Friday, September 28, 2012

WL Snubbed

Don't know how it is possible WL got overlooked in the designation as a "cool small town"  Could it be WL just doesn't have a social media presence (See Dilbert  today) needed to draw attention to WL?  Monuments aside, what draws attention to our fair burg?  Maybe we need folks to "Like" us.
English: My case of Hitchhiker's thumbs. I fee...
. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Half Marathon

Me and Bubba are going to run the KC Half Marathon next month, nice race, hopefully cool.  We easily run sub 3 hour times, back in the day closer to two.  Last night the BOA ran the equivalent (well kind of) time wise, having a three hour workshop on the 2013 budget.  No members of the public were present, but you can get a condensed version, hopefully, in a public meeting to come before the next BOA.
KC Barbecue Marathon: Digestion Break at Union...
KC Barbecue Marathon: Digestion Break at Union Station (Photo credit: Adam Kuban)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Quiet Time

Quiet around the City, the County elections have passed, the hot weather has moved on and the transition to fall is underway.  I didn't make the Budget workshop last night for the City but I can make an educated guess we don't have lots of money to throw around next year.  One issue hanging over the City and not in our immediate control is the soon to expire County Road Tax.  Really important and the County Commissioners will have to make the call.  Word was Presiding Commissioner Brown was in favor of a reduced or eliminated tax and then Commissioner Dusenbery was along for the ride.  Hey Bev, what do you think?
Potholes Glendish Road
Potholes Glendish Road (Photo credit: Alan Stanton)
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pension Woes in KC

It isn't that KCMO doesn't have enough problems's KC Star reports on the under funding of the Police and Fire pension funds...yikes.
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Monday, September 24, 2012

Chiefs Win!

Missed the game because of business travel (this traveling on Sunday has got to stop) but got to see the replay of the Charles run many times on TV in Philly...guess there is no brotherly love here for the Saints. They were more interested in the Saints losing than the Chiefs winning...I'll take it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Last Call

The Estate Sale at 9401 NW Barry Road ends today.  If you couldn't make it worries, still stuff least 50% off yesterday's prices.  Everything must go, new occupants moving in October 1st.
Doors open at 9AM.
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weatherby Lake Shopping Extravaganza!

Another WL resident moving on out (Starlett McHale), and that could be your gain.  Big estate sale, everything must go. Thousands of items...something for everyone.  Do you need a new marine battery?  Like new heavy duty snow blower or riding lawn mower?  Unusual items like a 2 foot ornamental cement dolphin.  Furniture.  A whole room for Christmas stuff.  Phenomenal candelabra and clock.

Her house is the lake front home with a beach bordering Barry Road (9401 NW Barry to be exact).  Boat on over or park on Hillside and walk to the backyard, follow signs.

Tomorrow/Friday - 9AM to 5PM
Saturday, Half Price Day - 9AM to

If you want to check out some pics of the items, go to
Click on "Find Company" and type in "Heartland"

Thanks in advance to forwarding to as many folks as you can!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Check Is In The Mail

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there was no EAGC report, and I anticipate an inquiring mind will ask the question regarding finances, so here is the info.  There was a balance sheet for "City Entrance Proj. Fund" as of August 30th, 2012.  It shows:

  • Total Revenue: $163,242
  • Total Expenses $160,413
  • Fund Balance: $32,123
There have been 44 total donations totaling $163,290 as of yesterday, with mostly modest donations trickling in.  The Fund received its first donation from an Alderman, Dave and Debra Folkedahl gave $25.  Platte Valley Bank donated $50.

The original signed pledges when the project began totaled $240,000, plus $10,000 in verbal pledges, plus the $50,000 received from KCMO, for total anticipated funding of $300,000.

A person in Comments yesterday pointed out landscaping was yet to be done on the new monuments in place.  Original plans were to spend a substantial amount on landscaping, those plans, at the last meeting I attended, have been pared back.  The City and EAGC have a long way to go to complete the project.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"We Got A Camel Not A Horse"

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

Thus the Mayor commented in regards to the new monuments at City Hall and Barry Road.  There wasn't a report, update or discussion regarding the monuments scheduled, but a question from Alderman Finn prompted the response from Jerry.  Tanya asked, "When are we going to be able to read the signs during the day?", to which the Mayor responded, "We got what we wanted".  Elaborating more though, he did admit he has received quite a few comments regarding the difficulty reading "Weatherby Lake" during the day time.  Jerry mentioned the new one on Barry Road would be "opened up a bit" to hopefully address the problem.

