Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mea Culpa

A white haired lady in a dune buggy was seen taking the Hutsler for Mayor sign from the corner of Potomac and Barry (as reported to me by an eyewitness). I verified by cruising the corner last evening. It is sad that someone would stoop so low. Other signs continue to disappear, including some York for Mayor signs. I am monitoring EBAY in order to catch the thief.

In the "I told you so category (ITYS) ", Mary Hoy sent out her "summary of the BOA meeting Thursday evening.

" I apologize to each of you for not sharing what information I had at the time of writing. Mia culpa." (Guess she never took is, mea culpa) Mary should probably use this as a permanent header for her summaries. She is referring to the commotion she tried to cause with her premeeting "the sky is falling" agenda note. I imagine she was a bit embarrassed to find out her time frames were a bit off (by months) and forgotten budget vote to buy the second new car in the first place. At least her memory lapses are consistent. Just your West Ward alderman looking out for you!

In another ITYS reflection, as predicted, Mary posted this: "During the Open Floor Mr. Mike Moratz addressed concerns regarding the Community Center improvements." Yup, that's it. As noted in previous posts, she did not mention the facts of the unbudgeted expenditure of funds ($11,000 of your tax dollars) to buy leather furniture for the Community Center. She did not mention my taking the board of alderman to task for not having a plan for the operation of the CC, something I have requested during public comments on a number of occasions. She forgot to mention that she and her East Ward colleague Pat White have been too busy redecorating the CC to the tune of $19,000 year to date with no end in sight to have a comprehensive plan. They have not addressed kitchen upgrades yet, expect another dip into the kitty (read general fund) while most citizens are on snooze control. In the meantime, John Bugg (Fishing Club) gets rousing applause for commending our spendthrift council. Hoohah! Soooo, it should be no surprise to readers that Mary would sanitize her reports to you. And if you never attend a meeting you wouldn't know...well, unless you read it here.


sherry said...

Is it Mea or Mia? Whatever, I think that the girls should spend how ever they see fit. However I don't think that the shingles match the new blinds now. Maybe we could replace that roof too. Open bar at the next fish fry would make all those cranky old guys happy.

Unknown said...

I will confess that I am one of those citizens that has been hitting the snooze button. Waking up now though.