Saturday, April 2, 2011

Not In My Front Yard

How would you like this mess across the street from you...for over a month?  What about previous incidents regarding lack of mowing (within ordinance) and yard waste bags in the front yard for over three months?  Where is this property you ask?  8003 NW Pleasant Ford.  Phew, you say, I live on the East side.  Not so fast.  What if you are a prospective home buyer and you see a property like this...what does it say about the community, no matter what side of the lake you might live on.  What does it say about code enforcement and the engagement of the mayor, aldermen, police?
I spoke with a neighbor near this mess yesterday, she sees it every time she goes out the door.  What would Jerry, Vic or Mary do if they saw this across the street from them?  The neighbor, by the way, has complained to the Police about these issues.  Not much happening.

This isn't an isolated incident,  you can see other situations that have been festering in the city.  Complacency? Benign neglect?  You make the call.


Anonymous said...

It makes me angry that city officials would let this happen,what the hell is wrong with them?

Anonymous said...

They're too busy working on getting kc off their duffs on amity....or maybe just picking out new colors for garbage cans. not next to jerry.

Anonymous said...

It's more of the JnJ show. That would be Jerry n Joe. Our own special version of April Fools.

Anonymous said...

I live on the East side and have asked the city about getting people to clean up their property. No one seems to be able to do anything. Just turns a blind eye.

UD ARR WP said...

Are property values really more important than the people that live in the properties. Have you tried speaking with your neighbour about it? Walk that cute little dog up and knock on the door. If you don't want to do that, send a letter and offer to help them. Is it really necessary to get the law involved.

Maybe the person who owns the house is sick or taking care of a sick or dying family member or has someone in the hospital. Ever done that? The junk on the curb suddenly become a very low priority. Maybe they need some help. A $200.00 dumpster and a five minute conversation might ease their mind and yours too. You could probably offer to drag it to the curb for them and Allied would pick most of it up. Was this house like this when you moved in? Public records say that house was built in 1952. Boy that house has contributed a few dollars to the lake that you now enjoy so much. Heck our coins were still made of silver and dollars backed by gold when that house was built.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." - James 1:27

Anonymous said...

I believe it's an empty rental. Which leads to a bigger issue and something that I think the adminsitration needs to be thinking about as the number of rental properties has been growing considerably over the years. Not just because people can't sell, but residents buying up properties and making them rentals.

UD ARR WP said...

Ah..the administration. Make it bigger eh?

Have a listen to this speech by Calvin Coolidge. Keep in mind there was virtually no income tax when this speech was made.

The government far exceeds it's Constitutional jurisdiction every single day. How's that workin out? Spend $2000.00 tax money getting various public officials to prosecute the guy for the trash and cause untold misery for him or $200.00 to get rid of it yourself and make a friend in the process.

Anonymous said...

I think we should have a spaghetti dinner fund raiser for a fund that pays for people who can't or won't maintain their property.

Anonymous said...

Lets make it a beer party!

Rum Springer said...

Mike should publish some new pics. Mess is all cleaned up and trash on the curb. That is a nice little house.

Check out this video. Good part is near the end.

gotta watch out for those piles of trash.

Anonymous said...

Well, not exactly. If you look closely there is carpet outside next to the house. Now we get to view the trash next to the curb rather than the house.

Anonymous said...

Who owns this house?