Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Weatherby Lake has the distinction of being the only municipality in Platte County to be part of three Special Road Districts...

  • Platte City Special Road
  • Parkville Special Road
  • Platte County Special Road
Next Tuesday some of you will be able to vote for a Commissioner for your respective district, and for the first time in very long time, Weatherby Lake has candidates in the two districts that have terms available (Platte County does not elect Commissioners separately, it is managed by the County Commission).  

Weatherby Lake Candidates:
Platte City Special Road - Alan York

Parkville Special Road - One Year, John Cookingham, Three Year, Gary Gulden

Tax dollars flow to all these Road Districts, it would be nice to have a local input (WL) for the management of the road monies.

How do you find out what District you are in?  Well, your ballot will only indicate the district you are in...but...if you are interested ...

After you put in your address and Enter, look to the right and click on the "View Candidates & Issues" to see your ballot.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Spring Has Sprung

At least I hope so.  If you get energized to work in the yard this, the City will host its annual Spring Yardwaste Depository behind City Hall, March 29/30/31.  Yard waste only, no tires, refrigerators, etc.

Hours of operation-8AM to 5PM

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Tax Man Cometh

Hate to intrude on your post St Pat’s debauchery but someone is trying to barge into your party. David Cox is his name.  Who the heck is that you ask?  Mr Cox is the Platte County Assessor, responsible for setting the value of your property, which in turn determines how much you owe in property taxes each year.  Front page article in the Landmark, March 13th edition, captures his comments.  ...”many Platte County property owners will see an increase in property valuation”.  “As defined by law, market value (appraised value) is the most probable price at which a property would sell in a competitive market”.

Stay tuned.

BTW.  You might consider subscribing to The Landmark, a weekly newspaper published by Ivan Foley.  $26 for a subscription, delivered by mail.  All things Platte County.  816 858-2313

Friday, March 15, 2019

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it sure makes the rest of you lonely"

Charles Schulz.

Miss me?  I have been planning to jumpstart the blog, and after a number of comments and some cajoling from certain individuals recently, here we are.  Those of you who have been loyal followers from the beginning may recall the blog was birthed just prior to the City elections some years ago (you can dive into the archives if you have forgotten or are new).  So here we are a few weeks to go until the April 2nd election.

What is interesting (at least to me) is there are no contested races within the City.  The Judge (Folkedahl) and Aldermen (Footer & Richmond) are unopposed.  One year after the election of Steve Clark Steve as Mayor, Don Hoy as West side Alderman and re-election of Tanya Finn on the East, all seems well.  Business is getting done, without acrimony, the new Chief of Police is settling in and George and his crew survived a challenging winter.  Nice.

There is some ballot business that deserves your attention and vote.  There are Special Road District Commissioners for some of you (I'll explain later), Park Hill School District Board members and a tax proposal for building a new County jail.  More on the tax issue later, but I wanted to post the coming "Education Sessions" hosted by the County beginning tomorrow.

Parkville YMCA, March 16, 10AM
West Platte Fire Station, March 18, 6:30PM
Platte City YMCA, March 19, 6:30PM
Riverside Community Center, March 21, 6:30PM
Camden Point Fire Station, Camden Point, March 27, 6:30PM
Platte County Resource Center, March 28, 6:30PM

Stay tuned, all of this and more coming.

Special shout out to Nick in CA, far-flung Weatherbean!