Back to work after a nice long weekend...riding the iron pony to FL for a big confab, no time to blog when Delta wants me to hop on @ 7AM. Barry Road update tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Bin Laiden
Dennis Gagnon, spokesperson for KC Public Works believes 65% of homes in KC recycle, adding, "A lot of those curbs add up to a lot of value".
Details of the profit sharing arrangement with Allied Waste and WL have not been disclosed. No doubt someone thinks enough of WL to abscond with copper, remember the heist of copper from a home under construction in WestRidge?
Ah the nostalgia...we've actually had some items repurposed after taking them to the curb, a toilet, a bookcase, an old grill, an outdoor settee...thing of the past? we shall see.
Don't forget the sunscreen today, see you on the lake.
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Speaking of mud, the dredge is pumping like mad as the new siltation pond is being readied.
Oh yeah, you are now free to swim as the lake has reopened according to RoboCall. Nice to have the signs down, the WL Chamber of Commerce was sweating the adverse impression of the Lake Closed signs juxtaposed next to the All You Can Eat signs.
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Next Door
Our neighbors next door to the East have similar concerns about changes to codes and variances, here is a piece of an email from Sue Porter. She and others have been very active in fighting potential development of the land bordering WL (Bridle Park) in the County.
"Would you please attend the Platte County Commission hearing Tuesday, June 14, 7PM, to show support against suggested Code changes which would allow the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve such changes as requests come up WITHOUT public hearing. Such variance requests are currently approved or rejected in Platte County on a case-by-case basis, with a public hearing, with the immediate neighbors' approval. If the proposed amendments are approved, you will no longer have a say in this process, even if it turns out it is your neighbors who want to add more houses on the lots next to you "
"Would you please attend the Platte County Commission hearing Tuesday, June 14, 7PM, to show support against suggested Code changes which would allow the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve such changes as requests come up WITHOUT public hearing. Such variance requests are currently approved or rejected in Platte County on a case-by-case basis, with a public hearing, with the immediate neighbors' approval. If the proposed amendments are approved, you will no longer have a say in this process, even if it turns out it is your neighbors who want to add more houses on the lots next to you "
Sue mentions in her letter the Luminary article regarding Mary's interest in patio homes. Connecting the dots, Mary was very active in Commissioner's Dusenbery run for Platte County Commission.
Friday, May 27, 2011
MO DNR Weighs In
In reference to a closed beach in their email alerts to citizens, dated May 25.
RoboPoo and other Crappie News
On an unrelated note, the Fishing Club is having their all you can eat Fish Fry at the CC on Sunday.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Gimme Shelter
All clear, they are released from WalMart, me back to the Beast. Sedalia didn't fare as well as we did.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Luminary Interviews Hoy
Pick up last Friday's edition of the Luminary while they are on the newsstands. Front page headline "Weatherby Lake Considering Changes to Minimum Lot Size" The article quotes Ms Hoy on the subject, " I would like to provide the opportunity for individuals to have a maintenance-free home, not reduce the lot size". Could have fooled me, but then again she has not personally made an appearance to speak, either at the recent Planning Commission meeting or the last Board of Directors meeting of the WLIC. She did send hubby Don, who said he wasn't speaking on her behalf...and then spoke on her behalf. Still her letters to the BOA and WLIC seem to be straightforward...go figure.
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- "I was the Alderman who proposed changes be made to our City Code" (
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
May 3rd
(As reported by Ace and others)
The BOA approved the fireworks contract, $15,000 ($20,000 worth because we pay in advance). No music this year. In regards to last years display, Alderman Hoy said "last years decision was tragic" (to hold the fireworks during inclement weather). Alderman Finn said she made the call to do the display on the 4th because the forecast was the same for the 5th. Mayor Bos asked if the PD had a problem leaving the dam road closed if they went to a rain date...answer, no. So, the Big Bang is scheduled for the 4th, rain date the 5th. We shall see if the Rain Gods smite us again.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Upside Down
Been one of those weeks right? Someone cut the curve or maybe was forced over @ Hillside and Wayland this past week...the street sign took a hit, got to believe the vehicle is worse for the wear as well...blame Barry Road.
