westside and Potomac. Write enough tickets and you could pay for a car pretty quick.
They let the young cop go who wrote all the tickets. Not good for the corporate image since many were residents. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG. Another case of Cum Bah Yah.
Which one left? They let him go or he left???
I think we should have a spaghetti dinner to raise money or better yet to heck with it. We don't need street lights, why would we need patrol...huge savings. Deputize the BOA and Mayor and be done with it, they can use their own vehicles.
how about a bicycle?? They have plenty of them around town. On the plus side they don't need gas. Don't break down. Gives officer plenty of exercise. Or they could go with horses, they could keep them behind city hall. Just a thought
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