Mass demonstrations of civil disobedience have forced the hand of the City. Open consumption of alcohol in Cristhaven Park last year and this year during the Concert series has required a blind eye from the cops. The Committee formed by the Mayor and BOA is meeting tonight to consider the revision of the City ordinance. Additionally they will consider the issue of curfew. From Mary Hoy's (Chair of the Committee) email:.
Residents: Please let me know by tomorrow PM any comments you may have regarding these ordinances. Sorry for the abgreviated version, but i didn't want to type it all in.....or come to the meeting!!!
SECTION 210.575
A. No person shall consume or drink any intoxicating liquor of any kind or any beer on any public street, sidewalk, park or on the outside of any other public place which does not have a liquor license permitting outside consumption.
B. No person shall possess any open container of any intoxicating liquor of any kind or any beer on any public street or park in any motor vehicle.
SECTION 210.590 Curfew for persons under Seventeen
A. ......(paraphrased) no person under 17 to be in or upon any public place or way within the City of WL between the hours of 12:01
AM and 6:00 AM." This doesn't apply if a parent or guardian, or upon some "legitimate business".......
AM and 6:00 AM." This doesn't apply if a parent or guardian, or upon some "legitimate business".......
B. Parents shall not knowlingly allow a person under age of 17 to violate this section
C. A writtennotice will be sent to parents of violators
D. Such notice may be left at the residence or mailed to parent/guardian
City Hall, 5:30PM
Has there been a problem? How about all those Community Center/Irish parties? Where does that fall in this scheme? Vermin may have a big problem the next time up Potomac. Get serious about the big things. Don't sweat the petty things just pet the sweaty things.
Yeah, spend more time focusing on non-problems. That's a great idea. By the way, our lake is filling with mud. How much time has Mary spent on this issue?
How about fixing things that are broken instead? This is just a can of worms.
How in the world does Gandhi relate to this?
What's next? No alcohol on the lake?
Has there been significant problems at the concerts?
Is this a case of an isolate few so now all have to pay the price?
I believe the gandhi reference is the notion that many WL-ers openly consume the booze on city property in a civil and orderly way, when there might be a city code against it.
9:28pm, I believe I am correct in saying that the reason this issue was addressed is that there is apparently a city ordinance that, as stated, does not allow consumption of alcohol on city property. To my knowledge there has not been a problem with drinking on public property and no one has caused a problem by drinking too much. Apparently, this was an acknowledgement that an ordinance exists that we (our city's police) do not enforce. There was simply a decision by the BOA to create a committee that could look into whether this is an ordinance we want to keep in place or change as our police had not been enforcing the ordinance.
I believe that was all there was to it.
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