July 6th
So says Mayor Bos in his Comments at the BOA meeting. After the snickers subsided from Board members and audience (eight strong)(Mayor had a smile as well) Jerry added a 24" main had to be added to the road bed prior to the topping and completion of the road. If you've been by lately I think you will agree there is lots of work to be done and little time (prior to August 31) to complete it.
More unhappy news regarding the piece of Barry west of Potomac. Jerry says the county may not start until next summer to prevent school (Hawthorne) disruption, Alderman Hoy in her newsletter says it is a done deal, no roadwork until next summer. Either way, long suffering West Siders will have another road project to deal with. No mention at the meeting of the Amity piece...that looms in the future of both sides of the lake as well as Barry to the east of East Side. Yipes.
In the meantime the huge Paseo Bridge (aka Christopher S. Bond Bridge) is roaring towards the finish line (See today's KC Star page 1). The 1,700 foot bridge with 316 foot tower will be transporting northbound traffic about the same time (maybe) the Barry Road Culvert opens up. Think about it. Virtually the same time period.

KC Star/Fred Blocher
It is interesting that Platte County is interested in disruption of school traffic to Hawthorn, doesn't seem to be the case for KCMO does it?
Appeaser: someone who tries to bring peace by acceding
The Funk and his crew have disdain for anybody outside KCMO, ask Jackson County officials. What makes you think he and KCMO will treat WL any different?
Spoken like a supporter of an appeaser
We should be satisfied with do nothing leadership because Kansas City treats others they same way
Life is good here at Weatherby Lake
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