Saturday, June 15, 2013


Heartland Estate Sales returns with another premiere estate sale June 21st and 22nd. Lots of furniture, lake items, storage, canoe, etc, etc. Dan and Diane Soule, 7606 NW Eastside Drive are leaving soon, their stuff could be your treasure!

Go to search for "heartland"for more information and pics.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hocus Pocus

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 4

Public Works
George announced the sale of the 2008 Truck for $24,500. Bids were taken after last BOA. The theory was the truck was out of warranty and probably would become a constant repair issue (George was right on this one, he reported the winning bidder had to sink in $2,000 on the truck right after he took possession).

Of course the whole idea of selling the truck was to buy a new one. Price range, $40,000 to $41,000 on a state bid price. The conversation turned to the mechanics of buying the truck when City Attorney John raised the question of whether the purchase was in the budget. Jerry replied neither the sale of the truck or purchase of the new one was in the budget. Bos pointed out that previous purchases of trucks had been split from three budgets, Road, Sewer and Water and that he "didn't buy" the concept. Jerry said the funds were available in the General Fund.

Ok...a quick break...Bos and the BOA have on a number of instances ignored what many would say are expected, and in some cases, accounting procedures (despite Hizzoner being a CPA). Typically one would expect a line item for such an expenditure, within a budget plan for the year. If an unexpected purchase of this nature occurred the budget would be amended to indicate the transactions. It has nothing to do with the money being available. I wonder what newbie alderman Botbyl would have said had he been there.

Back to the action, John shrugged, accepted the Mayor's explanation, a resolution was made and passed by the BOA to purchase a new truck for no more than $41,000.

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

West Side Story

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 4

Although there was no formal report, Jerry gave an update to for the Entrance Monuments. The EAG Ad Hoc Committee met Tuesday morning determined to move forward with the last phase of the Monument project. Focus? Fund raising. The projected funds needed to finish the Monuments (all on the West Side) is "$150,000, $160,000, $$170,000" (hey, I just copy down what is said). "$80,000 to $90,000" needs to be raised with $70,000 in pledged money outstanding. When questioned on the likelihood of the pledges being fulfilled, some being 3 years plus old, the Mayor felt confident of the money coming in. Add the current bank balance of $18,000 and the kitty should be full...if they can raise the money in their new campaign.

Co-Chairmen of Fund Raising are Boss and Ron Surma. They want to "reach all of the community"...I believe that refers to the earlier strategy of targeting high rollers at WL while pretty much avoiding the community at large. It will be interesting to see if they can revive a moribund effort. More than a couple of folks have commented to me the lack of monuments on the West Side (ok, the mini-phallic symbol @ Hillside is on the West). This must be a bit galling to Marge and Ray who were on board early with the whole Monument initiative.

Not a very good harbinger for fund raising is the current Fireworks fund. Efforts fell short last year and this year is anemic once again, prompting Jerrry in his financial review to the BOA to pen "Let's Get Going" in the margin of the Fireworks Fund balance sheet.


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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Big Bang Theory

Ok, so I have been AWOL, guilty as charged...happens almost every year, usually work related and/or a bit of burn out...anyway I am back. This past month I have been, visiting both coasts during work related travel...but more about that later.

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 4

The BOA got off to a slow start, really no start at the official time. Why? No quorum. Alderman Botbyl absent and Alderman DeJong absent but enroute. After cooling our heels for 15 minutes, the crowd (including a number of Boy Scouts) hailed Vic as he gave "a thousand apologies". Civic lesson #1, you have to have a quorum.

The problem with most legislative bodies is they make laws or tinker with existing laws, many times with no apparent benefit. So here comes the big bang. The BOA has toyed with different ideas about increasing enforcement of our current ordinance controlling fireworks. The police have been handcuffed (in a manner of speaking) regarding enforcement, often being unable to catch the perps in the act of firing of the illegal fireworks or violating the curfew for blowing up a Black Cat after hours. Solution? Change the wording of the ordinance so that the property owner/renter is responsible for the deed, committed by anyone on the property...unless of course they are a trespasser (subject for another time).

But wait...WLIC property is private property, so if a member, not trespassing, goes to C Point to launch a Roman Candle, who it responsible? Seems WLIC is...yes,I know Rules and Regs forbids members to commit said act, but it isn't a law.

When the Chief of Police was asked his opinion about the changes he waffled a bit, I'm thinking he isn't a big fan of the new revision. Oh well. Although he didn't say it, I think the City Attorney sees the WLIC issue as being problematic.

Newbie Alderman Stevenson had a great question, "what are we trying to fix?" No really cogent responses to the question. However when it came to the vote all three voted aye, so, it is a done deal. Look for a recap of the ordinance in a mailer being sent soon regarding the 4th.

Bang or Bust? You make the call.

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