Monday, September 3, 2012

Big Bang

Fireworks #1
Fireworks #1 (Photo credit: Camera Slayer)
If you were one of the twenty or so boats on the water last night after dark, you got to view a fireworks display, presumably The National.  Nice night, enjoyable display, a treat compliments of our neighbors.  They must not have the $ problems WL encountered this year as far as donations are concerned.  Makes you wonder if our next 4th of July display will have to be pared back from the program this year.
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Tea Dof said...

Maybe the WL celebration wouldn't have to pared back if you had made a donation yourself, Mike. Didn't see your name on the list of 4th July contributors, but then, why should I be surprised?

Walter White said...

Burn.... Come on Tea, it takes a lot to sit behind a computer and throw stones...

Anonymous said...

Looks like TD reads EWLL, now that will keep you informed on what is going on! If you count the # of contributors to the fireworks fund, a majority of residents do not contribute. I didn't this year nor did I watch them.