(Since the meeting the Barry Road sign has been placed, and to my untrained eye it has the same problem as the City Hall monument)

There is conjecture that speeding up the rusting process (I guess some would say patina) will increase the contrast and allow the "Weatherby Lake" to stand out.  Normally this takes, according to Jerry, "7,8,9 years".  He said Vic (DeJong), Lyle (Phillips) and Ray (Stockwell) are tackling the challenge of accelerating the rusting, it appears their efforts are appearing on portions of the signs.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Screen Door In the Bottom of your Boat?

I know you have seen the infomercials regarding that spray product that is so good you can use it to spray the material (black rubberized stuff) on a screen door after you cut a hole in the bottom of your fishing boat...hee, hee.  I actually have a need for something like it and wondered, does it really work?  I resisted the itch on my credit card and did some Google work...and glad I did.  Turns out the product actually does work, but is way overpriced if you "buy now".  So...if you are curious, you can get the product at most auto parts store (Permatex 81833 rubberized undercoat, or similar) for half the cost and actually more in the spray can.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Band Aid

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

Unfunded Mandate.  A requirement by the Feds to move Police/Fire/Emergency to a new band for radios has had all the jurisdictions scrambling for solutions and funding to pay for the solutions.  WL is no different.  Add a windfall of money from settlements from various telephone providers and some serious over- estimation of the cost of the radios equals a good outcome for WL.  The settlement money ($75,000) the City received was put aside with the anticipation it might cost at least that much to move to the new platforms.  Turns out the final cost is around $35,000 for 1 mobile and 8 portable radios.  The purchases are being made through a master contract with Motorola via Platte County.  What to do with the extra dough?  Jerry would like the BOA to consider putting the extra 40Gs in a fund for purchase of a vehicle(s), Police, Public Works (you might recall the Mayor and BOA spent unbudgeted $ this year for a City truck).  Look for more discussion during the Budget Workshop to be held on 25 September @ 7PM.  You are cordially invited to attend.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Little Fiber With Your Breakfast

Post Cereals' shredded wheat
Post Cereals' shredded wheat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
WL better grab the Shredded Wheat because it won't be fiber from Google.  The much ballyhooed sign up date has passed and the implementation schedule has been announced for the "fiber hoods"

Of course things could change I guess, but it doesn't seem like Fiber will be in the mix for WL until at least 2014 (your results may vary).  BTW, they have announced the addition of the NFL Network to the offering for those who will get Fiber, at an upsell of $40 for the football season.  Guess it is Wild Wings for us (we watched the GB/CHI game there Thursday),

But wait...I can watch the NFL Network on ATT Uverse, right?  Not...if you live in the West Side Gulag.  East Side has Uverse, West side gulag does not.  Then there is always satellite.  Nah, it is Parmesan Garlic and Ultra for me.  Cute Bunny, huh?

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Friday, September 14, 2012

WL Monopoly

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

Quick dive into some of the City finances.  Going through the sheets the Mayor often has penned "Shame On Us" (underlined twice).  This is in reference to the Fireworks Fund and the shortfall of revenue $13, 331 to expenses $17,000.  The budget was/is $15,500, but the Mayor and BOA decided to spend $1,500 more than the budget this year...oops, so maybe he really meant, shame on Ourselves?
The Monopoly Game 2
The Monopoly Game 2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"Doing Good" in reference to revenues for the Community Center where it looks like the CC will meet or exceed revenue budget for the year.  What isn't mentioned is the revenues will not match expenses for the year, but that is nothing new, the CC has lost, conservatively, $100,000 or more the past ten years.
Robert De Niro pulls the trigger to his gun in...
Robert De Niro pulls the trigger to his gun in one of the more tense scenes of Russian roulette in the film. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"Shot to make budget"  referring to the Water Fund.  The City continues to play Russian Roulette with water rates.  Not keeping up and/or delaying passing rate increases from KCMO continues to haunt the City.  The math is pretty simple, KCMO increases the rates, the buffer we had in Water evaporates.  Everyone knows the increases from KMCO will continue, at double digit pace, for the foreseeable future.

Anon in Comments regarding City Court opined we should turf court to the, revenue YTD is $30,691, expenses $9,108, looks like a winner to me.

