Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"I was the Alderman who proposed changes be made to our City Code"

A "Dear Commissioners" letter dropped off at City Hall on Monday afternoon by Mary Hoy.  Under the letterhead, Mary P. Hoy, Ph.D., Educational Consulting  a number of assertions were made.
  • "we have a number of older homes located on properties less than 15,000 sq ft."
  • "our city has lost 150 people since the 2000 census.  Several of those who moved away may have stayed if there if there were changes in ownership"
  • "Many of our former residents, have however, left the lake with much regret because these spacious lawns (referring to lots of 15,000sq ft or more) have required resources of time and energy and perhaps money that they no longer wished to invest maintenance.    
  • "We have much undeveloped property in Westridge which might be developed to accommodate the needs of some of our residents and others desiring all that Weatherby Lake provides in ambiance without the burden of maintenance of outside property". 
Her idea/proposal?
  • "amending Code to allow developers to present Planned Unit Developments (PUDS) providing maintenance free and/or patio homes".
  • "These homes, might not meet current Section 405.120 Setback Requirements".  
Mary and a few others have been in favor of relaxation or revision of the Codes for minimum lot size, home size and setback.  A couple of them were present at the Planning Commission meeting.  Add two disgruntled citizens who didn't like the outcome of a BZA appeal regarding their property.  And a realtor who might profit from a change in the codes.  Voila, you have the critical mass Mary believes is necessary to make wholesale changes to the Codes.  Does her viewpoint represent the will of the majority of the people @ WL?  One of her supporters made that inference at the meeting.  Ms Hoy was not present during the meeting, but Mr Hoy was.  Although saying he wasn't representing his wife...he presented the Hoy party line regarding high nice these PUDS would be, alluding to them being high end.  (Now wait, if people are bailing from WL because they can't afford to mow their are they going to buy high end property?)  Go figure.  During the discussion one of the commissioners questioned what was to stop these PUDS from spreading throughout the community?  Nothing.  The Planning Commission wasn't buying the notion and in fairly quick order unanimously confirmed they had no interest in changing the current codes.  End of story, right?  Wrong.  Do not expect this issue to go away.  Mary and her crew have been dedicated to this issue...for years and it will resurface again.  A change in commissioners, change in BOA, will accommodate another opportunity.  Maybe even Mayor Hoy.  

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Maybe Mary and her realtor friend bought property they're sitting on and want to turn it at our expense.