Monday, March 31, 2008

Me and Bubba

My good friend Bubba and I try to run "around the block" every Sunday. Our "block" consists of starting at his house or mine and running around the lake, a little over 6 miles or so. No matter the season, we run, usually early in the morning, but some times we give ourselves the leeway to have a late start. Maybe you have seen us. We don't go very fast and we take walk breaks about every half mile. We do it for health, we do it for fun, we do it because we can. Sometimes we talk about important stuff, usually not. Almost always we comment about the beauty of the lake, and the quiet of the morning as the sun comes up.

At a "coffee" yesterday one person mentioned the diversity of homes that make up our community. As we run/walk that becomes more evident. Even at what seems a snails pace (25 mph) in our cars we often don't appreciate the style and appearance of the homes here at WL. If you haven't lately, now that spring has sprung, take a or jog. Look around and see what distinguishes WL from Riss, National or Tiffany. Nothing wrong about those places. We're just different.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blog Navigation & Playing a Straight Flush

Those of you new to As I See It may want to review previous postings, two ways to do that, either click on the Archives that appears on the right, or scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Older Posts.

I try to read the KC Star every morning. In the past month three themes are inescapable in regards to local news. One, the budget crunch in KC MO has forced the council to make tough choices to reduce a $70 million shortfall. The infrastructure, water(2) and sewer(3) in particular, will require major improvements. Good thing we don't live there, right? (We (our family) are refugees from the Brookside area of KC MO, so we can speak with some authority of life in the big city.) To quote Jerry Bos at the Candidates Forum this past week, "Life is good at Weatherby Lake". Amen. Jerry also mentioned in his door to door campaigning some citizens have raised concerns over the current cost of water and sewer here at WL. Where do we get our water and who treats our sewage? See above, KC MO. Are there alternatives? Yes, but none very likely. Will our bills for water and sewer go up? Absolutely, positively. Is the city engaged in discussions with KC MO? Mayor York and Public Works Director George Lowman are. The aldermen? Excellent question...why don't you ask them?

Budget, water, sewer, we have the same challeges here at WL. We are in the home stretch of the spring campaign season. Long range planning and promises are great. What are the specifics your favorite candidate can give to insure Life is good at Weatherby Lake?

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Speaking of Mr Bugg, he boohooed a bit at the meeting regarding being dunned for cleanup after the Wild Game dinner. Seems everything wasn't quite up to his own comments. Guess he was embarrassed. And speaking of embarrassing, Carol Regan (Women's Club) whined about dusty conditions of the CC in prep for the St Pats Bash, and wants a refund of some of the$250 use fee. Alderman Finn seemed to dispute the degree of cleanup needed, all of it due apparently to the volunteer crew who is part of the redecorate...maybe we should go after them? If you haven't been paying attention...the Friends of Community Center (FOCC) hold sway over the Board...Time to get Steve Clark back on the Board.

Mea Culpa

A white haired lady in a dune buggy was seen taking the Hutsler for Mayor sign from the corner of Potomac and Barry (as reported to me by an eyewitness). I verified by cruising the corner last evening. It is sad that someone would stoop so low. Other signs continue to disappear, including some York for Mayor signs. I am monitoring EBAY in order to catch the thief.

In the "I told you so category (ITYS) ", Mary Hoy sent out her "summary of the BOA meeting Thursday evening.

" I apologize to each of you for not sharing what information I had at the time of writing. Mia culpa." (Guess she never took is, mea culpa) Mary should probably use this as a permanent header for her summaries. She is referring to the commotion she tried to cause with her premeeting "the sky is falling" agenda note. I imagine she was a bit embarrassed to find out her time frames were a bit off (by months) and forgotten budget vote to buy the second new car in the first place. At least her memory lapses are consistent. Just your West Ward alderman looking out for you!

In another ITYS reflection, as predicted, Mary posted this: "During the Open Floor Mr. Mike Moratz addressed concerns regarding the Community Center improvements." Yup, that's it. As noted in previous posts, she did not mention the facts of the unbudgeted expenditure of funds ($11,000 of your tax dollars) to buy leather furniture for the Community Center. She did not mention my taking the board of alderman to task for not having a plan for the operation of the CC, something I have requested during public comments on a number of occasions. She forgot to mention that she and her East Ward colleague Pat White have been too busy redecorating the CC to the tune of $19,000 year to date with no end in sight to have a comprehensive plan. They have not addressed kitchen upgrades yet, expect another dip into the kitty (read general fund) while most citizens are on snooze control. In the meantime, John Bugg (Fishing Club) gets rousing applause for commending our spendthrift council. Hoohah! Soooo, it should be no surprise to readers that Mary would sanitize her reports to you. And if you never attend a meeting you wouldn't know...well, unless you read it here.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Tom Hutsler for Mayor