Vic pointed out during the financial discussion an expenditure line item in Police for $3,919.  Apparently a grant to cover the expense was supposed to come from the Irish American club...check in the mail?  Vic made the comment their annual event was last March.  Indeed.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

October Yard Waste

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4
English: A leaf rake and a pile of leaves in a...
English: A leaf rake and a pile of leaves in autumn. – A Sisyphean task if there ever was one. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The City sponsored fall cleanup will be October 5, 6, 7 at/behind City Hall.  It will be yard waste only, I repeat, yard waste only.  Although hours were not announced I assume around 8 to 5 each day.  There will be an orderly one way flow of traffic to accommodate your drop off of leaves, grass, weeds, trees and tree limbs.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Here Comes The Judge

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

Actually it is more like There Goes the Judge.  Most folks know that WL Municipal Judge Beverlee Roper won the Platte County Commissioner election in a close vote over Kathy Dusenbery.  During each BOA meeting, at the beginning of the meeting, the Mayor makes his Comments followed by Comments from each of the aldermen, if they desire.

When it came time for Ms Hoy to speak, she questioned the ability of Roper to serve as City Judge and County Commissioner, an innocent enough question from the Treasurer of the failed Dusenbery campaign.  Jerry observed she would have to step down, a question from the peanut gallery to the City Attorney verified  that legally that was not the case, in fact Beverlee could serve in both positions, "although there were other complications".  Hmmm.  Stay tuned.

Here is where this is going.  Judge Roper will preside through December court at which time she will resign prior to taking the Commissioner's Office.  After her resignation a new City judge will be appointed.  How does that work?  The Mayor makes the appointment, the BOA confirms, advise and consent.  Add some intrigue.  The Municipal Judge does not have to be an attorney, opening up a plethora of candidates from the community.  A number of names are already floating out there.  Why heck, maybe I might throw my name in the ring?  One thing for sure, there is bound to be a significant amount of behind the scenes maneuvering on this one.  Know someone who would be a good judge?  Maybe even you?  Contact Jerry and/or your alderman.

BTW, Mary overlooked this item in her "Notes" from the meeting...go figure.


Monday, September 10, 2012


Traveling/on the road, so just a "hi" today...but come back tomorrow, interesting developments regarding an elected official in WL, get the details...manana.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dam Nice, 75

A picture perfect evening, free food, friends and fireworks.  Add a dash of speeches, hula here, hula there, I think most would agree it was a relaxing night.  It might have shut down a bit early, the clatter of breaking down the chairs and tables began way before 9PM, but that's okay.  Kudos to the organizers and volunteers who made the party happen.  

Enjoyed meeting some of you who stopped by the table.  I didn't personally man it very long, couldn't resist being with friends at the festivities and I gave Ace, Bubba and Farmer John the night off.  I know quite a few cards were picked up by folks who came by The Blog.  Welcome to all the newbies!

Now to start planning the 100th...
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

That Dam Party

Volcano (Jimmy Buffett album)
Volcano (Jimmy Buffett album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Tonight, the weather should be fine, I expect a big turnout for the 75th Party.  I'll be at my table for awhile, I may have to wander away some to have a bite to eat and visit Margaritaville.

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Friday, September 7, 2012


One follower mentioned liking the subscription feature (Follow By Email, to the right) but missed seeing all the other "stuff" on the blog.  Easy enough, just scroll down to the bottom of the email post...and where it says "You are subscribed to email updates from As I See It"  just click on the blue As I See It and shazaam, you see the blog in all its glory.

Meetings Galore

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

The BOA scheduled a number of meetings leading up to the next BOA, October 2nd. The next BOA will be on November 6th, even though the 6th is the General Election, the hope is the interest in watching election results will motivate the BOA to have a short meeting.

One of the meetings scheduled will be a Budget Work Session on the September 25th, 7PM.  Traditionally there have been meetings scheduled to shape up the budget prior to the formal proposal and passage by the BOA.  That is what this Session is all about.  Might be interesting, particularly in the area of the Water Department.

The Mayor has been singing the blues since last year regarding the lagging financial performance of the Water Department (puzzling to me, because the Mayor and BOA failed to pass on a couple of rate increases from KCMO, which, in turn has gobbled up the nest egg built up in the Department).  A couple of big ticket expenses loom for Water, replacement of the software for the water tower and painting of the tower.  George was asked about the timing and cost of these items.  Software=$20,000 and it is already having problems and more than likely needs replacement soon.  Painting the water tower could cost up to $80,000 and the it is likely needed within the next 6 years.  There is no reserve or fund established to foot the bill when due.  Additionally George pointed out the tower is beginning to show black streaks of dirt and mold which will require power washing addition to the usual maintenance required to clean the inside of the tower, no estimate given for the power washing, maintenance likely to cost $2,000 plus.

Prior to the BOA meeting on the 2nd of October, at 6PM there will be a public hearing on water and sewer rates.  I think you might guess which direction the rates will go.