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
May 3rd
(As reported by ACE and others)
Police Report
Speaking of hits...a Corvette tangled with a rock wall in front of the Hagen residence, reports are the wall won, although it is mostly rubble if you go by the home...Crime took a bite out of a Land Rover parked at a residence near the Castle...vehicle jacked up, put on blocks, wheel covers stolen with the lug nuts, the bad guys (girls?) most have gotten scared off and left the wheels. The covers were eventually found by a strolling neighbor. The old Crown Vic is for sale, might go for as high as $1,500, wouldn't you want a piece of WL Police history? Imagine all the bad guys (girls?) who have sat in the back seat awaiting justice.
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
May 3rd
(As reported by ACE and others)
Police Report
Speaking of hits...a Corvette tangled with a rock wall in front of the Hagen residence, reports are the wall won, although it is mostly rubble if you go by the home...Crime took a bite out of a Land Rover parked at a residence near the Castle...vehicle jacked up, put on blocks, wheel covers stolen with the lug nuts, the bad guys (girls?) most have gotten scared off and left the wheels. The covers were eventually found by a strolling neighbor. The old Crown Vic is for sale, might go for as high as $1,500, wouldn't you want a piece of WL Police history? Imagine all the bad guys (girls?) who have sat in the back seat awaiting justice.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Robo Poo
Speaking of bad taste, have you noticed the barge for the dredge operation has been very quiet this week. Turns out the sludge pond below the dam is full and/or needs work, so no dredge for now. Brief update posted on the WLIC web site (do you mute the site when you go there too? The music is a bit much)
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Friday, May 20, 2011
More From Alderman Hoy
The two page letter from Mary to the Planning Commission (included in the recent WLIC mailing) had another pearl that might have been overlooked. From page two, 2nd paragraph of her "Dear Commissioners" letter:
"Further, we have homes where the streets are not actually located where platted, further disadvantaging the property owner. It would be prudent to include provision in the Code for amending the street locations to their actual placement throughout the City so that set back rules would fairly represent what actually exists today. If the City should have future need for additional right of way, then the land could be obtained in a proper manner."
Confused? You should be. Re-survey the roads? Expensive? Very. How many situations are actually of dire consequence? Why would the City need additional right of way? Ask Mary.
"Further, we have homes where the streets are not actually located where platted, further disadvantaging the property owner. It would be prudent to include provision in the Code for amending the street locations to their actual placement throughout the City so that set back rules would fairly represent what actually exists today. If the City should have future need for additional right of way, then the land could be obtained in a proper manner."
Confused? You should be. Re-survey the roads? Expensive? Very. How many situations are actually of dire consequence? Why would the City need additional right of way? Ask Mary.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
No Stairs, No Maintenance, No Taxes
Westwood Manor- A Unique Concept in Senior (50+) Living
1,700 sq ft, 3bdr, 2ba, wraparound deck with park view.
Lawn Maintenance and Snow Removal
1,700 sq ft, 3bdr, 2ba, wraparound deck with park view.
$350 Maintenance Fee includes:
Water, Sewer, Trash PickupLawn Maintenance and Snow Removal
Real Estate Taxes!
Walking Trails, Community Parks, Community Center
On Site Management and Maintenance
On Site Handy Man Service
Free RV Storage
Mini Storage
The Saga Continues
Mary Hoy's crusade to change City Codes showed up at the monthly WLIC Board Meeting Monday evening...minus Mary. The usual suspects were out in force, Don Hoy, Marlin and Linda Cone, joined by two new faces, Alderman Folkedahl and Bob Campbell. All questioned the decision by the Board to issue the resolution last November supporting the retention of the current City Code requirement for 15,000 square foot lots with setbacks. (FYI, this resolution didn't happen in a was in response to Alderman Hoy's sponsored directive to the Planning Commission to consider changes to the City's Building Codes). Mr Hoy apparently tried to reposition Mary's stand on changing the 15,000 sq ft...which was met by incredulity by Board members. Comments directed Mr Hoy's attention to the signed letter from Alderman Hoy to the Planning Commission the afternoon of the last Planning Commission meeting.
Bob Campbell asserted the primary reason for setting the 15,000 sq ft code dates back to the time when septic tanks were the rule in WL and no longer was operative because of our current sewer system. Interesting.
Alderman Folkedahl questioned the process by which the Board came to it's conclusions and his rancorous comments put him clearly in the Hoy column. Okay, let's do the math, Hoy and Folkedahl in favor of changes to accommodate patio homes and who knows what, DeJong and Finn seem to be nays. Tie vote if it gets that far. Mayor Bos has been relatively quiet on the whole subject but presumed to be a nay...big presumption. Look for the Hoy forces to work over Bos and DeJong big bet would be DeJong, making any vote on changes a done deal, taking Bos out of the picture.