New sign has appeared corner of Potomac and Barry amid all the WL campaign signs and window cleaning signs...Hutsler for Mayor....Hmm, why didn't he appear at our forum? Ohhh, I get it, he is running for Mayor of Parkville. Well, we do have roots in Parkville right? Gross and Henderson were very involved in the Dusenberry steamroller to birth the South Platte Ambulance District as you recall (which was overwhelming defeated at the polls in WL, but carried easily in the rest of the district...see your tax bill). Our requests for consideration of additional road funding from the Parkville Special Road District have fallen on deaf ears (those taxpayers in the southern part of our city should be real happy about that) and of course our own alderman Mary Hoy is part of the Dusenberry for County Commissioner campaign. So it makes perfect sense to see campaign signs for Parkville in WL, after all, they get by with a little help from their friends. Like to know who from WL has contributed to the Dusenberry coffers? No problem, disclosures are in Platte City for all to see.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wrapping It Up

Blog is being belligerent, have to put the end at the if this does not make sense read the post below...then come here.

Bottom line, $19,000 has been spent this year to redecorate the Community Center, $11,000 unbudgeted from the city's general fund, and $8000 left from the spaghetti dinner fund raiser. There is no business plan for use going forward, no contingency funds for plans period. Just redecorate and they will come. Oh, by the way, the Community Center loses on average $17,000 a year. You won't read that in Mary's emails either.

What you won't read in Mary's agenda & meeting notes

"I would appreciate feedback on your desire to purchase a new police car at this time. We just purchased one a couple of months ago. Let me know your thoughts, please!!!" Mary Hoy, Dear Westside Resident email, dated March 26th.

Mary sends an agenda email and meeting notes email usually before and after each BOA meeting. The above email gives the appearance that City Hall has gone on a spending binge, what two cars in two months? Are they nuts...tell me what you think! As Paul Harvey would say, here is the rest of the story. Replacement of our main patrol car was budgeted in 2007 and voted on and passed by the aldermen, including Ms Hoy, with the car being delivered last fall. The 2008 budget, discussed and passed in December, including Ms Hoy, provided for replacement of the backup patrol car this year. A little history, the backup car was donated by the City of Riverside to us a few years back...we were in a budget crunch, with no funds available for a new car. So the best alternative was to accept the used car from much for upscale WL right? As noted below the car is in the shop with undiagnosed electrical problems. Stop the bleeding right? Would you be able to give Mary your thoughts now? Thought so. By the way, if you weren't at the meeting, Mary and Pat really scrutinized the proposal as if it were out of the clear blue. Guess they forgot...and forgot to tell you.

More you won't read in Mary's emails. On March 7th, a Special Board meeting was called ostensibly to approve the Sprint settlement (see below). Alderman White asked a proposal to spend $11,000 for furnishing the Community Center, an unbudgeted line item for 2008 be added to the agenda. The posting of the meeting met the minimum 24 hrs as required by law (see below 610) There was no provision for public comment. Ms White led the discussion on the proposal and it passed, unanimously, by the board.

BOA Meeting Highlights 3-27

Would you like to have our existing KCPL overhead lines placed underground? Sounds nice doesn't it? What if it cost 7.2 million dollars (plus 20% contingency), plus the city being responsible for all conduit and equipment pads per KCPl standards? Oh yeah, you the homeowner is responsible for the burying from the street to the house...and uhh, the project could take "several years to complete...and the disruption to your property could be significant...other than problem! These estimates were presented by the Mayor York this evening. Better act quick, these estimates are good for 90 days. As I see it...DOA.

The Barry Road saga continues, as it will for, in my estimation, years. KC MO has not responded to WL counter proposal regarding the project as it affects WL. Condemnation proceedings have already begun for some property owners. Look for an ongoing tug of war until the project is completed...who knows when. As the project approaches watch for the brown river to increase as it naturally seeks the lowest point...our lake. Looks like 210.210 is just in time (see below).

There is good news. Mayor York announced Platte County today awarded the city a storm water grant in the amount of $37,000 to be used for a storm water project at 79th and Eastside Drive. The Mayor and Public Works Director George Lowman put the winning proposal together. This will supplement the bond monies already in place and hopefully contribute to more paving as the storm water projects are complete.

