Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Little Fiber With Your Breakfast

Post Cereals' shredded wheat
Post Cereals' shredded wheat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
WL better grab the Shredded Wheat because it won't be fiber from Google.  The much ballyhooed sign up date has passed and the implementation schedule has been announced for the "fiber hoods"

Of course things could change I guess, but it doesn't seem like Fiber will be in the mix for WL until at least 2014 (your results may vary).  BTW, they have announced the addition of the NFL Network to the offering for those who will get Fiber, at an upsell of $40 for the football season.  Guess it is Wild Wings for us (we watched the GB/CHI game there Thursday),

But wait...I can watch the NFL Network on ATT Uverse, right?  Not...if you live in the West Side Gulag.  East Side has Uverse, West side gulag does not.  Then there is always satellite.  Nah, it is Parmesan Garlic and Ultra for me.  Cute Bunny, huh?

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Anonymous said...

I'm moving to the fashionable East Side. The Castle is there, C Point is there, they have UVerse, they have pretty monuments. We have the Community Center, crappy roads (have you really looked at them)and the dead trees of WeatherbyWhateverItsNameIs.

Anonymous said...

Why not move to the National, they have a golf course, a restaurant, a pool and legal golf carts on the streets.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, ATT Uverse was out soliciting west-siders today.

Anonymous said...

Is that the gay bunny?