Saturday, March 29, 2008


Speaking of Mr Bugg, he boohooed a bit at the meeting regarding being dunned for cleanup after the Wild Game dinner. Seems everything wasn't quite up to his own comments. Guess he was embarrassed. And speaking of embarrassing, Carol Regan (Women's Club) whined about dusty conditions of the CC in prep for the St Pats Bash, and wants a refund of some of the$250 use fee. Alderman Finn seemed to dispute the degree of cleanup needed, all of it due apparently to the volunteer crew who is part of the redecorate...maybe we should go after them? If you haven't been paying attention...the Friends of Community Center (FOCC) hold sway over the Board...Time to get Steve Clark back on the Board.


dan soule said...

We know where Alan York stands on the subject of the community center. I wonder what mayoral candidate Jerry Bos thinks.

Jim said...

wiFrom what I understand the Fishing Club is not the first to be hit with rediculious fees for the Community Center. Mayber we need a new manager who isn't in financial trouble to run it. I highly doubt that all of a sudden everyone and each club renting has cleaning issues. I find it amazing that these same groups and people have rented in the past under other managers and never seemed to have a single issue. What do you say to that Shawna Payne and Mr. York? Very interesting as I see it. Where have all of her daycare children gone. Could this be the reason that there are now over the last several months so many issues with cleaning? Maybe we need someone who is not so power hungry to run things. Such as her issue I keep hearing with there only being 1 key so she will not give it out until certain times the day of rental and must have it back prior to midnight. For years the center was run with 5 keys now there is only 1???

mike moratz said...

Gee, Jim...maybe you need to start coming to BOA meetings. There have been numerous discussions about cleanup problems by the board and the fact the board voted to increase deposits based on problems. You would also be aware that some of the worst offenders have been our own citizen renters. Some of the board members have recommended max witholding of deposits. Meanies, right?

Unknown said...

Gee Jim, maybe you should take over the community center? I think we hired Shawna to follow the rules. If you think they are unfair maybe you should go to a BOA meeting and work to get them changed. The fees only seem ridiculous if you break the rules and have to pay. Why does one user of the CC beleive they have more or different rights than others?

sherry said...

The CC should pull it's own weight or shut it down. Have the Fish Fry at Bugg's house -- it's bigger than the CC anyway.

Jim said...

Are you jealous of the Bugg house? Seems a bit snooty to make such a comment. As for the comment from Louise. Has Shawna ever brought any REAL documentation of all this "DAMAGE"? I didn't think so. Interesting that she doesn't contact these violators and residents when the damage and mess is made. Possibly because then there would be proof there is no damage to begin with. We are taking the word of 1 person who is having problems (from what I have heard financial) that there are issues. Amazing how there were not so many "DAMAGES" when other people where running the community center. Maybe because these damages have never really existed not because residents are just all of a sudden making a mess and not taking care of the situation. Something to ponder don't you think. Louise, possibly if you were one or knew one of those she had imposed these ridiculous accusations on you would feel different??

Anonymous said...

Interesting that now all of a sudden, comments have to be filtered through you prior to being published. Sounds like censorship to me??

Anonymous said...

Thank you for removal of the filter. It is always nice to see when someone isn't trying to keep things 1 sided.