Not possible? Hmmm.
Part of the Hoy story is making affordable homes available to our senior citizens. Take a look on page 7 of today's Northland section in the Star...Westwood Manor. Can't happen here, right?
Bob Campbell asserted the primary reason for setting the 15,000 sq ft code dates back to the time when septic tanks were the rule in WL and no longer was operative because of our current sewer system. Interesting.
Alderman Folkedahl questioned the process by which the Board came to it's conclusions and his rancorous comments put him clearly in the Hoy column. Okay, let's do the math, Hoy and Folkedahl in favor of changes to accommodate patio homes and who knows what, DeJong and Finn seem to be nays. Tie vote if it gets that far. Mayor Bos has been relatively quiet on the whole subject but presumed to be a nay...big presumption. Look for the Hoy forces to work over Bos and DeJong big bet would be DeJong, making any vote on changes a done deal, taking Bos out of the picture.
Not possible? Hmmm.
Part of the Hoy story is making affordable homes available to our senior citizens. Take a look on page 7 of today's Northland section in the Star...Westwood Manor. Can't happen here, right?
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Barry Road-Platte County Update
May 17 update from Platte County
Construction Progress:
The County has been working with SKW, the City’s engineer for the design of the water and storm water systems, and the KCMO Water Services Department to resolve logistics issues for the installation of the additional 12” and 24” water mains that were omitted from the original design. As well, the same group has been working through logistics at the east end of the project to get the new storm sewer installed around the existing utilities on the north side of the roadway.
The contractor has installed storm sewer line and inlet boxes on the south side at the east end of the project. They are currently preparing to start cutting the hill at Crawford Ave. and moving the excess dirt to the area of Carson Ave. Once a portion of this hill is removed the new sanitary sewer force main will be installed. The contractor is also preparing to begin footing installation of the two concrete retaining walls west of Westside Drive – this work should begin the week of May 16th weather pending.
The new 5’ x 5’ reinforced concrete box has been installed at the road crossing where a considerable amount of storm water from the middle of the project passes during rain events. Inlet boxes and storm water lines between the 5’ x 5’ box and west to Arcola Ave. have also been installed. The overflow pipe from the detention pond collecting surface water from the neighborhood to the north has been extended across the road.
The County has entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the City of Weatherby Lake which will allow three residences to exit across the Community Center parking lot while their personal driveways are blocked during construction. The Contractor will begin installing a temporary driveway from these residences to the parking lot later this week or early next week, weather pending.
All utilities have been relocated or will be during road construction. Missouri Gas Energy (MGE) started relocation of a 6” gas main in early April 2011, working in conjunction with the contractor as they adjust grade elevations.
Construction Schedule:
Following is the contractor’s anticipated schedule for the project:
Stage 1 and 2 – Close NW Barry Road between Arcola Ave. and Potomac St., March 21, 2011 thru March 2012
Stage 3 – Close NW Barry Road between Arcola Ave. and Chariton Ave., June 2011 thru mid-August 2011 (The intent is to close this section of road immediately following the last day of school in May/June and reopen prior to the new school session beginning in August)
Estimated Completion Date – March 2012
Construction Progress:
The County has been working with SKW, the City’s engineer for the design of the water and storm water systems, and the KCMO Water Services Department to resolve logistics issues for the installation of the additional 12” and 24” water mains that were omitted from the original design. As well, the same group has been working through logistics at the east end of the project to get the new storm sewer installed around the existing utilities on the north side of the roadway.
The contractor has installed storm sewer line and inlet boxes on the south side at the east end of the project. They are currently preparing to start cutting the hill at Crawford Ave. and moving the excess dirt to the area of Carson Ave. Once a portion of this hill is removed the new sanitary sewer force main will be installed. The contractor is also preparing to begin footing installation of the two concrete retaining walls west of Westside Drive – this work should begin the week of May 16th weather pending.
The new 5’ x 5’ reinforced concrete box has been installed at the road crossing where a considerable amount of storm water from the middle of the project passes during rain events. Inlet boxes and storm water lines between the 5’ x 5’ box and west to Arcola Ave. have also been installed. The overflow pipe from the detention pond collecting surface water from the neighborhood to the north has been extended across the road.