Alderman Gene Roberts complimented the Mayor on finding a mistake on a Sprint communications settlement. Sprint sent a letter to the city stating it owed $0. Mayor York followed up with Sprint and found out the letter was in error, Weatherby Lake was actually owed $45,000...Weatherby, MO was supposed to get $0. Nice catch Mr York, you just added an extra $45,000 to the general fund.

The backup police car is in the shop (again) and the Mayor proposed purchase of a new car. This purchase was a budgeted expense for 2008. The Mayor secured a state contract price of $22,852, Thoroughbred Ford $22,801. Low price wins. The old car will be put out to bid.

New ordinance passed (210.210) Polluting Water that enables the City to pursue those who cause pollution upstream that ends in our watershed. One more step in trying to control our destiny and preserve our lake.

Coming Soon

Movies have "teaser" is mine.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Let The Sun Shine In (RSMo Chapter 610)

A reflection from the forum last night. Three of the candidates, Bos, DeJong and Stevenson have touted their business credentials to support the rationale for being elected. Mr. Stevenson mentioned "transferable skills" I would hope all three could use these abilities when it comes to governing. There is one major difference though, between a city versus a public/private corporation or club for that matter. Municipalities and officials of those cities must obey the so-called Sunshine Law (RSMo Chapter 610). It governs the planning of meetings, the conduct of meetings, and communications (including email) of and between officials. It also extends to members of officially appointed boards and commissions. Yes, the Park Board and others in the city are subject to the Sunshine Law. Although it may sound good to "get more citizens involved" and appoint advisory committees/oversight committees, compliance with the law is not optional. Just call up to Platte City where the Council was recently found in violation of 610. Citizen input is very important...choose carefully when and if officially appointed committees are used, that is as I see it. For Jerry, Vic and Brian and those interested, the link for 610:

Forum Fun

The candidates Forum was held last evening at the Community Center, by my quick count at least 120 and probably more WL citizens turned out to hear what the candidates had to say. One thing for sure, the candidates had ample opportunity to convince the voters why they deserved their vote. Some hit the mark, others not so much and there was even one meltdown.
Here are some of the highlights of the 12 pages of notes I took. This review is not meant to be all inclusive.

York in his opening statement talked about safety and security issues facing the city as well as infrastructure maintenance and upgrades. Bos mentioned "bringing about change", openness, community involvement, financials in the open, "other information" and a 5/10/15 year plan. He said citizen concerns include water and sewer bills that are too high, maintaining home values and the Community Center. Some of the Q&A session questions included:
  • Do you favor a variance for lot size at Sonoma Ridge? Bos-No York-No
  • Do you favor rezoning for smaller lots? Bos-No York-No
  • #1 priorities, short and long term? Bos-Grinder costs, streets, "conclusion on this property" (Community Center) York-Completion of sewer study, Barry Road negotiations, infrastructure/streets/water on Eastside.
  • How would you handle appointments to boards and commissions? Bos-Form a nominating committee, get alderman more involved, "get alot of input." York-Ask chairs/presidents of boards/commissions for input, seek alderman feedback, consider self nominations by citizens.

Closing statements: Bos-"Life is good at Weatherby Lake", he sees the community coming together, he is seeking consensus. York- Safety and security, sewer and infrastructure, passing Proposition One to make KC MO pay franchise fees to the city.

Opening statements by alderman/candidates:

Clark-4 term Eastside alderman, member Planning Commission

DeJong-Mechanical engineer, experience in managing facilities, retired in Dec, "got the time"

Alderman Finn-presiding alderman, long time community activist (Park Board, WLIC, Fireworks), liason to South Platte Ambulance District.

Stevenson-"My turn to give back", Sr VP experience at Fortune 500, wants long range planning committee, interested in procurement procedures.

Selected Q&A responses:

  • Stand on Annexation? Clark-against, DeJong-against, Finn-against, Stevenson-against
  • Financial transparency? Clark-not an issue, all information available, DeJong-Keep people informed, use email, communicate how bond issue money is spent, "go around and get feedback", Finn-reviews financials on a monthly basis, including every paid bill, Stevenson-important issue, 42 page financials "not easy to understand", need to distill down, people do not want surprises.
  • Presenting a united front to KC MO & Platte Cty? Clark-City and WLIC currently working together to protect common interests, DeJong-Would like to see City and WLIC "meshed up", committees and boards working together, Finn-We can work together, some factions within the city make it difficult, we will get it done, Stevenson-We are in a difficult spot because a long range plan is not in place.

