Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"We Got A Camel Not A Horse"

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 4

Thus the Mayor commented in regards to the new monuments at City Hall and Barry Road.  There wasn't a report, update or discussion regarding the monuments scheduled, but a question from Alderman Finn prompted the response from Jerry.  Tanya asked, "When are we going to be able to read the signs during the day?", to which the Mayor responded, "We got what we wanted".  Elaborating more though, he did admit he has received quite a few comments regarding the difficulty reading "Weatherby Lake" during the day time.  Jerry mentioned the new one on Barry Road would be "opened up a bit" to hopefully address the problem.

(Since the meeting the Barry Road sign has been placed, and to my untrained eye it has the same problem as the City Hall monument)

There is conjecture that speeding up the rusting process (I guess some would say patina) will increase the contrast and allow the "Weatherby Lake" to stand out.  Normally this takes, according to Jerry, "7,8,9 years".  He said Vic (DeJong), Lyle (Phillips) and Ray (Stockwell) are tackling the challenge of accelerating the rusting, it appears their efforts are appearing on portions of the signs.


Anonymous said...

if they think the new monuments are going to generate a flow of money for the others I don't think that will happen, I prefer the old or nothing compared to the new ones. the two iron signs are awful, what were they thinking?

Anonymous said...

I imagine none of the new monuments are complete, need landscaping/plantings. Is that part of the plan?

Anonymous said...

What is the timetable for the rest of the monuments?

Anonymous said...

The signs do add class to our community.
Do we need class in our community? Guess it depends on who you are.
Give the mayor a break, he did put $20,000 of his own money into the signs.
Isn't it a matter of putting a white film behind the verbage while allowing light to come through at night?

Anonymous said...

We need one over at the beanfield!

Larry D Merriman said...

All those who worked on the design and implementation of the new signs deserve a thank you, they are truly a very nice enhancement of our community.
I do believe the daytime visibility does need to be addressed however. I had the same thought as the previous commenter - a white translucent panel applied to the inside surface of the metal might do the job.
In the interim it might be worth experimenting with a bright white panel temporarily set against the stone inside the metal housing-it might increase the contrast more-if that helps it might just be a matter of bright white gloss paint application to the stone surface inside.

Anonymous said...

Don't think Vic reads the blog, you ought to give him a call, your ideas Larry are worth trying.

Anonymous said...

No worry, this you tube video will explain how to solve the problem!