The County has entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the City of Weatherby Lake which will allow three residences to exit across the Community Center parking lot while their personal driveways are blocked during construction. The Contractor will begin installing a temporary driveway from these residences to the parking lot later this week or early next week, weather pending.
All utilities have been relocated or will be during road construction. Missouri Gas Energy (MGE) started relocation of a 6” gas main in early April 2011, working in conjunction with the contractor as they adjust grade elevations.
Construction Schedule:
Following is the contractor’s anticipated schedule for the project:
Stage 1 and 2 – Close NW Barry Road between Arcola Ave. and Potomac St., March 21, 2011 thru March 2012
Stage 3 – Close NW Barry Road between Arcola Ave. and Chariton Ave., June 2011 thru mid-August 2011 (The intent is to close this section of road immediately following the last day of school in May/June and reopen prior to the new school session beginning in August)
Estimated Completion Date – March 2012
Friday, May 13, 2011
Google Schnoogle
The Blooger web site has been shut down for Comments and New Posts for almost 24 hours, just now back up.
Thursday morning Posts (including mine) and Comments were lost...lots of bloggers/advertisers not happy about that. No ads on mine so no lost revenue...just time. Here is a redo of yesterday's Post.
By now most if not all the WLIC membership should have received a "Dear Members" letter from the Board of Directors. It recaps the Board position on the recent City Planning Commission meeting and their opposition to any changes to the 15,000 square foot minimum lot size. It is a good read. Also attached is the Nov WLIC Board resolution stating such. Included in the mailing is Alderman Hoy's letter to the Planning Commission (this is the one that was awaiting the Commission members as they took their seats for the meeting). Mary's letter is quite clear where she stands on a number of issues, including the lot size issue.
Read the four pages in the mailing, important stuff. Which way do you want the community to go? It is my sense a very small minority are trying to make dramatic changes while the majority stands by...WLIC has issued a wake up call...What do you think?
Thursday morning Posts (including mine) and Comments were lost...lots of bloggers/advertisers not happy about that. No ads on mine so no lost revenue...just time. Here is a redo of yesterday's Post.
By now most if not all the WLIC membership should have received a "Dear Members" letter from the Board of Directors. It recaps the Board position on the recent City Planning Commission meeting and their opposition to any changes to the 15,000 square foot minimum lot size. It is a good read. Also attached is the Nov WLIC Board resolution stating such. Included in the mailing is Alderman Hoy's letter to the Planning Commission (this is the one that was awaiting the Commission members as they took their seats for the meeting). Mary's letter is quite clear where she stands on a number of issues, including the lot size issue.
Read the four pages in the mailing, important stuff. Which way do you want the community to go? It is my sense a very small minority are trying to make dramatic changes while the majority stands by...WLIC has issued a wake up call...What do you think?
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Thursday, May 12, 2011
Dear Members:
Dated May 6, a letter was received in my mailbox today from the WLIC Board of Directors. The topic? The proposal from Alderman Hoy to make changes to the City Codes regarding minimum lot size. The letter is well written and outlines concerns from the WLIC Board. Also included is the Board resolution on this subject dated 15 November, 2010. A copy of Mary's two page letter to the Planning Commission is included in the mailing too. Read all four pages...what do you think?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Comment About Comment
I don't often comment about comments, and usually, if I do, it is in the Comments area. Thought I would make an exception regarding the last post and comments.
It is true, under the new trash contract, a citizen can opt out of trash/recycling/ yard waste completely...dispose of your stuff in another manner (a small number of residents have been doing this for years)...must have a very deep hole in their backyards. You can opt not to have yard waste pickup and just have trash/recycling. You don't have to recycle, if you don't want to...but if you elect to have the city provider, Allied Waste, pick up your trash, you will pay for recycling, whether you recycle or not. I suppose you can tell them you don't want a recycle roller bin if you don't intend on recycling...but you will pay for it. Hope that clarifies the issue...I think Ace got it right...if all else fails call/write Jerry/Mary, I think you will get the same answer.
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Saturday, May 7, 2011
One Man's Trash
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
May 3
(As reported by Ace and others) going to be in a 95 gallon bin as of August 8th when the new contract with Allied Waste begins. Distribution of the bins to begin in the near future, Allied will notify residents. More info since last meeting...If 95 gallons for trash and 65 gallons for recycling is not enough, another 95 gallon bin can be had for an additional $10 per quarter. Smaller bins for trash will be available based on need.
