Monday, March 18, 2019

The Tax Man Cometh

Hate to intrude on your post St Pat’s debauchery but someone is trying to barge into your party. David Cox is his name.  Who the heck is that you ask?  Mr Cox is the Platte County Assessor, responsible for setting the value of your property, which in turn determines how much you owe in property taxes each year.  Front page article in the Landmark, March 13th edition, captures his comments.  ...”many Platte County property owners will see an increase in property valuation”.  “As defined by law, market value (appraised value) is the most probable price at which a property would sell in a competitive market”.

Stay tuned.

BTW.  You might consider subscribing to The Landmark, a weekly newspaper published by Ivan Foley.  $26 for a subscription, delivered by mail.  All things Platte County.  816 858-2313

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