Thursday, March 27, 2008

What you won't read in Mary's agenda & meeting notes

"I would appreciate feedback on your desire to purchase a new police car at this time. We just purchased one a couple of months ago. Let me know your thoughts, please!!!" Mary Hoy, Dear Westside Resident email, dated March 26th.

Mary sends an agenda email and meeting notes email usually before and after each BOA meeting. The above email gives the appearance that City Hall has gone on a spending binge, what two cars in two months? Are they nuts...tell me what you think! As Paul Harvey would say, here is the rest of the story. Replacement of our main patrol car was budgeted in 2007 and voted on and passed by the aldermen, including Ms Hoy, with the car being delivered last fall. The 2008 budget, discussed and passed in December, including Ms Hoy, provided for replacement of the backup patrol car this year. A little history, the backup car was donated by the City of Riverside to us a few years back...we were in a budget crunch, with no funds available for a new car. So the best alternative was to accept the used car from much for upscale WL right? As noted below the car is in the shop with undiagnosed electrical problems. Stop the bleeding right? Would you be able to give Mary your thoughts now? Thought so. By the way, if you weren't at the meeting, Mary and Pat really scrutinized the proposal as if it were out of the clear blue. Guess they forgot...and forgot to tell you.

More you won't read in Mary's emails. On March 7th, a Special Board meeting was called ostensibly to approve the Sprint settlement (see below). Alderman White asked a proposal to spend $11,000 for furnishing the Community Center, an unbudgeted line item for 2008 be added to the agenda. The posting of the meeting met the minimum 24 hrs as required by law (see below 610) There was no provision for public comment. Ms White led the discussion on the proposal and it passed, unanimously, by the board.

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