Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Community Service

While at the Candidates Forum tonight you might thank Gross,Kendrick,O'Hare and Tetzlaff if they are present. They were of course, the plantiffs in the lawsuit regarding WLIC assessments. The Court recently found in favor of WLIC (again). The cost to WLIC members for the defense was about $9,000. What is not calculated in this cost is the time and effort by our volunteer (read non-paid) board members to prepare and participate in the court proceedings. Could this money, time and effort be better spent on the many pressing needs of the WLIC? I would guess the above named felt they were looking out for you by bringing suit against the membership, kind of a community service. What do you think?


Jim said...

I think I have seen Paul Gross do a lot of good things around this lake over the last few years. I do not know him well, however when we had an issue replacing some floaters on our dock he was the first in line to assist me with getting it fixed. Maybe that was his job helping, but it was still volunteer time. I think from what I understand Mr. Gross had tried to do what was in the best interest of the community.

dan soule said...

The only things I have seen Paul Gross do for the community is sue the WLIC repeatedly (costing me money) and saddle Weatherby Lake with a more expensive and less effective ambulance system.

Jim said...

Well what I've seen the improvement company do is spend over $600000 on land without ever putting it to a vote of the members who would have to in turn pay for it (which cost me money) If and when a member of this community moves they do not get back this heafty amount that we are going to be required to pay. I personally can think of lots of other things to spend over $600 a family on.
If the WLIC plans to spend money they don't have (especially to the tune of that land) we should ALL have a vote not just those on the board!

sherry said...

Jim, from my prespective, get active in the Wlic and get some rules changed. Don't just condone expensive lawsuits and whine.

Jim said...

I don't feel it is "WHINING" when someone points out the obvious. That being that those who pay for the WLIC (residents) are sapposed to have vote in where the money goes. This is especially true when it is money WLIC doesn't have. I believe they are now going to court to get approval to make resident pay, as I was told they should have had that before spending $600000+.