Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No Plates, No Sticker

While some of the aldermen and mayor want to change existing ordinances (see yesterday's post), there is an apparent lack of interest in enforcing some on the books.  The mess on Pleasant Ford finally got cleaned up (how did that happen?) after months of festering.  Here is another example.  This pickup truck is on Westside Drive.  City right of way is usually considered to be from the utilities to the road (your results may vary).  As you can see, it is partially in the right of way,  no plate in the front (okay, it could be plated in KS, I didn't look at the back).  There is no current city sticker.  Yard waste has been accumulating in the bed of the truck.  How long has the truck been there?  To my recollection before the snow started to fly...let's just say months.  Where is it exactly?.  About five doors down from alderman DeJong, or put another way, between Alderman Hoy and DeJong.    
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We might make someone uncomfortable if we inquired. Maybe if we just knocked on their door we could offer to haul it off for them. Their pet could be dying at home and they are ready to transport this beloved family member away in this 'hearse'.

Vic might be willing to engage some local youths to spray paint it black. Mary could organize some willing friends to act as pall bearers. Jerry could say some inspiring words for the dearly departed.

Maybe even Joe from the WLIC could offer a final resting place in 'Davy Jones Locker' after a Viking send off courtesy of Dredge America!

Just some thoughts. We should all just get along, Mike. This truck has truly inspired me. I will dream of it tonight. Thanks for calling it to my attention!

Enforcement at Weatherby Lake is this kind of sad joke.