The water tower for Claxton, Georgia, celebrat...
The water tower for Claxton, Georgia, celebrating its fruitcake manufacture. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Par For The Course

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

Finishing up the golf cart discussion.  Mary in her meeting "notes" reflects "so the issue is dead unless someone brings it up again" after death?  She accurately described the discussion concerning the carts to have gone 40 minutes, at least nobody can say they didn't get the time to present their case.

John Bugg and the Whites appeared again to reprise their request for an ordinance to allow golf carts.  Both pointed to the hazards presented by walkers, runners and bicyclists on the roadways.  Tony mentioned data from the NTSB that indicated relatively few fatalities versus pedestrians and/or bicyclists.  On the other hand I mentioned data from The Journal of Trauma that indicated there are about 48,000 injuries a year involving golf carts, about half of them happening outside of golf courses, including public streets and roadways.  The concern of golf carts on East Side Drive came up a number of times, including the Chief of Police, observing the rate of speed of motor vehicles was difficult to maintain at 25 MPH, mentioning that up to 35 MPH wasn't unusual.  No passing zones, speed, hills, curves all present hazards if carts were allowed on the roads
Pat White concluded with the comment that they would abide by whatever decision the Board made, quelling any concerns of an anarchist uprising should the Board vote no.

The only new face in favor of carts was resident Charlie Riga.  He is a golf cart owner, and says he takes his granddaughter 2 blocks to the bus stop during school, has done this for the last two years (at this point the City Attorney seemed to shift a bit in his chair).  Although the Police seem to be aware of this, they have elected to be selective about enforcement, not wanting to be "hardnosed" about the issue (okay, before you go ballistic, let's reserve another post for "discretion" of a police officer).  It was about this time the question was asked on who requested the ordinance in the first place...good question.  Pat White mentioned maybe leave well enough alone was the best policy, especially if enforcement was going to be lax.  I pointed out that would work until someone filed a complaint, then the Police would be forced to act.  Oh well.

Turns out Mr Bugg's ATV would not be governed by the "golf cart law", but is covered by a different statute which requires safety equipment etc, and does not allow cities to vary like golf carts, this was pointed out by the City Attorney.

When you are in a hole, stop digging.  After the straw poll vote was taken, the Mayor had to have the last word.  Observing the issue was like "Pandora's Box", he reflected the BOA could get mired in describing "what is a seat" (on a golf cart), referring to how many legal passengers could be on a cart and rationalizing why the issue should be left alone.  Combined with an earlier reference he made concerning reckless driving and its definition, (he compared it to pornography, "you know it when you see it") it was a fitting end to a rather bizarre excursion into the legislative process at WL that stretched over three months.  I guess it could have been worse.  
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tie Breaker

Scène from the Police Academy Stunt Show
Scène from the Police Academy Stunt Show (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

Street legal golf cars didn't get off the first tee last night as the Mayor and BOA decided to pass on the issue.  It was no slam dunk though (to mix metaphors) as the Mayor had to make the call after the BOA was tied on a straw poll to move forward with drafting an ordinance.  Aldermen Finn and DeJong had both polled constituents.  In addition to emails DeJong picked 19 West Siders at random to question on the issue.  12 of the 19 said no, and that did not include emails he had received (Vic mentioned one emailer who said the idea was "crazy").  Finn had not talked to anyone who was in favor of golf carts.  Hoy said feedback she received was "split down the middle".  Folkedahl said he didn't see any problems. So after Public Comments, and a rambling, rumbling discussion by the Mayor and the Board, Jerry asked the aldermen to make a decision to move forward with drafting an ordinance allowing golf carts on City streets or not.
Hoy-Move Forward
Folkedahl-Move Forward

2 Against, 2 For puts the Mayor in the hot seat.  Jerry elected to go with the "status quo", meaning No.  It was his opinion the vote would have remained the same if the issue went forward, so in an effort not to "waste time" he mercifully put the issue to rest...although he did tell proponents in the audience they "can always bring it up", maybe that was the way the Mayor could give a mulligan to the 4 people who were in favor of the idea.

So for the time being, you won't see golf carts on most City streets...say what?

More tomorrow on the Public Comments portion of the discussion.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
4 September

FYI...a film crew will be shooting a NKC Hospital ad at the Derry residence on West Side Drive, tomorrow morning, Tuesday.  Residents in the area got flyers notifying them of the shoot.  Parking will be limited to one side of the street, be on the lookout for congestion in the area.  This is a return shoot after hosting them last year.  Ready, Camera, Action.
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