The max yard waste bags/containers per week is back to 12 and yes, containers can be used instead of the paper bags. Yard waste can/will be month to month to accommodate seasonal users.
May 3
(As reported by Ace and others) going to be in a 95 gallon bin as of August 8th when the new contract with Allied Waste begins. Distribution of the bins to begin in the near future, Allied will notify residents. More info since last meeting...If 95 gallons for trash and 65 gallons for recycling is not enough, another 95 gallon bin can be had for an additional $10 per quarter. Smaller bins for trash will be available based on need.
The max yard waste bags/containers per week is back to 12 and yes, containers can be used instead of the paper bags. Yard waste can/will be month to month to accommodate seasonal users.
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Friday, May 6, 2011
What Did Bob Shinogle Do?
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
May 3
(As reported by ACE and others)
Speaking of Contrary Mary, in her email to residents she noted "Mayor Bos presented his appointments to various city committees. These appointments were approved" All facts, all true...with one minor exception. The BOA voted on each Board/Committee/Commission separately, all passed 4-0 with one exception. The BZA nominations passed with a 3-1 vote, Mary being the only nay. No explanations I am told. Bob Shinogle was one of the two nominees, so it is my assumption she had an issue with him. Don't know him well, but he seems like a nice guy and I see him at Band events at the high school. He must have said or done something to raise her ire...she didn't mention it in her notes email. Mary does have the habit of using the imperial "we" when the facts might shed her in an unflattering light. Who was the other nominee you ask? Modesty forbids me from naming him, but I know him very well, a great guy I might add, a former alderman, a former Planning Commission member, former two time President of the BOA and a part time blogger on life at WL...surely Mary couldn't have an issue with him?
Image via Wikipedia
May 3
(As reported by ACE and others)
Speaking of Contrary Mary, in her email to residents she noted "Mayor Bos presented his appointments to various city committees. These appointments were approved" All facts, all true...with one minor exception. The BOA voted on each Board/Committee/Commission separately, all passed 4-0 with one exception. The BZA nominations passed with a 3-1 vote, Mary being the only nay. No explanations I am told. Bob Shinogle was one of the two nominees, so it is my assumption she had an issue with him. Don't know him well, but he seems like a nice guy and I see him at Band events at the high school. He must have said or done something to raise her ire...she didn't mention it in her notes email. Mary does have the habit of using the imperial "we" when the facts might shed her in an unflattering light. Who was the other nominee you ask? Modesty forbids me from naming him, but I know him very well, a great guy I might add, a former alderman, a former Planning Commission member, former two time President of the BOA and a part time blogger on life at WL...surely Mary couldn't have an issue with him?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mary, Quite Contrary
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
May 3
(As reported by ACE and others)
"It was long and interesting", so reads the second sentence in Mary's email Dear Residents for the May BOA meeting notes. For those of you on her list, and others who are interested, here, as Paul Harvey would say, is the rest of the story.
As you know, Mary has been on a crusade to change the city's zoning ordinances, the end game being the building of patio homes in West Ridge (and for that matter, anywhere, in the City) At the last Planning Commission meeting a "Dear Commissioner" letter was dropped on the Commissioners from Mary suggesting major changes to the zoning codes. Most if not all the Commissioners had not seen the document until they sat down for the meeting. Mary left the meeting early, missing a majority of the discussion...and not being available, conveniently, from questions from the Commission...and trust me there would have been questions. The Commission made a reasonable (my opinion) recommendation for Acts of God to the BOA and unanimously rejected Mary's request for consideration of other changes.
Fast forward to Tuesday night. Once again Mary, at the last moment, drops an amendment on fellow BOA members, Mayor, and Attorney regarding an amendment to the Planning Commission recommendation, allowing a home owner to rebuild on a non-conforming lot at the "owner's discretion". This had been vetted at the Planning Commission but not added to the conditions of their recommendation. Although Mary doesn't say this in her email, this prompted the BOA to go about an hour and a half after they had dealt with most of the City business. Luckily there were two Planning Commission members in the audience and WLIC President Joe Ennett to keep the facts straight. Mr Ennett reprised his reading of the resolution of the WLIC Board and their opposition to changes the the 15,000 sq ft rule. Jerry in his recap of the meeting (he was there) gave a somewhat accurate version of the details but really didn't speak forcefully of his position on the matter...leadership?