Closing statements: Clark-looking out for the welfare of the entire city, advocate against Owens development, promoted trail system study, liaison for Anders Jack cemetery project, voted against Somoma development, wants single family homes only at WL. DeJong-has technical skills, team building experience, concerned about air traffic patterns over the lake, would like to bring back "the Happening". Finn-Involved in community for 33 years, concerned about siltation issues and effects on lake, initiating a dog park project, encouraged support. Stevenson-Wants to do "what's best for the City", business experience would be transferable skill to the city, procurement experience might be helpful as well.

Last, but certainly not least the presiding municipal judge, Geran and opponent Roper. Opening statements: Geran-. Judge for four years, family at WL for 35 yrs. Believes in community service and probation, aware of some complaints about his sentencing, has dismissed about 12 cases for trespassing, "has made himself available". Roper-Municipal judge Pittsburgh, PA, Fed Prosecutor DC, environmental attorney, WLIC board, promises consistency in rulings.

If you are looking for the meltdown, it is here. If you didn't attend last night, it will be difficult to summarize Judge Gerans' responses to Q&A and make sense to the reader...that is because, in my opinion, Geran didn't make any sense. Most of his responses were rambling, sprinkled with comments about "planted" questions. He was very defensive and questioned the credentials of Roper twice as well as her being part of a environmental lawsuit against the US. Huh? He read from a former campaign brochure when answering a question regarding his position on trespassing.

Roper on the other hand stressed how important it was to be "consistent, predictable, making judgments quickly and fairly". In regards to trespassing, Ms Roper said it was important to maintain our way of life, as trespassing was an assault from the outside. It seems to me she is very much in sync with the values (and laws) of our city. If you were not there last night and have a Geran sign in your yard, I would recommend you consult someone who was. My bet is you might want to retire your Geran sign early.

No brainer=Roper for Municipal Judge.

I've devoted more time than anticipated to this post...I'll have more comments/perspectives.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Community Service

While at the Candidates Forum tonight you might thank Gross,Kendrick,O'Hare and Tetzlaff if they are present. They were of course, the plantiffs in the lawsuit regarding WLIC assessments. The Court recently found in favor of WLIC (again). The cost to WLIC members for the defense was about $9,000. What is not calculated in this cost is the time and effort by our volunteer (read non-paid) board members to prepare and participate in the court proceedings. Could this money, time and effort be better spent on the many pressing needs of the WLIC? I would guess the above named felt they were looking out for you by bringing suit against the membership, kind of a community service. What do you think?

Signtology 201

Back from spring break and ready for the home stretch of the WL political campaign. Class now in session! In previous posts I have pointed out some of the basics of political signs in the community, you are now ready to move to the advanced studies of signs (Signtology, not to be confused with Scientology, sorry Tom). A casual trip around the city will reveal patterns that are interesting...look at signs and the yards they are placed. Example, current alderman Hoy and White have Bos signs, guess they have issues with the current mayor. Gross and Kendrick (see next post regarding WLIC) have Bos signs as well. Former mayor Henderson has a Bos sign too. Stalwart Community Center zealots Regan (Womens Club), Bugg (Fishing Club) and Staton, ditto. Part of the science (and art) of Signtology is not to make assumptions. One could theorize these folks are just being courteous to Mr Bos and the display of the signs is not a real indication of their political leanings. Possible, not probable, right? So for the undecideds in the city, it may not just be a matter of how many signs a candidate has (Signtology 101) but who has a sign. "Gee honey, I see a Bos sign in the xxxxx yard, if he/she is voting for Bos, maybe we should go in a different direction!" Of course the same could be true in the opposite direction. So you see, signs serve a real community service for those who have not taken the time or effort to understand the issues facing the city. Just hop into your jalopy, take a quick tour of the city and in fifteen minutes or less you will be ready for the polls. Please note, your final exam will be on April 8th. Exam results will be final...well at least for two years.

Extra credit: Not covered in 201 is the composition of the signs themselves. Most are the typical (yawn) signs...elect/name/office. If style is important then two candidates have earned your consideration. I like Bev Roper signs, the wisp of the lake going through her sign is a nice touch, creative, tasteful. On the other hand, Tanya Finn, has that bold black and yellow theme, in your face, stand for something...I like that too...all the rest, not so much.

Tonight, Candidates Forum, Community Center, 7PM, your opportunity to hear first hand all of the candidates. I will try to capture the highlights and post ASAP...stay tuned.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bit by the Flu Bug

The flu hit our house Wednesday evening, 50% of the household taken down. It is nasty! On the mend, I can only imagine the effect it has on someone other than healthy.