The BOA passed the recommendation of the Commission without amendments and sent back to the Planning Commission Mary's amendment for "owner's discretion". There was no appetite at the last meeting for this, but you never know.
The question is, on whose behalf is Mary acting and what will they gain. Is Mary representing the will of the majority of residents...or a couple of folks who have an ax to grind?...or?
May 3
(As reported by ACE and others)
"It was long and interesting", so reads the second sentence in Mary's email Dear Residents for the May BOA meeting notes. For those of you on her list, and others who are interested, here, as Paul Harvey would say, is the rest of the story.
As you know, Mary has been on a crusade to change the city's zoning ordinances, the end game being the building of patio homes in West Ridge (and for that matter, anywhere, in the City) At the last Planning Commission meeting a "Dear Commissioner" letter was dropped on the Commissioners from Mary suggesting major changes to the zoning codes. Most if not all the Commissioners had not seen the document until they sat down for the meeting. Mary left the meeting early, missing a majority of the discussion...and not being available, conveniently, from questions from the Commission...and trust me there would have been questions. The Commission made a reasonable (my opinion) recommendation for Acts of God to the BOA and unanimously rejected Mary's request for consideration of other changes.
Fast forward to Tuesday night. Once again Mary, at the last moment, drops an amendment on fellow BOA members, Mayor, and Attorney regarding an amendment to the Planning Commission recommendation, allowing a home owner to rebuild on a non-conforming lot at the "owner's discretion". This had been vetted at the Planning Commission but not added to the conditions of their recommendation. Although Mary doesn't say this in her email, this prompted the BOA to go about an hour and a half after they had dealt with most of the City business. Luckily there were two Planning Commission members in the audience and WLIC President Joe Ennett to keep the facts straight. Mr Ennett reprised his reading of the resolution of the WLIC Board and their opposition to changes the the 15,000 sq ft rule. Jerry in his recap of the meeting (he was there) gave a somewhat accurate version of the details but really didn't speak forcefully of his position on the matter...leadership?
The BOA passed the recommendation of the Commission without amendments and sent back to the Planning Commission Mary's amendment for "owner's discretion". There was no appetite at the last meeting for this, but you never know.
The question is, on whose behalf is Mary acting and what will they gain. Is Mary representing the will of the majority of residents...or a couple of folks who have an ax to grind?...or?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
And The Band Plays On
high school career with the Concert Band and Sarah performed with the Campus Band. You may not have experienced the bands unless you have children/grandchildren in the, you have missed some good music. The Park Hill program is one that is recognized throughout the state, recently achieved something that possibly no other band in the state has accomplished. At a recent judged state level performance all three bands, Campus, Concert and Symphonic received a rating of "1", the highest possible score. Weatherby Lake senior boys Joel Gordon and Landis George both achieved All State status (again). Lots of Weatherbeans in the audience.
Ah, but the music...nice.
Never fear, BOA minutes on the way, tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
BOA Tonight @ City Hall, 7PM
Monday, May 2, 2011
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Funny how things happen. Several months of enduring a garbage ridden home on Pleasant Ford...a chiding post on a blog, pointed emails to two aldermen...shazaaam, problem resolved.
More recently, a post on a blog pointing out an unlicensed, no City sticker, pickup truck in the right of way on West Side Drive...the bed filled with yard waste... persisting for months. An email to two aldermen complaining of inaction on their part and shazaaam...truck removed.
City wide cleanup of right of ways is today. Know of a problem that needs to be "cleaned up" in the City? Be my guest.
P.S. I spoke/wrote too soon. The white truck reappeared yesterday without the load of sticks in the back and still without plate or sticker...and edging closer to the road. I have emailed both aldermen and gotten bascially a ho-hum back from both...oh well.
More recently, a post on a blog pointing out an unlicensed, no City sticker, pickup truck in the right of way on West Side Drive...the bed filled with yard waste... persisting for months. An email to two aldermen complaining of inaction on their part and shazaaam...truck removed.
City wide cleanup of right of ways is today. Know of a problem that needs to be "cleaned up" in the City? Be my guest.
P.S. I spoke/wrote too soon. The white truck reappeared yesterday without the load of sticks in the back and still without plate or sticker...and edging closer to the road. I have emailed both aldermen and gotten bascially a ho-hum back from both...oh well.
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