Thanks for all your comments, written and verbal. I enjoy all of them. The paragraph concerning Brian Stevenson touched a couple of nerves out there. Jim, in particular has issues with me, you can see them in Comments in the previous post. I don't have an issue with sister/brother, some people do and I can't change that. I do have a problem with politicians or wanna be politicians who aren't "straightforward". You be the judge, should he have mentioned that if elected he would be joining his sister, Pat White on the board? The only mention in his brochure is to "siblings" that live on the lake.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

He ain't heavy, he's my brother!

Interesting race in the East Ward, I call it “the Mother vs the Brother” race. It features the Mother, incumbent alderman Tanya Finn and newcomer Brian Stevenson, the Brother. A bit about both.

Tanya Finn is running for re-election on the East Ward, she is one of two alderman, Pat White, her colleague East Ward alderman, is not up for re-election this year. Tanya indeed is a mother (and wife), very involved in Weatherby Lake organizations, a resident for 33 years. My observation of her at Board of Alderman meetings reveals an alderman who is thoughtful, independent and has a keen eye on the budget. She is worthy of consideration by her East Ward constituents. Her slogan, “Committed and Involved”

Brian Stevenson is attempting his first run at public office, he is the brother…of Pat White. Yes, the other alderman from the East Ward. Looks like the East Ward could be a family affair. Nothing illegal about it, but more than a few people have voiced their concerns. While his campaign literature mentions he has “siblings” living in Weatherby Lake, nothing about Pat being the other alderman. Brian mentions in his brochure, “I promise to be straight-forward and forthcoming…” Brian is highlighting his business experience as a senior vp at a local company as making a difference in city government. Hard to find one of his campaign signs without a companion BOS sign in the yard. His slogan is “Delivering On Our Future”.

And of course, what would this be without a sign update. A white haired gentleman was seen removing a Finn sign from a yard. The witness got a pretty good look. Gold Camry or Lexus. We got any ordinances against sign rustling?

Bill reminded me of the rest of the lyrics for "Signs"... so here they are, love and peace, right back at ya brother!

V1 And the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why He said you look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do So I took off my hat I said imagine that, huh, me working for you

Sign Sign everywhere a sign Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign

V2 And the sign said anybody caught trespassing would be shot on sight So I jumped on the fence and yelled at the house, Hey! what gives you the right To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in If God was here, he'd tell you to your face, man you're some kinda sinner
Repeat Chorus:

Now, hey you Mister! can't you read, you got to have a shirt and tie to get a seat You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here Sign said you got to have a membership card to get inside Uh!

V3 And the sign said everybody welcome, come in, kneel down and pray But when they passed around the plate at the end of it all, I didn't have a penny to pay, so I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign I said thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine

Repeat Chorus Repeat Chorus
© 1970, 2002 Five Man Electrical Band

Dense and Denser

Platte County Planning Commission panned the Owens development proposal, 8-0, in a late evening hearing yesterday. Density among other issues prevailed. Another example where the City and WLIC have worked together to support a decision that has positive outcomes for our community.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

"Signs", Five Man Electrical Band

You might recall the rock song from the 60's. Describes Weatherby Lake as well. Really wanted to move on to other news but...I understand at least two homeowners (maybe more) have complained of campaign signs being planted in their yards without permission. Both were part of the blizzard of little blue signs backing a particular mayoral candidate. Jerry see my last post, some of your backers need to be schooled on the fine art of signage in the city.

Been on Barry Road lately? Of course you have. More trees removed today and in the process of removing even more. Soil being disturbed as well with rain coming maybe by Friday. See the big piles of dirt at Pine Ridge? Not much if any erosion control present. They say, you know what flows down hill, I think the same is true for mud. Stand by any lake tributary and you can see. This is a WLIC issue. Hopefully those who are on a crusade for the improvements to Barry Road are just as zealous about protecting the Lake.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ready, Set, Go!

Tis the election season. How can I tell? The spring flowers are popping up and so are the "VOTE for ME" signs! (It would be a good idea for the candidates to check the city ordinances regarding signs, I see quite a few not complying) I've always thought it would be a good idea to just count the signs and declare a winner on election much simpler and it would save me the hop to the Community Center. It would also reduce our carbon footprint or is it fingerprint? The signs are also useful for those undecided voters...just count the signs on the way to the polls and vote either the total number or the candidate who has the prettiest signs. The more discerning citizen may want to attend the Candidates Forum on the 25th @7PM. Bring your questions and get answers...or evasions, you make the call!

I seem to detect a breeze of anti-incumbent sentiment in the wind. Could it be just coincidence that all the newcomers to the city scene are in the same yards? Is there an agenda? Something to think about, right?